EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - AS1.03 Observation, Prediction and Verification of Precipitation (General Session)

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Federico, S.; Avolio, E.; Bellecci, C.
Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in Calabria

Kuell, V.; Bott, A.
HYMACS: A hybrid mass flux convection scheme for non-hydrostatic NWP models

Bachner , S.; Ivanov , S.; Kapala , A.; Simmer , C.; Dmitrenko , V.; Ivus , G.
Regional summer precipitation characteristics in Europe

Piva, E; Machado, V
Evaluation of the convection closure assumption in BRAMS version 3.2: a case study.

Bliznak, V.; Sokol, Z.
Areal distribution of heavy very short rainfalls in the Czech Republic

Dinku, T.; Connor, S.J.; Ceccato, P.
Comparison of Global Gridded Gauge Products over Complex Terrain in Africa

Mestas Valero, R.M.; Paz González, A.; Mirás Avalos, J.M.
Consistency analysis of the puvliometric information in Galicia (NW Spain)

Huseynov, N.Sh.; Malikov, B.M.
Regularity of distribution of precipitations on the airports of Azerbaijan Republic

Wilson, C.; Mittermaier, M.
Comparing precipitation forecasts for the UK from high resolution operational NWP models

Kvicera, V.; Grabner, M.
Experience with Dynamic Calibrations of Tipping-Bucket Raingauges

Kottek, M.; Rubel, F.
Co-kriging global daily rain gauge and satellite

Linkowska, J.; Starosta, K.
The problems of precipitation overestimation in COSMO model for Poland

Zacharov, P; Rezacova, D
The use of fraction skill score to assess the relationship between ensemble QPF spread and skill

Bakhanov, V.; Kryvobok, O.; Dorman, B.
Distinguishing between mainly liquid-drop frontal clouds and clouds giving precipitation from satellite data

Tartaglione, N.
Skill and accuracy measures and precipitation errors

Tymvios, F.; Savvidou, K.; Michaelides, S.C.; Nicolaides, K.A.
Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with heavy precipitation over Cyprus

Stapelberg, S.; Hünerbein, A.; Fischer, J.
Long Term precipitation model evaluation using MSG-Seviri data

Nastos, P.T.; Zerefos, C.S.
Spatial and temporal variability of consecutive dry and wet days in Greece

Oikonomou, C.; Flocas, H.A. ; Hatzaki, M.; Nisantzi, A.; Asimakopoulos, D.N.
The impact of large-scale atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of extreme wet spells over Eastern Mediterranean

Lanza, L.G.; Stagi, L.
High resolution performances of catching type rain gauges from the laboratory phase

Lanza, L.G.; Stagi, L.
A portable device for dynamic calibration of catching type rain gauges in the field

Luo, L.; Zhang, Z.
Simulation Study on the Impact of Initial Condition Errors on the Predictability of Precipitation

Haiden, T; Pistotnik, G
Parameterization of elevation effects in short-duration precipitation analyses

Khorrami, F.; Mousavi, Z.; Walpersdorf, A. ; Nankali, H.; Djamour, Y. ; Sedighi, M.; Tavakoli, F.
Capacities of the Iranian permanent GPS network for atmospheric monitoring

Teschl, F.; Randeu, W. L.; Schönhuber, M. ; Teschl, R.
Single scattering from frozen hydrometeors at microwave frequencies

Reimer, E.; Langer, I.
High precipitation analysis in a resolution of 500m for Berlin

Queralt, S.; Hernandez, E.; Gallego, D. ; Barriopedro, D.; Ribera, P.
NAO influence, Potential Vorticity and Weather Typing associated with winter extreme precipitation in Spain

Queralt, S.; Hernandez, E.; Lorente, P.; Gallego, D.; Ruiz, A.M.
Convective and stratiform precipitation analysis in Spain

Brussolo, E.; von Hardenberg, J.; Ferraris, L.; Rebora, N.; Provenzale, A.
Precipitation forecast verification by stochastic downscaling

Petan, S.; Rusjan, S.; Vidmar, A.; Miko¹, M.; Brilly, M.
Comparison of precipitation measurement instrumentation on the Pade¾ river basin, SW Slovenia

Ament, F.; Arpagaus, M.; Rotach, M.
Quantitative precipitation forecasts in the Alps – first results from the Forecast Demonstration Project MAP D-PHASE

Van Baelen, J.; Pointin, Y.; Wobrock, W.; Flossmann, A. ; Peters, G.
PREPHIX : PREcipitations and microPhysical studies with a HIgh resolution X-band radar: Calibration with a bin microphysical model and supporting measurements

Chaboureau, J.-P.; Söhne, N. ; Pinty, J.-P.; Meirold-Mautner, I.; Defer, E.; Prigent, C.; Pardo, J.; Mech, M.; Crewell, S.
A midlatitude precipitating cloud database validated with satellite observations

Tartaglione, N.; Mariani, S.; Casaioli, M.; Lanciani, A.; Accadia, C.; Federico, S.
Verification of precipitation patterns over the Calabria region: poor man's ensemble versus single model deterministic forecasts

Mirboroon, S; Mashhadi-Hossainali, M; Sharifi, M.A.
Atmospheric water vapor estimation, a comparison between GPS occultation and terrestrial data

Zhu, M.; Connolly, C.; Vaughan, G.
Numerical Modelling of Tropical Maritime Continent thunderstorm (Hector) during ACTIVE

Kühnlein, M.; Nauss, T. ; Bendix, J.
Retrieval of rainrates from mid-latitude cloud systems using multispectral satellite data

Klepp, C. ; Andersson, A. ; Krul, B.
Precipitation in Arctic Mesocyclones: On Remote Sensing, Model Intercomparison and In-situ Validation

Claussnitzer, A.; Nevir, P.; Reimer, E.; Langer, I.; Cubasch, U.
Scale-dependent evaluation of COSMO-EU/DE precipitation forecasts

Anagnostou, M. N.; Tarolli, M.; Kalogiros , J.; Anagnostou, E. N.; Papadopoulos, A.; Borga, M.; Zanon, F.
Performance of rainfall algorithms from mobile X-band dual-polarization radar over complex terrain: result from the 2006-2007 hydrate project

Yaqub, A; Seibert, P
Regional scale aspects of the diurnal precipitation cycle over Austria

Lanzinger, E.; Leroy, M.; Baker, B.; Vuerich, E.; Stagi, L.; Lanza, L.G.; Ruedi, I.
The WMO Field Intercomparison of Rain Intensity Gauges

Paulitsch, H.; Teschl, F.
Rain rate estimation and hydrometeor classification using dual-polarization weather radar measurements

Carvalho, R.F.; David, L.M.; Martins, C.; Temido, G.; de Lima, JLMP
Statistical analysis of high resolution rainfall data from Coimbra, Portugal

Thurai, M.; Schoenhuber, M.; Bringi, V.N.; Petersen, W.A.
Rain microstructure information from 2-D video disdrometer

Rasmussen, R.M.; Liu, C. ; Ikeda, K.; Chen, F.; Yates, D.; Goch, D. ; Grubisic, V.
Assessing Snowpack from Colorados’ Headwater Basins using a Very High Resolution Atmospheric Model

Ólafsson, H.; Arason, Þ.; Brynjólfsson, S.; Ágústsson, H.
Strong precipitation gradients and the associated atmospheric flow in the mesoscale mountain range experiment SKUR

Arason, Þ.; Ólafsson, H.; Ágústsson, H.; Brynjólfsson, S.
Precipitation observations during the SKUR experiment

Michaelides, S.C.; Savvidou, K.; Nicolaides, K.A.; Charalambous, M.
Relationships between lightning and rainfall for selected events over Cyprus

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