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  List of Accepted Contributions - SSP17/TS2.4 EUROMARGINS open session: Processes of rifting, sediment transport, fluid flow and biogenic activity (co-organized by TS) (co-listed in BG & CL)

Please, click Abstract Number to find the corresponding abstract as PDF file; if necessary, download Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 first to open the file. Any abstract may be freely reproduced for non-commercial, scientific purposes; however, the moral right of the author(s) to be identified as the author(s) of such abstracts is asserted.

Avril, B.; the EUROMARGINS Community
An overview of the EUROMARGINS Programme

Fernández-Ibáńez, F.; Soto, J. I.; Zoback, M. D.
Present-day stress field pattern in the Gibraltar Arc (Western Mediterranean)

Niemann, H.; Duarte, J.; Hensen, C.; Omoregie, E.; Magalhăes, V. H.; Elvert, M.; Pinheiro, L. M.; Kopf, A.; Boetius, A.
Microbial Methane Turnover at Mud Volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz

Leslie, A.
The Ocean Margins LINK Programme: Multidisciplinary research into deep structure, shallow processes and fluid flow on continental margins.

Lietard, C.; Pierre, C.
Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of bivalve shells from cold seeps environments

Alves, T.; Moita, C.; Sandnes, F.; Cunha, T.; Monteiro, J.; Pinheiro, L.
Evolution of the continental slope basins offshore West Iberia (NW Portugal)

Cifelli, F.; Mattei, M.; Porreca, M.; Rossetti, F.; Faccenna, C.; Ellazzab, D.
Post-Miocene Paleomagnetic Rotations in The Betics and Rif: New Insights into The Gibraltar Arc Tectonic Evolution

Cavanagh, A. J.; Di Primio, R.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Horsfield, B.
Extraordinary PVT fluctuations resulting from Ice Age exhumation in the southwestern Barents Sea

Arzola, R; Weaver, P
Glacial-interglacial sedimentation in the deep continental margin off Portugal

Zoethout, J; Kremer, Y; Gumiaux, C; Verges, J; Stephenson, R
The onshore termination of the Valencia Trough: a new map for a segment of the eastern Pre-Betics range

Mienert, J.; Garcia, C.-P.; H. Haflidason, H. ; Vanneste, M.
Outer shelf cracking influencing slope stability and gas blowouts on the Norwegian margin

González, F.J.; Pinheiro, L.M.; Magalhăes, V.H.; Ivanov, M.; Somoza, L.; Merinero, R.
Pyrite nucleation induced by sulphate-reducing bacteria in carbonate chimneys from the Vernadsky Ridge, Moroccan Margin (Gulf of Cadiz)

Voss, M.; Jokat, W.
Crustal structure of the East Greenland volcanic margin - I: Voluminous underplating north of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone

De Boever, E.; Swennen, R.; Dimitrov, L.
Massive carbonate cemented structures related to hydrocarbon-seepage (Lower Eocene, Bulgaria) - morphology and stable isotope geochemistry linked to seepage mode

Stadnitskaia, A.; Ivanov, M.K.; Blinova, V.; Kreulen, R.; van Weering , T.C.E
Molecular and carbon isotopic variability of hydrocarbon gases from mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic

Duarte, J.C.; Rosas, F.M.; Terrinha, P.; Valadares, V.; Ferreira, J.M.
Soft sediment deformation in northern Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia): new insights from analogue modelling experiments

Stadnitskaia, A.; Omoregie, E.; Boetius, A.; Sinninghe Damsté , J.S.
Lipid composition and methanotrophic diversity in different fluid venting environments of the Nile deep-sea fan, Eastern Mediterranean.

Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Raum, T.; Mjelde, R.; Faleide, J. I.; Di Primio, R.; Horsfield, B.
Results from 3D structural modelling of the Norwegian Margin

Schmidt-Aursch, M.C.; Voss, M.; Jokat, W.
Crustal structure of the East Greenland volcanic margin - II: alongstrike variations between the Jan Mayen and Greenland fracture zones

De Boever, E.; Depreiter, D.; Swennen, R.; Henriet, J-P
Integrated geophysical and petrological study of fluid expulsion features along the Moroccan Atlantic Margin

Hjelstuen, B. O.; Eldholm, O.; Faleide, J. I.
The Bjřrnřya Fan Slide Complex – Recurrent Pleistocene Mega-Failures on the NE Atlantic Margin

Ruckstuhl, K.; Govers, R.; Wortel, R.
Consequences of STEP’s in the Calabrian subduction region

Bourry, C.; Charlou, J.L.; Donval, J.P.; Focsa, C. ; Chazallon, B.
Structural investigations of natural gas hydrates collected in different margin sediments using synchrotron diffraction (withdrawn)

Domzig, A.; Gaullier, V.; Giresse, P.; Pauc, H.; Déverchčre, J.; Yelles, K.
Role of tectonics in deposition processes along the western Algerian margin (Oran-Tenes) from echo-character mapping

Berger, D.; Jokat, W.
The continental margin of East Greenland: glacial influences on sediment deposition between 72°N and 75°N

Faleide, J.I.; Mjelde, R.; Tsikalas, F.; Breivik, A.J.; Raum, T.; Wilson, J.; Eldholm, O.
A regional 3D model for the crustal architecture and evolution of the mid-Norwegian continental margin

Eue, D.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Faleide, J.I.; Wilson, J.
Brittle extension since Early Cretacous times across the Norwegian Margin from balanced profiles

Haflidason, H.; Nygard, A.; Pask, E.
The stability and morphology of the south Storegga Slide headwall influenced by rapidly deposited laminated plume sediments of late Late Weichselian age

Mienis, F; Richter, T; Vonhof, H; van Breukelen, M; van der Land, C; de Haas, H; de Stigter, H; van Weering, T
Stable isotope chemistry of deep water coral species and associated fauna from carbonate mound areas at the Rockall Trough margin; paleo-oceanographic implications

GAULLIER, V.; Vendeville, B. C.; Huguen, C.; Déverchčre, J.; Droz, L.; Domzig, A.; Obone Zue Obame , E.; Yelles, K.; and the MARADJA and PROGRES Scientific, P.
Role of thick-skinned tectonics on thin-skinned salt tectonics in the western Mediterranean : a comparison between the Algerian and North-Balearic basins

Giresse, P.; Pauc, H.; Savoye, B.; Dan, G.; Déverchčre, J.; Yelles, K.; Gaullier, V.; and the MARADJA Shipboard, P.
Depositional settings of gravity-flow deposits on the western Algerian margin

Breivik, A. J.; Faleide, J. I.; Mjelde, R.
Continent-ocean transition at the northern Vřring Margin, Norway, Euromargins 2003 OBS Experiment

Feseker, T; Foucher, JP; Sauter, E; Dählmann, A; Harmegnies, F
Recent activity of Hakon Mosby and Isis mud volcanoes as inferred from geothermal and geochemical observations

Hartz, E. H.; Hovius, N.
Déjŕ vu of East Greenland’s paleotopography: Paleozoic to Cenozoic reuse of transgressive planes.

Nygĺrd, A.; Haflidason, H.; Lekens, W.; Sejrup, H.P.
Rapid glacial sedimentation on the North Sea Fan – an important factor for explaining a long slide history

Maignien, L.; Foubert, A.; Depreiter, D.; Boon, N.; Blamart, D.; Verstraete, W.; Henriet, J.-P.
Biogeochemical evidence for anoxic oxidation of methane occurrence in the juvenil carbonate mounds from the gulf of Cadiz

Callot, P.; Odonne, F.; Debroas, E.J.; Dhont, D.; Maillard, A.
3D architecture of fossil submarine slides in the Eocene Sobrarbe deltaic complex (Ainsa, Spanish Pyrenees)

Mauduit, T.; Brun, J.P
Volcanic passive margin of Norway. Is analogue modelling helpful?

Garcia-Gil, S.; Iglesias, J.
Shallow gas escape as environmental hazard: Rande slide in Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)

Tsikalas, F.; Breivik, A.J.; Faleide, J.I.; Raum, T.; Mjelde, R.; Eldholm, O.
Crustal structure of the Lofoten-Vesterĺlen margin, off Norway, constrained by new OBS data

de Haas, H.; Mienis, F.; van Weering, T.C.E; de Stigter, H.C.; Richter, T.O.
Carbonate mound provinces and cold water corals along the NE Atlantic margin

Gumiaux, C.; Stephenson, R.; Verges, J.; Smit, J.
Regional-scale structure of the eastern pre-Betics fold and thrust belt (Spain)

Magalhăes, V. H.; Pinheiro, L. M.; Gaspar, L.; Vasconcelos, C.; Ivanov, M. K.
Origin and paleo-temperature reconstruction of fluids that originate MDAC from the Gulf of Cadiz, using differentiation of the calcite and high Mg-calcite from dolomite for stable isotopes measurements

Ding, F.; Unnithan, V.; Spiess, V.
Gas hydrates and hydraulic overpressure: numerical modelling results from the Cascadia Margin

Rejas, M.; Taberner, C.; de Haas, H.; Mienis, F.; Van Weering, T.C.E
Origin and Characterization of carbonate crusts of the Pen Duick Escarpment (Gulf of Cadiz)

Vizcaino, A.; Grŕcia, E.; Escutia , C.; Asioli, A.; Garcia-Orellana, J.; Lebreiro, S.; Cacho, I.; Thouveny, N.; Diez, S; Dańobeitia, J.J.
Characterizing Holocene Paleoseismic Record in the SW Portuguese Margin

Paull, C.; Ussler, W.; Johnson, J.; Barry, J.; Caress, D.; Xu, J.; Normark, W.
Recent sediment transport events in Monterey Canyon and fan channel

Caja, M.A.; Marfil, R.; Garcia, D.; Remacha, E.; Morad, S.; Mansurbeg, H.; Amorosi, A.
Petrography and geochemistry of dolomite-rich condensed sections: fluid characterisation and evolution(Hecho Group, South Central Pyrenean Basin, Spain)

Ruepke, L.; Podladchikov, Y.; Schmalholz, S.
Joint thermal and stratigraphic reconstruction of rifting in the Northern Viking Graben: implications for hydrocarbon generation

Wilson, J.; Raum, T.; Mjelde, R.; Faleide, J.I.; Breivik, A.J.; Murai, Y.; Flüh, E.
Crustal structure and composition beneath the Trřndelag Platform, mid-Norwegian margin, derived from wide-angle seismic and gravity data

Comas, M.C.; Soto, J.I.
Tectonic segmentation along the South Iberian Margin (Northern branch of the Gibraltar Arc System)

Winkelmann, D.; Jokat, W.; Niessen, F.; Stein, R.; Winkler, A.
Dynamic and timing of the Yermak/Hinlopen Slide, Arctic Ocean

Omoregie, E.O.; Niemann, H.; de Lange, G.; Mastalerz, V.; Stadnitskaia , A.; Kappler, A.; Straub, K.L.; Foucher, J.P.; Boetius, A.
Biogeochemistry of sulfide-oxidizing and iron-oxidizing bacterial mats at the Chefren mud volcano

De Lange, G.J.; Dählmann, A.; Mastalerz, V.; Mascle, J.; Woodside, J.; Foucher, JP.; Lykousis, V.
Low- and high- salinity fluids but equally high CH4 fluxes at eastern Mediterranean Anaximander and Nile mud expulsion structures

Abratis, M.; Viereck-Götte, L.; Hertogen, J.; Pedersen, R.B.; Meyer, R.
Can mineral compositions tell us more about the origin and genesis of silicic volcanics associated with the Vřring Plateau, NE Atlantic Ocean?

Mansurbeg, H.; Morad, S.; Marfil, R. ; El-ghali, M.A.K; Caja, M.A.; Amorosi, A.; Sherwani, G.; Nystuen, J.P.; Garcia, D.
Diagenesis and reservoir quality evolution of palaeocene deepwater, marine sandstones, the shetland-faroes basin, the british continental shelf

Bonatti, E.; THE RS05 TEAM
Initial Emplacement of oceanic lithosphere in the Northern Red Sea

Meyer, R.; Hertogen, J.; Pedersen, R.B.; Viereck-Götte, L.; Abratis, M.
Geochemistry of the Vřring Plateau lavas as an indicator of continent-mantle interaction processes during the early rifting in the NE Atlantic Ocean

Wit, J. C.; Vis, G.-J.; Kasse, C.; Prick, A.; Prins, M.; Kroon, D.; Jung, S.J.A; Alt-Epping, U.
A Holocene land-sea correlation for River Tagus, Portugal

Hogan, K. A.; Dowdeswell, J. A.
Glacier-related sedimentation on an ancient palaeomargin: unravelling the Late Ordovician ice sheet using sedimentary architecture and modern analogues.

Abrantes, F.; The SEDPORT Team
Sedimentation Processes on the Tagus River System (Portuguese Margin) during the Holocene – SEDPORT Main Results

Sowers, T.
Are marine clathrates tied to the abrupt atmospheric methane events recorded in ice cores?

Mastalerz, V.; Dählmann, A.; De Lange, G. J.
Stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of hydrocarbon gases venting at eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes

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