List of Accepted Contributions - BG2.03 Application of stable isotopes in biogeosciences
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EGU06-A-00882 Krueger, M.; Wolters, H.; Richnow, H.-H. 15N-labeling to Trace Slow Growing Anaerobically Methane Oxidising Communities |
EGU06-A-02130 Longdoz, L; Epron, E; Ngao, N; Ponton, P; Bonal, B; Le dantec, L How the d13C of the soil materials influence the isotopic signature of the soil CO2 efflux in a beech temperate forest and a rain tropical forest |
EGU06-A-02216 Harzhauser, M.; Piller, W.E.; Latal, C. Mollusc-based stable isotope record of a Miocene Central European Inland Sea |
EGU06-A-02907 Brodbeck, M.; Alewell, C. Are stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur a suitable tool to detect soil degradation in a mountain environment? |
EGU06-A-03300 Einsiedl, F.; Schäfer, T.; Northrup, P. Evidence of bacterial sulfate reduction in oxygen-dominated soil and groundwater systems determined by isotope analyses on groundwater sulfate, fulvic acid sulfur and S-edge XANES spectroscopy |
EGU06-A-03949 Veuger, B; Eyre, BD; Maher, D; Middelburg, JJ Use of 15N-labeling combined with analysis of 15N in hydrolysable amino acids to investigate nitrogen flows through bacteria, algae and fauna in a sub-tropical estuarine sediment |
EGU06-A-04939 Waldron, S.; Soulsby, C. Dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon cycling in small order rivers: a stable isotope study. |
EGU06-A-04987 Gribsholt, B; Boschker, HTS; Tramper, A; Veuger, B; Middelburg, JJ 15N-nitrogen retention in a Belgian tidal freshwater marsh. (withdrawn) |
EGU06-A-05468 Wang, L.; Kgope, B. ; Ringrose, S.; Ries, L.; D’Odorico, P.; Macko, S. Patterns of Nitrogen Limitation along the Kalahari Transect |
EGU06-A-07052 Heuer, V.; Tille, S.; Finke, N.; Elvert, M.; Hinrichs, K.-U. Carbon isotopic compositions of volatile fatty acids in sediment/pore-water systems measured by isotope-ratio-monitoring liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry |
EGU06-A-07322 Mangalo, M.; Einsiedl, F.; Meckenstock, R.U. Oxygen and sulfur isotope effects governed by bacterial sulfate reduction |
EGU06-A-07662 Reynolds, B.C.; Frank, M.; Halliday, A.N. Silicon isotope fractionation during nutrient utilization in the North Pacific |
EGU06-A-07901 Crespin, J.; Alexandre, A.; Sylvestre, F.; Sonzogni, C.; Pailles, C. Oxygen isotope analyses of phytoliths and lacustrine diatoms using a laser-extraction technique for paleoenvironmental applications. |
EGU06-A-08185 Vieth, A.; Elias, R.; Kühner, S.; Rabus, R.; Wilkes, H. Using carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of hydrocarbons to decipher biodegradation effects in petroleum reservoirs |
EGU06-A-08288 Rimmer, S.M.; Rowe, H.D.; Crelling, J.C. Deciphering Bulk d13C and d15N Isotopic Compositions using Density-gradient Centrifugation: A Maceral-specific Approach to Isotopic Analysis |
EGU06-A-08720 Bendle, J; Kawamura, K; Yamazaki, K; Niwai, T; Ishimura, Y Distribution of lipid biomarkers and their stable carbon isotope ratios in the remote marine atmosphere: implications for atmospheric transport pathways and C3/C4 plant sources |
EGU06-A-08843 Rebel, K.T.; Riha, S.J. ; Seaman, J.C.; Singer, J. Using Tritium as a Tracer to determine differences in Tree Water Uptake within the Soil Profile |
EGU06-A-08985 Werth, M.; Kuzyakov, Y. Fractionation of 13C in maize is affected by assimilate partitioning |
EGU06-A-09427 Gallego-Torres, D.; Martínez-Ruiz, F.; Paytan, A.; Romero, O.; Jiménez-Espejo, F.J.; Ortega-Huertas, M. Evidences for paleoproductivity and paleoceanographic conditions during sapropels deposition in Eastern Mediterranean based on C and N isotopic composition. |
EGU06-A-09925 Nunez, S.; Abarca del Rio, R.; Lange, C.; Hebbeln, D.; Marchant, M. Milankovitch-scale variabilility of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes off northern Chile during the last 1 Myr |
EGU06-A-10037 Böttcher, M.E.; Al Raei, A.M.; Heuer, V.; Hilker, Y.; Hinrichs, K.U.; Segl, M. Carbon isotopes as tracers for anaerobic mineralization processes in intertidal surface sediments |
EGU06-A-10038 Böttcher, M.E.; Ferdelman, T.G.; Jorgensen, B.B.; Blake, R. ; Surkov, A.; Claypool, G.E. Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of microbial sulfate reduction by deep biospheres off Peru (ODP Leg 201) |
EGU06-A-10040 Böttcher, M.E.; Boetius, A.; Rickert, D. Sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate reduction associated with anaerobic methane oxidation |
EGU06-A-10791 Rubino, M.; Merola, A.; Bertolini, T.; Lagomarsino, A.; De Angelis, P.; Lubritto, C.; D’Onofrio, A.; Terrasi, F.; Cotrufo, M.F. Tracing C fluxes to the soil and atmosphere, through leaf litter decomposition in a poplar plantation by means of stable C isotopes |
EGU06-A-10793 Zweimüller, I.; Wanek, W.; Konecny, R. The barbel (Barbus barbus) in the river Danube: stable isotope analysis shows a higher trophic level than expected from gut analysis |
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