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  List of Accepted Contributions - AS1.02 Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation (General Session)

Please, click Abstract Number to find the corresponding abstract as PDF file; if necessary, download Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 first to open the file. Any abstract may be freely reproduced for non-commercial, scientific purposes; however, the moral right of the author(s) to be identified as the author(s) of such abstracts is asserted.

Pérez, R C
Multiple varied index of the severe hailstorm in Mendoza (Argentina) using on the ground meteorology & C band radar data: DCPIM(Deep Convection Process Identification Model).

Mohebalhojeh, A. R.; Dritschel, D. G.
The diabatic contour-advective semi-Lagrangian algorithms for the shallow water equations on the sphere (withdrawn)

Williams, K. D.; Brooks, M. E.
Initial tendencies of cloud regimes in the Met Office Unified Model

Lauritzen, PHL
A stability analysis of finite-volume advection schemes permitting long time steps

Masbou, M.; Bott, A.; Müller, M.D.; Cermak, J.
LM-PAFOG: Three-dimensional fog forecast model with parameterized microphysics

Palamarchuk, J.; Ivanov, S.
Diagnosis of parameterization schemes in the MM5 model

Körnich, H; Källén, E
Equatorial mass/wind balance relationship in global data assimilation

Lynch, P; Clancy, C
Development of a filtering integration scheme for numerical weather prediction and climate modelling

Liu, Y.; warner, T.; swerdlin, S.; yu, W.; jacobs, N.; anderson, M.
Assimilation data from diverse sources for mesoscale NWP: TAMDAR-data impact

Du, J.; Gayno, G.
Sensitivity of T2m forecast to Soil Moisture Initial States using NCEP Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) System

Liu, Y.; hacker, J.; xu, M.; warner, T. ; swerdlin, S.
An analysis of multiple approaches for mesoscale ensemble forecasting

Bonta, Dr.
Performance of the models during inversion situation considering the demands of energy supply

Kaewkham-ai, B.; Harrison, R. F.
Improving Dst index prediction for colored measurement noise using Kalman Filtering

Hertzog, A. ; Basdevant, C. ; Vial, F.
Estimation of the accuracy of ECMWF ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR 50-year reanalyses in the summer hemisphere UTLS during the pre-satellite era

Vich, M.; Romero, R.
Potential vorticity error assessment applied to ensemble forecasts of Mediterranean cyclones

Memorian, H.M.; Kozhevnikov, V.N.; Dmitrieva-Arrago, L.R.
The modeling of the atmospheric flux perturbations and wave clouds in the mountain regions

Cucurull, L. ; Derber, J.; Treadon, R.; Purser, J.
Impact studies with COSMIC GPS radio occultation data at NOAA/NCEP

Ghader, S.; Ahmadi-Givi, F.; Amiri, A.
Compact spatial differencing for the spherical shallow water equations (withdrawn)

Janjic, Z.; Black, T. L.
An ESMF unified model for a broad range of spatial and temporal scales

Frehlich, R.
Next generation ensemble data assimilation to include state dependent observation error

Stoffelen, A; Portabella, M; Vogelzang, J; Verhoef, A; Verspeek, J; Burgers, G
The first ASCAT scatterometer winds

Warner, T; Swerdlin, S; Liu, Y; Sun, J; Sheu, R; Copeland, J
Multi-scale, model-based urban analyses, forecasts and climatologies

Anderson, C.; Arritt, R.; Kain, J.
A revised version of the Kain-Fritsch convective parameterization

Eresmaa , R.; Järvinen, H.; Healy, S.; Salonen, K.; Niemelä, S.
Local asymmetry in ground-based GPS slant delay data

Mirza, C. R; Koike, T.; Yang, K.; Graf, T.
The Role of Cloud Microphysics Data Assimilation System (CMDAS) in the Numerical Weather Prediction Model

Fita, L.; Romero, R.; Luque, A.; Ramis, C.
Assimilation of satellite and lightning data in numerical simulations of tropical-like Mediterranean storms

Kornblueh, L; Keller, J; Rhodin, R; Hense, A; Wergen, W
A combined ETKF/breeding assimilation system

Sairouni, A.; Miró, J.R.; Moré, J.; Bech, J.; Rigo, T.
Impact of assimilation of observations into the MASS and MM5 models short-range forecast

Dando, M; Thorpe, A; Eyre, J
The impact of targeted satellite observations on weather prediction

Bousquet, O.; Tabary, P.; Parent du Chatelet, J.
On the use of operationally synthesized multiple-Doppler wind fields for model verification

Salonen, K.; Järvinen, H.; Järvenoja, S.; Eresmaa, R.; Niemelä, S.
Bias estimation of Doppler radar radial winds

Webster, S; Uddstrom, M; Oliver, H
A high resolution modelling study of a severe weather event over the Southern Alps of New Zealand

Riishojgaard, L. P.; Brin, G.; Liu, H.-C.
Assimilation of radiances and geophysical retrievals from NASA’s AIRS sensor

Marrocu, M.; Chessa, P. A.
Assesment of the performace of a multi-model multi-analysis limited area ensemble

Gelaro, R.; Zhu, Y.
Assessing observation impact using the adjoint of the GEOS-5 data assimilation system

Baldauf, M. ; Helmert, K.; Hassler, B.; Stephan, K.; Klink, S.; Schraff, C.; Seifert, A.; Foerstner, J.; Reinhardt, T.; Lenz, C.-J.
The new very short range forecast model LMK for the convection-resolving scale

Mesinger, F.; Chou, S. C.; Gomes, J.; Jovic, D.
The eternal vertical coordinate issue: sigma, eta, sloping steps eta update, and a severe downslope wind case study

Weissmann, M.; Cardinali, C.; Dörnbrack, A.; Ehret, G.; Holm, E.; Kiemle, C.
The impact of airborne wind and water vapour lidar measurements on ECMWF analyses and forecasts

Ólafsson, H.; Ágústsson, H.; Rögnvaldsson, Ó.
Forecasting benefits of increased horizontal resolution in complex terrain

Hacker, J; Rostkier-Edelstein, D
State estimation and predictability in the planetary boundary layer

de Bruijn, E.I.F; Tijm, A.B.C
Overall tuning of HIRLAM with the focus on the stable boundary layer

Garcia-Moya, J. A.; Callado, A.; Santos, C.; Santos-Munoz, D.; Simarro, J.
Multimodel Ensemble for Short-Range Forecast

Zhang, F.; Zhang, M.; Hansen, J.
EnKF4DVar: Coupling ensemble Kalman filter with 4-D variational data assimilation (withdrawn)

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