Monitoring of the lower atmosphere and ionosphere by space geodetic techniques
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 6 / 13:30-17:00 |
GGOS: Observing and Interpreting Earth's Mass Transports
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 6 / 10:30-12:00 |
Space Instrumentation (co-listed in G, AS, OS, PS & ST)
Poster Presentation
/ Halls X/Y / 10:30-12:00 |
Geophysical monitoring of near-surface: past, present and future (co-listed in G & GM)
Poster Presentation
/ Halls X/Y / 10:30-12:00 |
IS9 - G14/CL52/GD24/GMPV41
Upper Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Quaternary Climate (co-organized by G, CL, GD & GMPV)
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 6 / 08:30-10:00 |