Information - CR19 Modelling sea ice and ice-ocean interactions (co-listed in OS)
Event Information |
A common point of agreement between simulations of climate change is the large response that takes place in the polar regions. The complex interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ice shelves are responsible for this significant high-latitude climate change response. For example, although climate models predict large changes in the Arctic sea ice extent in response to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, the magnitude and spatial structure of the response differs between the models. Without doubt, the various representations of sea ice dynamics, thermodynamics and upper mixed layer of the ocean are partly responsible for this situation. In this session we welcome papers that cover the latest developments in sea ice modelling, including topics such as melt ponds, ridging schemes, leads and polynyas, studies on the ice-ocean interactions including deep water formation and the halocline, to studies based on general circulation models of the ocean or climate that address how the representation of sea ice impacts on the model results.
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