EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - IS31 - NH2.5/AS4.02/HS3.5 Flash floods: observations and analysis of atmospheric and hydrological controls (co-organized by NH, AS & HS)

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McIntyre, N.; Al Qurashi, A.; Wheater, H.
Comparison of rainfall-runoff modelling approaches for flash flood modelling in Oman

Cao, Z.X.; Zhou, M.; Yue, Z.Y.
Threshold rainfall for flash flooding from full hydrodynamic modeling

Matsuda, M.; Yamakoshi, Y; Tamura, T; Terada, T
The flash flood disaster in Japan in recent years, and its analysis.

M. H. Hsu, MHH; C. J. Huang, CJH; A. S. Chen, ASC; Y. H. Su, YHS
Development of Inundation Model for Real-time Scenario Simulations

Marchi, L.; Sangati, M. ; Cavalli, M.
Geomorphic processes triggered by a flash flood in a small basin: the event of Rio Cucco (eastern Italian Alps), 29 August 2003

Kohnová, S.; Parajka, J.; Szolgay, J.; Hlavcová, K.; Fasko, P.
Comparison of mapping approaches for estimation of design maximum daily precipitation totals for flood risk assessment in ungauged basins

Tarolli, P.; Zanon, F.; Macconi, P.
Hydrometeorological analysis of a major debris flow in the Central Italian Alps

Rozalis, S.; Morin, E.; Price, C.; Yair, Y.
Flash flood modeling using radar rainfall data in Mediterranean catchments in Israel

Cheval, S.; Breza, T.; Dumitrescu, A.; Baciu, M.
Characteristics of the rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency in Romania

Oprea, I.C.; Tascu, S.; Antonescu, A.
The Tecuci, Eastern Romania, flash flood of 5 September 2007

Price, C.; Kohn, M.; Lagouvardos, K.; Kotroni, V.
Characteristics of thunderstorms that produce flash floods

Atencia, A.; Llasat, M.C.; Mediero, L.; Garrote, L.; Ceperuelo, M.; Barnolas, M.
A preliminary approach for coupling radar rainfall data into a distributed hydrological model

Bonnifait, L.; Delrieu, G.; Le Lay, M.
Hydrologic and hydraulic distributed modelling with radar rainfall input - reconstruction of the 8-9 september 2002 catastrophic flood event in the Gard, France.

Bouilloud, L.; Kirstetter, P.-E.; Boudevillain, B. ; Delrieu, G.
Rainfall estimation in the context of post-event flash-flood analysis

Norbiato, D; Degli Esposti, S; Gaume, E; Anquetin, S
Flash flood warning based on rainfall depth-duration thresholds and soil moisture conditions: An assessment under European conditions

Stancalie, G.; Oprea, C.; Barbuc, M.; Matreata, S.; Antonescu, B. ; Irimescu, A.; Catana, S.; Breza, T.; Dumitrescu, A.; Burcea, S.
Meteorological and hydrological characteristics of severe flash flood in Romania

Versini, PAV; Gaume, EG; Andrieu, EA
A simple method based on GIS to estimate the hydrological risk along a road network

Norbiato, D; Blöschl, G; Merz, R; Carton, A
Controls on event runoff coefficients in the eastern Italian Alps

Papadopoulos, A.; Anagnostou, E.N.; Serpetzoglou , E.; Antonescu , B.; Oprea , C.; Burcea , S.
Investigating the impact of lightning data assimilation on flash flood forecasting

European flash flood data

Aronica, G.T.; Brigandě, G.
Use of soil moisture maps in probabilistic framework for flash flood forecasting

Brigandě, G.; Aronica, G.T.
Operational flash flood forecasting chain in Mediterranean catchment using hydrological and pluviometric precursors

Marchi, L.; Gaume, E.; Bain, V.; THE HYDRATE TEAM
Methods of Post Flood Field Investigation: Lessons learned from trial on Selščica Sora River, Slovenia

Boni, G.; Campo, L.; Caparrini, F.; Castelli, F.; Ferraris, L.; Rossi, L.
Use of soil moisture monitoring at national scale with assimilation of satellite products for the operational flash-flood forecast of the Italian civil protection

Moulin, L.; Gaume, E.; Obled, Ch.
Intercomparison of the performances of lumped rainfall runoff models for flash flood forecasting.

Versini, P-A.; Gaume, E.; Andrieu, H.
About the need for distributed flood forecast in flash flood prone areas: illustration with a road submersion forecasting tool.

Dessy, D.; Ficca, F.
Very high resolution non hydrostatic LAMs on a operational Linux Cluster.

Tsanis, I.K.; Koutroulis, A.; Daliakopoulos, I.; Michaelides, S.
Storm analysis and precipitation distribution of the flash flood in Almyrida basin, Crete

Serpetzoglou, E.; Papadopoulos, A.; Anagnostou, E.N.
The response of a NWP model to the ingestion of observed precipitation data on its different land surface schemes in cases of flash-flood inducing storms

Norbiato, D.; Borga, M.
Temporal and spatial resolution of rainfall estimates required for flash flood monitoring and modelling

Delogu, F.; Boni, G.; Gabellani, S.; Rudari, R.
A continuous hydrological model for operational flood forecast exploiting satellite observations.

Nikolopoulos, E.I.; Anagnostou, E.N.; Borga, M.; Vivoni, E.R.
Hydrologic analysis of flash floods in a mountainous basin.

Sempere-Torres, D; Pegram, G; LLort, X; Velasco-Forero, C; Franco, M
Generation of radar precipitation ensembles to assess radar QPE uncertainties in real time

Younis, J.; Anquetin, S.; Thielen, J.
The benefit of high-resolution operational weather forecasts for flash-flood warning

Heidbuechl, I.; Kuells, C.
Controls of shallow aquifer characteristics on flash flood shape and incidence

Sirota, A.M.; Lebedev, S.A.
Storm surges in the Gulf of Finland and the Neva River observed on satellite altimetry data

Bernardara, P.; Gailhard, J.; Dupeyrat, A.; Paquet, E.; Garçon, R.; Hendrickx, F.
Regional patterns of extreme behaviour of daily rainfall in France

Bell, A.; Martin Leon, F.; Schultz, D.
Tropical-like characteristics of flash-floods in South-Eastern Europe

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