Information - CL011 Observing climate change and variability from space: achievements and challenges
Event Information |
Observations of the evolution of the Earth's climate from global
to regional scales, and at time scales from months to decades, are
of vital importance, and a key requisite, for further progress in
virtually all areas of climate system and Earth system science,
for example, global climate modeling & prediction and
anthropogenic climate change detection & attribution.
Spaceborne observations, i.e., satellite measurements, are by far
the most powerful means to fulfil these vast data needs. Thus an
ever increasing variety of satellite sensors and remote sensing
techniques is employed to serve climate research and monitoring
in all parts of the climate system, including atmosphere, oceans,
ice, and land.
This session provides a broad forum on the topic of satellite
observations of climate change and variability in all parts
of the climate system, and what the most important future
data needs of climate system science are.
It wants to stimulate scientific discourse, mutual awareness, and
interdisciplinary learning amongst the often widely separated
sub-communities dealing with different parts of the climate system
and either with provision of satellite data or use of them only.
Specifically encouraged are presentations on past achievements
and/or future challenges in:
1) spaceborne monitoring of key climate variables and change
indicators (e.g., atmospheric trace gases and thermal structure,
sea surface temperature, ice cover),
2) spaceborne methods for long-term monitoring of global and
regional climate change,
3) spaceborne observations of interannual variability
(e.g., evolution of El Ninos, volcanic eruptions),
4) realization of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS),
5) satellite data exploitation for climate model validation,
testing, and improvement,
6) satellite data exploitation for climate process studies
(e.g., external/internal forcings, feedback mechanisms),
7) satellite data exploitation for anthropogenic climate change
detection and attribution, and
8) transformation of satellite sensor data into climate data
products (e.g., retrieval schemes, data assimilation systems).
Contributions outside of these specific topics but fitting into
the general theme are welcome as well. The contributions
will be organized into suitable thematic subsessions.
Note: High quality submissions of broader scope will be
candidates for upgrade to solicited papers and authors
may be invited accordingly after abstract evaluation.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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