Division & Section Meetings Day/Time | 12:1513:15 | Mo, 25 April |
| | | | | | Tu, 26 April | GM
Room 17 (M) | GD
Room 3 | OS
Room 7 (F2) | ST
Room 14 (O) | CR
Room 1 (I) | NP
Room 0 | We, 27 April | SM
Room 8 | AS
Room 4 (G) | PS
Room 13 (N) | HS
Room 23 | TS
Room 5 (H) | SSP
Room 11 | Th, 28 April | MPRG
Room 19 | SSS
Room 22 | CL
Room 1 (I) | NH
Room 16 (L) | GI
Room 2 (K) | BG
Room 12 | Fr, 29 April | GMPV
Room 24 | G
Room 23 | ERE
Room 21 | | | | Sandwiches & soft drinks will be served. |
Impressum | AS = Atmospheric Sciences | OS = Ocean Sciences | BG = Biogeosciences | PS = Planetary Sciences | CL = Climate: Past, Present & Future | SM = Seismology | CR = Cryospheric Sciences | SSS = Soil System Sciences | ERE = Energy, Resources & Environment | ST = Solar-Terrestrial Sciences | GMPV = Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology | SSP = Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology | G = Geodesy | TS = Tectonics & Structural Geology | GD = Geodynamics | ACP = Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | GM = Geomorphology | ANNGEO = Annales Geophysicae | GI = Geophysical Instrumentation | BG = Biogeosciences | HS = Hydrological Sciences | HESS = Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | MPRG = Magnetism, Palaeomagnetism, Rock Physics & Geomaterials | NHESS = Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | NH = Natural Hazards | NPG = Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics | NP = Nonlinear Processes | OS = Ocean Science |
Location | Lecture/Meeting Rooms | Poster Areas | Blue Level (Basement) | Rooms 0, 1 (I), 2 (K), 3, 4 (G), 5 (H), Hall D
SM 1, SM 2 and R 1 | Hall X
Hall Y | Yellow Level (Ground Floor) | Rooms 6 (F1), 7 (F2), 8, 9 (E1), 10 (E2), 11
SM 3 and SM 4 | Hall Z | Green Level (1st Floor) | Rooms 12, 13 (N), 14 (O), 15, 16 (L), 17 (M), 18 and 19 | | Red Level (2nd Floor) | Rooms 20 (C), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (B), Hall A
SM 5, SM 6 and R 2 | Foyer A |
Agenda | 1. Welcome by the Division/Section President | 2. Agenda | 3. Report on the 2004/2005 Division/Section Activities | 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2006 | 5. Candidates for Division/Section Offices, if necessary, for approval by Council | 6. Candidates for Division/Section Awards and Medals for 2006 | 7. Division/Section Publications and nomination of Editors as required | 8. EGU Topical Conferences | 9. Any other business |