EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - IS15 - GM2.3/GD28/SSP30/TS14 Bridging timescales of landscape evolution in active orogens (co-organized by GM, GD, SSP & TS, co-sponsored by EAG)

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Kirstein, L.A.; Carter, A; Chen, Y-G
Exhumation, sediment routing and the detrital record of orogenesis, Taiwan

Najman, Y; Surma Basin Team
The Paleogene record of Himalayan erosion, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh: Implications for interactions between tectonics, erosion and marine geochemistry

Gunnell, Y.; Thouret, J.-C.; Brichau, S.; Carter, A.
A low-temperature thermochronology of denudation, crustal uplift and canyon incision in the Western Cordillera of southern Peru

Champagnac, J.-D.; Molnar, P.; Yuan, D.; Ge, W.
Neotectonics slip rate at the front of the Qilian Shan, NE Tibetan plateau

Huang, H.-T.; Hu, J.-C.; Kuo, C.-H.
Estimation of the relative tectonic active rate by stream power erosion model in the Chiayi Area, Taiwan

Palumbo, L; Hetzel, R; Tao, M; Li, X
In-situ cosmogenic 10Be denudation rate variations along active tectonic ranges at the NE edge of the Tibetan Plateau

van der Beek, P.; Robert, X.; Perry, C.; Braun, J.; Bernet, M.
Recent Kinematics and long-term Exhumation History of the central Himalaya (Nepal) from numerical Modelling of in-situ and detrital Thermochronology Data

Fellin, M.G.; Willett, S.D.; Chen, Y.-G.
Spatial and temporal variations of erosion rates in Taiwan from detrital zircon-fission-track dating

von Blankenburg, F; Norton, K.N.; Willenbring, J.K.; Wittmann, H.
Denudation rate meters in mountain belts: is the future big brush or fine tip?

Heberer, B; Behrmann, J.H.; Rahn, M.
Tracking the provenance – Assessing sedimentary pathways and upper plate dynamics at the South Central Chile margin

Uba, C.E.; Kley, J.; Strecker, M.; Schmitt, A.
Timing and propagation rates of the thrust and fold belts of southern Bolivia and its implications for the evolution of the central Andes

Vanacker, V.; von Blanckenburg, F.; Govers, G.; Kubik, P.W
Quantification of the Transient Behaviour of Rivers draining the Southern Ecuadorian Andes

Simon-Labric, T.; Teyssier, C.; Cosca, M. ; Brocard, G.; van der Beek, P.
U-Th/He dating of a rapid incision denudation event induced by lake overspill, the Skagit River Gorge, Northern North Cascades Range, Washington.

Paquet, F.; Proust, J.N.; Pettinga, J.R.; Barnes, P.M.
Morphostructural evolution of the Pleistocene Hawke Bay forearc domain in New Zealand: influence of tectonics and climate from 1 Ma to 10 ka timescales.

Willenbring, J.; McElroy, B.
Continental erosion and the gross control of topography over multiple time- and space-scales

Spiegel, C.; Danisik, M.; Kohn, B.; Belton, D.; Sachsenhofer, R.; Gleadow, A.
Quantifying denudation rates with apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology – do we need an alpha correction?

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