Poster Award

The Best Poster Award was presented to Mauricio Calderón for the poster:

Alto Patache Fog Oasis in the Atacama Desert: Geographical Basis for a Sustainable Development Program,
by M. Calderón, P. Cereceda, H. Larrain, P. Osses, L. Pérez, and M. Ibáñez.

The Best Student Poster Award was presented to Christina Thoma for the poster:

Development of the One Dimensional Fog Model PAFOG for Operational Use at Munich Airport,
by C. Thoma, W. Schneider, M. Rohn, P. Röhner, B.-R. Beckmann, M. Masbou, and A. Bott.

Honorable mentions for Best Student Poster Award:

Katherine B. Beem, Pengfei Li, Pavel Michna, Stephanie Schüttauf, Ellen Sträter, J. A. Valiente, Anna Westbeld