General Information

Press conference

A press conference will be held Monday, 12 September 2011, at 10:15 in room "Berlin".

Press & Media

The 11th EMS / 10th ECAM will be held 12 – 16 September 2011 at Berlin, Germany.

The thematic focus of these meetings is Forecasting the weather - ensemble techniques in probabilistic weather prediction.

Ensemble weather prediction systems are widely used today providing the means for a better representation of uncertainties in both the initial conditions and the forecast models.

The challenges are to develop further a wider range of probabilistic forecast products, and to support customers in using uncertainty information to manage weather-related risks effectively. Special emphasis will be given to forecasts of high-impact weather events.


Credentialed journalists and public information officers of scientific societies, educational institutions, or government agencies may register for the 11th EMS / 10th ECAM as members of the press at no charge. A business card must be presented. Freelance science writers must present a current membership card from EUSJA, NASW, NCSWA, CSWA, ISWA or SEJ or evidence of a by-lined science story published in 2010 or 2011.

Media Pre-Registration