Fritz Neuwirth, EMS President
Gerhard Adrian, Präsident Deutscher Wetterdienst
Helmut Mayer, DMG President
Uwe Ulbrich, Institut für Meteorologie, FU Berlin
Dennis Schulze, PRIMET
Aryan van Engelen, ECSN
Ben Dieterink, HMEI
Jonathan T. Malay, AMS President
Awards Ceremony
Hans Reiff: Harry Otten Prize for Innovation in Meteorology
Chair: Fritz Neuwirth
Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General WMO (Presentation, PDF, 10 MB)
"Erecting a truly global framework for climate services: the challenges to European Meteorology"
Laura Ferranti, ECMWF
"The evolution of ensemble forecasting: methods and products at ECMWF"
Susanne Theis, DWD (Presentation, PDF, 1.9 MB)
"Limited-area ensembles - finer grids & shorter lead times"
Silvio Tschudi, Head Cat Research & Development, Allianz Re (Presentation, PDF, 736 KB)
"A changing risk landscape - how can we quantify?"