EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - SSS11 Soils and pedosediments as environmental archives of the last 130 000 years (including Philippe Duchaufour Medal Lecture)

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Lucke, B.; Schmidt, M.; Bäumler, R.
Paleosols in Jordan as indicators for the timing and character of environmental change

Saey, T.; Simpson, D.; Vitharana, U.; Vermeersch, H.; Vermang, J.; Van Meirvenne, M.
Reconstructing the paleotopography at the beginning of the Weichselian glacial stage using electromagnetic induction

Mihaljevic, M.; Zuna, M. ; Ettler, V.; Chrastny, V.; Sebek, O.; Strnad, L.; Kyncl, T.
A comparison of lead behaviour in two geochemical archives in the vicinity of a lead smelter

Strnad, L.; Mihaljeviè, M.; Ettler, V.; Barsová, L.; Zuna, M.; Šebek, O.
Concentration profile of the platinum group elements in peat deposit near a historic Pb-Ag mining district

Grygar, T.; Kadlec, J.; Zigova, A.
Cations in expandable clay minerals: a snapshot of past soil solution chemistry

Gocke, M.; Pustovoytov, K.; Kuzyakov, Y.
CO2 concentration in soil air affects recrystallisation rate of primary CaCO3

Zerboni, A.; Trombino, L.; Berlusconi, A.; Livio, F.; Sileo, G.; Michetti, A.M.; Cremaschi, M.
Multidisciplinary approach to the Monte Netto loess-paleosols sequence: implications for the evolution of the central sector of the northern Po Plain

Mesiĉ, S.; Miko, S.; Hasan, O.; Koch, G.; Sparica Miko, M.; Bakraĉ, K.
Sediments and catchment soils of a closed Mediterranean karstic lake as archives of land use change and atmospheric Pb deposition (Vransko jezero, Cres Island, Northern Adriatic)

Riegler, D.; Peticzka, R.; Terhorst, B.
In-situ soil colour measurements for palaeosol detection

Sumfleth, K.; Duttmann, R.
The spatial variability of scale-dependent correlations between soil properties and relief information in a typical paddy soil landscape of south-east China

Ruellan, A.
Soil morphology: a key for discover and understand the structured and dynamic pedological covers (Philippe Duchaufour Medal Lecture)

Bullmann, H.
Lessivés and clayic brown soils consisting of loess over brown loam at Triassic Shell Limestone. Pedogenic ferric oxides and total ferreous content describing pedogenic and lithogenic features

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