Information - CL005 Climate of the Polar Regions (co-listed in OS)
Event Information |
There is growing evidence that the climate of the polar regions is changing rapidly as an element in the global warming process. In the northern hemisphere there is a marked warming trend, enhanced by the ice-albedo feedback mechanism,
and also a cyclic variability associated with the Arctic Oscillation. This manifests itself in changed atmospheric circulation patterns, changes in air temperature and precipitation, and changes in sea ice thickness, ocean structure, glacier mass balance, snowlines and permafrost depth. In the Antarctic the warming trend appears to be limited to the Antarctic Peninsula for
reasons not clearly known.
We welcome papers on observations and modelling of polar climatic variability, as well as the impacts of this variability on the polar environment (e.g. ocean, ice, snow, permafrost properties, glacial retreat) and on the global environment (e.g. rate of sea level rise). Of particular interest are ice and ocean measurements obtained with AUV's (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) such as the Autosub project, and recent warming trends of both Arctic and Antarctic ocean and atmosphere.
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