2005 Laureates
Press Releases
25 April 2005 - Arctic Ozone Loss - Latest News
08 April 2005 - Putting Geosciences back onto the European Agenda
Journal Highlights
14 March 2005
Outstanding Young Scientist Awards
Other EGU Awards
EGU Union Service Award Jean-Piere Gattuso (F), Ulrich Pöschl (D) and Carlo Laj (I)
Alfred Wegener Medal & Honorary Membership Georgy Golitsyn (Russia)
Augustus Love Medal Geoff Davies (Australia)
Beno Gutenberg Medal Keiiti Aki (Japan)
David Bates Medal Fred W. Taylor (Great Britain)
Fridtjof Nansen Medal Doron Nof (USA)
Hannes Alfvιn Medal Margaret G. Kivelson (USA)
Hans Oeschger Medal Laurent Labeyrie (France)
Henry Darcy Medal Tammo Steenhuis (Netherlands, USA)
John Dalton Medal Andrea Rinaldo (Italy)
Julius Bartels Medal Claus Fröhlich (Switzerland)
Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Henk A. Dijkstra (Netherlands, USA)
Louis Nιel Medal David L. Kohlstedt (USA)
Milutin Milankovic Medal Martin Claussen (Germany)
Petrus Peregrinus Medal Jean-Louis Le Mouλl (France)
Philippe Duchaufour Medal Udo Schwertmann (Germany)
Plinius Medal Mikhail A. Nosov (Russia)
Robert W. Bunsen Medal Terry M. Seward (Canada, Switzerland)
Sergey Soloviev Medal Charles A. Doswell III (USA)
Stephan Mueller Medal Alan G. Green (Great Britain)
Veining Meinesz Medal Martine Feissel-Vernier (France)
Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal David Williamson (USA)
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal Paul G. Falkowski (USA)
The EGU prize winners: http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/awards/general.htm
Award & Medal Lectures: http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/ga/egu05/medal_lecture.htm