EGU General Assembly 2008
Session Programme Meeting Programme Personal Programme Search
  Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics - Papers of Special Interest as Identified by Session/Event Organizers

Area A: Papers which might be of interest for science writers, for public information officers and for the press media and for the Newsletter of the Union

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IS43 - NP4.02/CL55: Statistical analysis of climate time series (co-organized by NP & CL)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-03840 poster - Suselj, K.; Sood, A. ; Heinemann, D.
North Sea surface winds in the past and future climates
Kay Suselj,
NP2.01: ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Timescale Interactions (co-listed in CL & OS)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-05457 oral (15 min) - Lengaigne, M.; Vecchi, G.
Contrasting the termination of moderate and extreme El Niño events in Coupled General Circulation Models
Matthieu Lengaigne,
EGU2008-A-05835 oral (15 min) - Jin, F.-F; Kug, J.-S.; Timmermann, A.; Kim, S.-T.
Variations in ENSO activity
Fei-Fei Jin,
NP2.03: Nonlinear Dynamics of the Ocean Circulation (co-listed in OS)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02266 oral solicited (15 min) - Dijkstra , H. A.
A normal mode perspective on ocean circulation variability
Henk A. Dijkstra,
EGU2008-A-02907 oral solicited (15 min) - Hogg, A.; Berloff, P; Dewar, W
The Turbulent Oscillator: A mechanism of low-frequency variability of the wind-driven ocean gyres
Andrew Hogg,
EGU2008-A-05003 poster - Pierini, S.
Mechanisms of stochastic resonance in a North Pacific wind-driven ocean model
Stefano Pierini,
NP3.07: Scale, Scaling, and Nonlinearity in the Earth's Surface, Soil and Solid Earth (co-listed in GMPV, SSS & TS)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02347 oral solicited (15 min) - Cheng, Q.
Information integration processes and power-law models for prediction of undiscovered mineral deposits
Qiuming Cheng,
EGU2008-A-03382 oral solicited (15 min) - Lark, R.M.; Corstanje, R.; Milne, A.E.
Quantitative assessment of scale-dependence in analysis of soil data and modelling of soil processes.
Murray Lark,
EGU2008-A-04154 oral solicited (15 min) - Crawford, J.W.
Is There a Link Between Space and Time in Soil?
Ana Tarquis,
EGU2008-A-09140 oral solicited (15 min) - Gaonac’h, H.; Lovejoy, S.; Carrier-Nunes, M.; Schertzer, D.; Lepine, F.
Three dimensional percolation of magmas
Helene Gaonach,
EGU2008-A-10301 oral solicited (15 min) - Primavera, L.; Tarquis, A. M.; De Bartolo, S.; Gaudio, R.; Veltri, M.
Assessment of multifractal spectra of river networks
Leonardo Primavera,
EGU2008-A-11019 oral solicited (15 min) - Oleschko, K.; Torres-Argüelles, V.; Gaona, C.; Tarquis, A.M.
Fractal Metrology: A toolbox for qualitative and quantitative research in Earth Science
Klaudia Oleschko,
NP4.03: Satellite time series analysis
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02500 oral solicited (15 min) - Leroy, M.; Bicheron, P.; Lacaze, R.; Miras, B.
The POSTEL Land Surface Thematic Center as a source of time series of vegetation variables and land cover at global scale
NP6.04: Nonlinear Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-01957 oral solicited (15 min) - Young, W; Tsang, Y-K; Thompson, A
Forced two-dimensional turbulence: energy balance and variational constraints
William Young,
NP6.06: Astrophysical Turbulence, Shocks and Plasmas
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-12361 oral solicited (15 min) - Gonzalez-Nieto, P.; Redondo, J.M.; Cano, J.L; Rozanov, V.P.
The Structure of Interacting Turbulent Jets and RT fronts
Pilar López González-Nieto,

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