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  Poster Programme - NH1.04 Precipitation Science (co-listed in AS) (including Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture)

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Convener: Smith, E.
Co-Convener: Kidd, C., Mugnai, A., Nakamura, K., Tripoli, G.

Author in Attendance:

Wednesday, 18 April 2007 13:30 - 15:00
Display Time: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 08:00 -
Wednesday, 18 April 2007 19:30
Poster Area: Halls X/Y

Chairperson: MITCHELL, K.

Select complete timeblock
EGU2007-A-11205;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0461
Houser, P; Schlosser, C; Lin, B; Entin, J
A Satellite View of Global Water and Energy Cycling (solicited)

EGU2007-A-10531;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0462
Foufoula-Georgiou, E; Basu, S
Advances in precipitation forecast verification: The Forecast Quality Index and a case study in assessing WRF model performance (solicited)

EGU2007-A-10285;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0463
Deidda, R.
Characterization and simulation of space-time rainfall variability using multifractal theory (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11182;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0464
Michaelides, S.C.
A multi-platform perspective of precipitation measurement and estimation (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11005;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0465
Liu, W.; Xie, X.
Ocean Influence of Continental Rainfall (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11367;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0466
Pereira, A.
Precipitation studies over Brazil (solicited)

EGU2007-A-08231;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0467
Lin, P.-L.; Wang, T.-C.; Liao, Y.-C.; Chang, W.-Y.; Chien, C.-L.; Hsu, Y.-J.; Lu, C.-H.; Chi, P.-T.
Application of disdrometer and dual polarimetric radar observations to improve the quantitative precipitation estimation in Taiwan (solicited)

EGU2007-A-09927;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0468
Hudak, D.; Joe, P.
Winter precipitation studies using weather radar (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11186;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0469
Calheiros, R
Precipitation Monitoring and Research Projects at the Meteorological Research Institute, Brazil. (solicited)

EGU2007-A-10030;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0470
Battaglia, A; Simmer, C
The role of multiple scattering effects in space-borne radar-based rainfall estimates (solicited)

EGU2007-A-10486;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0471
Amitai, E.
Studying rain rate from space, ground and underwater observations: Present and future (solicited)

EGU2007-A-09253;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0472
Llort, X.; Sempere-Torres, D.; Berenguer, M.; Zawadzki, I.; Germann, U.
Error structure in radar-based precipitation estimates (solicited)

EGU2007-A-06389;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0473
Nakamura, K; Yamamoto, M. K.
Typical patterns of microwave signatures and vertical profiles of precipitation in mid-latitude using TRMM data (solicited)

EGU2007-A-06235;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0474
Masunaga, H.; Kummerow, C. D.; L'Ecuyer, T. S.
Tropical rainfall climatology analyzed from satellite measurements (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11192;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0475
Fuentes, J.D.; Kucera, P.A.; Joseph, E.; Gerlach, J.; Jenkins, G.; Gaye, A.; Ndiaye, M.
Attributes of mesoscale convective storms in West Africa (solicited)

EGU2007-A-10728;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0476
Kidd, C; Ebert, E; Janowiak, J; Ferraro, R
Current status of the precipitation validation sites of the International Precipitation Working Group (solicited) (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-10147;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0477
Martinez-Castro, D; Pérez-Sánchez, C.; Gamboa-Romero, F.; Koloskov, B; Petrov, V; Korneev, V
Randomized Convective Cloud Seeding Experiment for precipitation enhancement in Cuba. Experimental design and first results. (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11194;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0478
Mehta, A.; Smith, E.; Tripoli, G.
Rain Characteristics over Western India from TRMM and Nonhydrostatic Cloud Resolving Model (solicited)

EGU2007-A-05152;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0479
Yang, S.
Climatology of seasonal convective and stratiform rainfall from TRMM measurements (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11368;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0480
Weinman, J.
X-band spaceborne synthetic aperture radar for rainfall retrieval over land as a component of GPM (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11099;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0481
Mugnai, A.; Bennartz, R.; Casella, D.; Hashino, T.; Sanň, P.; Smith, E.A.; Tripoli, G.J.
Precipitation retrieval by means of passive-microwave satellite observations and cloud model simulations: Impact of ice microphysics parameterization (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11168;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0482
Tripoli, G. J.; Dunion, J.; Hashino, T.
Impacts of Saharan Air Layer on Tropical Cyclone Genesis (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11484;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0483
Smith, E. A.
Advancements in Measurement of Precipitation from GEO and LEO Satellites (solicited)

EGU2007-A-11369;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0484
Negri, A.
An examination of the global tropical diurnal cycle of rainfall as a function of ENSO (solicited)

EGU2007-A-04606;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0485
Pongracz, R.; Bartholy, J.
Analysis of precipitation trends detected in the Carpathian Basin during the 20th century

EGU2007-A-04683;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0486
Knuth, S.; Tripoli, G.; Thom, J.; Weidner, G.; Stearns, C.
Estimation of Snow Accumulation in Antarctica Using Automated Acoustic Depth Gauge Measurements

EGU2007-A-06145;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0487
Tapiador, FJ; Martinez, MA; Gonzalo, C; Salgado, E; Mateos, A
Half-hourly physically-morphed global precipitation estimates

EGU2007-A-06488;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0488
Szwed, M.
Water balance in the selected regions of Poland in the changing climate

EGU2007-A-06589;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0489
Rögnvaldsson, Ó.; Ólafsson, H.
Contribution of orography to precipitation distribution in Iceland

EGU2007-A-07260;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0490
Yokoyama, C.; Takayabu, Y. N.
A statistical study on rain characteristics of tropical cyclones using TRMM satellite data

EGU2007-A-08320;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0491
Ferraz, S.E.T; Ambrizzi, T.; Rocha, R.P.
New criterion to select the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-08387;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0492
Andersson, A.; Fennig, K.; Bakan, S.; Grassl, H.; Klepp, C.; Schulz, J.
HOAPS-3: Improved global ocean freshwater-flux climatology derived from SSM/I satellite data

EGU2007-A-08431;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0493
Lin, P.-L.; Chen, C.-S.; Chen, Y.-L.; Liu, C.-L.; Chen, W.-C.
The Statistics of Heavy Rainfall Occurrences in Taiwan

EGU2007-A-08918;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0494
Ólafsson, H.; Brynjólfsson, S. ; Rögnvaldsson, Ó.
High-resolution simulations of precipitation in North-Iceland

EGU2007-A-09201;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0495
De Sanctis, KDS; Molini, LM; Parodi, AP; Ferretti, RF; Montopoli, MP; Marzano, FSM
High-resolution numerical forecast of convective precipitation systems: sensitivity analysis to microphysical parameterization using COSMO-MODEL and MM5

EGU2007-A-09859;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0496
Celano, M.; Roberto, N.; Capacci, D.; Porců, F.; Alberoni, P.; Prodi, F.
Using multispectral satellite sensors and polarimetric radar to infer cloud microphysical structure

EGU2007-A-10734;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0497
Krawinkel, J.; Ólafsson, H.
Variability of precipitation in S-Iceland

EGU2007-A-11091;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0498
Mugnai, A.; The HSAF-ISAC Team
The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility in support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF): Precipitation retrieval algorithms and precipitation products

EGU2007-A-11116;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0499
Mugnai, A.; The ISAC-GSFC-AOS Team
Precipitation retrieval and analysis by means of combined satellite observations, lightning data and cloud model simulations

EGU2007-A-11172;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0500
Haynes, J.M.; L'Ecuyer, T.S.; Stephens, G.L.
Clouds and the incidence of precipitation from CloudSat (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-11190;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0501
Wood, N.; Stephens, G.; L'Ecuyer, T.; Austin, R.; Haynes, J.
CloudSat radar retrievals for evaluation of snowfall and snowpack characteristics (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-03362;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0502
Schröter, K.; Ostrowski, M.; Sempere-Torres, D.; Velasco-Forero, C.; Nachtnebel, H.P.; Kahl, B.; Gocht, M.; Beyene, M.
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Early Warning Systems for Flash Floods – EWASE

EGU2007-A-06254;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0503
Zinner, T.; Mannstein, H.; Tafferner, A.
Cb-TRAM: Tracking and monitoring severe convection from onset over rapid development to mature phase using multi-channel Meteosat-8 SEVIRI data

EGU2007-A-06789;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0504
Tabary, P.
Current status of the French dual-polarisation project

EGU2007-A-07192;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0505
Zanon, F; Bechini, R; Cremonini, R; Rabuffetti, D; Borga, M
Extreme rainfall and flooding from a quasi stationary MCS in north-western Italy

EGU2007-A-07220;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0506
Meetschen, D.; Simmer, C.
Operational radar-based Estimation and Prediction of Precipitation for Flood Forecast

EGU2007-A-07748;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0507
Kober, K.; Tafferner, A.
Tracking of convective cells using remote sensing data from radar and satellite

EGU2007-A-09298;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0508
Dietrich, S.; Di Paola, F.; Bizzarri, B.; Chen, F. W.; Surussavadee, C.; Staelin, D. H.
Satellite-based Precipitation Monitoring over Europe using AMSU-A and AMSU-B Sounding Channels (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-09309;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0509
Dombai, F.; Horvath, Gy.; Nagy, J.; Nemeth, P.
The updated Hungarian weather radar network

EGU2007-A-09484;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0510
Pfaff, T.; Heistermann, M.; Ehret, U.; Zehe, E.; Bronstert, A.
Towards an operational rainfall estimation and now-casting using weather radar and ground measurements

EGU2007-A-09644;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0511
García, S; Hernández-Guillén, Z
Early drought warming from Modis

EGU2007-A-03463;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0512
Rossi, M.; Peruccacci, S.; Witt, A.; Guzzetti, F.; Malamud, B.D.; Pizziolo, M.
Correlations between historical landslides and rainfall from 1951 to 2002 in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy

EGU2007-A-11317;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0513
Pratt, A.
Microphysical characteristics within a developing tropical cyclone (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-02055;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0514
Stocker, E
Overview for TRMM data products and services

EGU2007-A-11486;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0515
MASCARO, G.; Deidda, R.; Vivoni, E.
Development and verification of a hydrometeorological forecasting chain

EGU2007-A-11487;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0516
Badas, M.G.; Deidda, R.; Mascaro, G.; Piga, E.
Comparing rainfall scaling laws of different radar dataset

EGU2007-A-11494;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0517
Carty, H.; SMITH, E.
Diurnal Precipitation Cycle of Marine Stratocumulus Clouds

EGU2007-A-11495;  NH1.04-1WE3P-0518
Kuo, K.; SMITH, E.
Matching TRMM-PR and CloudSat-CPR Rainrates

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