Information - OS15 Small and Meso-Scale Processes and their Impact on the Large Scale
Event Information |
Meso and small scale processes in the ocean include phenomena from the centimeter scales associated with irreversible mixing to the 100 km scales of ocean geostrophic turbulence. Many recent ideas seek to relate events across all these scales to ocean circulation structures on basin and global scales. In recent years, our descriptive, theoretical and simulative understandings of small and mesoscale processes, both in isolation from, and in concert with, large-scale flows have grown considerably. The time appears right for a session dedicated to reviewing recent progress and presenting new results. We invite submissions from those interested in micro-structure, mixing, internal waves, frontal phenomena, coherent vortices, transport, wind-driven circulation, meridional overturning and coupled dynamics, from theoretical, observational and model views. It is the aim of the OS15 scientific organizing committee to assemble a session in which the interrelations between these various spatial and temporal scales are emphasized.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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