Report - BG6.03/NP6.06 Coupling biogeochemistry and ecology to fluid dynamics in aquatic ecosystems (co-sponsored by NP) (co-listed in OS)
Report |
Presentations: A total of 12 oral presentations (all 15 minutes in length; 2 solicited) were given. All presentations were very well prepared, lasted the appropriate length and allowed time for questions from the audience. The presentations covered the aims of the session: benthos and pelagic studies from small to mesoscale, including modelling and field and experimental data.
Attendance: Room 19 was filled to over 50% of its capacity at times.
Posters: There were 19 poster presentations; 3 of them were cancelled in the last month. In order to help the poster presentation the organizers had asked presenters prior to the meeting for one slide (in PowerPoint) representative of each poster. The Posters presentation so prepared was planned to be shown (in an automatic mode) during the break between two oral blocks to give a short oral presentation. The initiative was well received and participated by the contributors. However, there was a conflict with the need to setup the computers for the following oral presentations, so the Poster presentation was not appropriately seen. Next year, if it is the case, it will be better to use a 15 min period to present the posters. Of course, this will depend on the number of both oral and poster presentations.
On the day of the poster session, every contributor gave a brief (about 2 minutes) presentation of his/her poster to the rest of the participants. Once all posters were presented, the participants moved around asking questions. People were happy, because it was a fast way to have a quick look at the posters, and then to choose those of particular interest. Most people attending the session were those participating with either a poster or oral contribution to that same session, although there were also other "visitors".
Prevision for next year: The session will continue with some modification. Our main aim is to have a session for multidisciplary studies coupling bio-geo-sciences in aquatic systems. We will decrease the number of convenors. The high number of this year (9 in total) was the result of a merging of other sessions. The same room will be fine.
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