Information - AS1.05 New aspects of theoretical geophysical fluid dynamics (co-listed in OS) (co-sponsored by NPG & OS)
Event Information |
Since the theory of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) was
codified in the late 70s many new aspects were
added and deeper insight into many problems has been achieved.
New mathematical and statistical tools were developed, standard
techniques were refined, classical problems were varied. Applied to the
established conceptual models of GFD we got more clarity on the dynamics
of oceans and atmospheres. Furthermore, classical models have been improved
without becoming untractable from a theoretical point of view. Last but
not least, concepts from other branches of science were introduced.
GFD models can describe a wide variety of atmospheric and oceanic flows, ranging
from planetary- to small-scale from interdecadal to microturbulence time scales.
The session primarily focuses on large scale dynamics, however, it might
be a forum for discussion of other aspects of theoretical GFD too.
Fifty years ago, Norman Phillips published a pioneering paper entitled
'The general circulation of the atmosphere: a numerical experiment.'
Today, numerical models are indispensable in almost all branches
of science. Nevertheless, it is still challenging and necessary to
improve the models. What are promising new developments of
atmospheric and oceanic modeling, seen from the perspective of a
theoretical fluid dynamicist? In retrospection of fifty years numerical
modeling in GFD we particularly encourage contributions addressing
this question.
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