Tectonics and Structural Geology |
Information - US5 Topography of the Earth and Planets (co-sponsored by ILP) (co-listed in G, GM, SM & TS) (by invitation only)
Event Information |
Continental topography is the result of coupled Solid-Earth - surface processes, with significant importance in Europe in general. In addition to addressing world-class scientific issues within Earth-System science, continental topography has considerable societal relevance, because it directly affects humanity as a result of secular landscape changes and its inherent effects on geohazards and environmental change. The session focuses on the 4-D evolution of the topography of the European continent and adjacent parts of North Africa, Asia and the Middle East, as well as analogs elsewhere on the globe. This requires an integrative multidisciplinary approach connecting research in the sub-disciplines of geomorphology, geology, geophysics, geodesy, remote sensing and various branches of geotechnology. Advantage has to be taken of existing and planned European research facilities and extensive European know-how. New satellite-based techniques supply ultra-high resolution information on temporal and spatial variations of surface topography, whereas multi-sensor arrays (GPS, magnetotelluric and seismic) instruments deployed throughout Europe provide fundamental new details on surface deformation and the electrical and seismic structure of the Solid Earth. Results of applying these novel monitoring, deep probing and associated imaging techniques are to be linked to a major program aimed at developing high-resolution reconstruction and modelling methods that will help to understand the interplay of phenomena controlling continental topography, in order to assess related natural hazards and the vulnerability of intensified land use. Europe is unique in that it hosts excellent natural laboratories to study and resolve first-order problems in continental topography. Several sites, each with its own specific characteristics and problems, address the general issue of topography evolution. The importance of lithosphere-scale processes controlling topography development has only recently been recognised. Therefore, major scientific breakthroughs can be expected in the coming years.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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