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  Oral Programme - D3.1 Multiscale Magnetospheric Processes: Theory, Simulations, and Multipoint Observations

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MSO: Lakhina, G.
DO: Escoubet, C., Liu, Z.
Co-Sponsorship: European Space Agency (ESA) and International Union of Radio Science (URSI)

Monday, 17 July 2006

Lecture Room: Room 1007-1008

Chairperson: LAKHINA, G.

Select complete timeblock
Magnetosheath and Magnetopause boundary layer Processes

8:30 - 9:00
COSPAR2006-A-01858;  D3.1-0001-06
Berchem, J.
Using multi-spacecraft observations and simulations to determine the large-scale topology of the dayside magnetospheric boundary (solicited)

9:00 - 9:30
COSPAR2006-A-01658;  D3.1-0002-06
Dunlop, M. W.; ISSI DSP-Cluster dayside team
Coordinated measurements of the dayside magnetopause observed by Cluster and Double Star (solicited)

9:30 - 9:45
COSPAR2006-A-00072;  D3.1-0003-06
Huang, Z; Cai, D; Lembege, B; Nishikawa, K-I
Impact of the IMF rotation on the cusp dynamics on the dayside: Global 3D PIC simulations

9:45 - 10:00
COSPAR2006-A-01366;  D3.1-0004-06
Escoubet, C. P.; CUSP TEAM
Two sources of magnetosheath ions observed by Cluster in the mid-altitude polar cusp


Chairperson: LAKHINA, G.

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10:30 - 10:45
COSPAR2006-A-00993;  D3.1-0005-06
Panov, E.V.; Buechner, J.; Fraenz, M.; Korth, A.; Savin, S. P.; Fornacon, K.-H.; Dandouras, I.; Reme, H.
Magnetopause transport due to electromagnetic plasma waves near the ion-cyclotron frequency

10:45 - 11:00
COSPAR2006-A-01171;  D3.1-0006-06
Rae, I. J.; Mann, I. R.; Donovan, E. F.; Fenrich, F. R.; Watt, C.E.J.; Milling, D. K.; Lester, M.; Singer, H. J.; Reme, H.; Balogh, A.
Global ULF Wave Energy Transport in the Magnetosphere

11:00 - 11:15
COSPAR2006-A-01685;  D3.1-0007-06
Wang, J; Pu, Z; Dunlop, M; Zhang, X; Wei, Y; Zhou, X; Fu, S; Xiao, C; Zhong, Q; Liu, Z
Cluster and TC1 five point observations of an FTE on Jan. 4, 2005

11:15 - 11:30
COSPAR2006-A-02093;  D3.1-0008-06
Blanco-Cano, X.; Omidi, N.; Russell, C. T.
Solar wind interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere under radial IMF geometry

11:30 - 11:45
COSPAR2006-A-02472;  D3.1-0009-06
Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Attié, D. ; Belmont, G. ; Rezeau, L.; Bosqued, J.-M.; Lucek, E. ; Carr, C.
What do we learn on the role and nature of ULF waves at the magnetopause by comparing Cluster and Double Star data ?

11:45 - 12:00
COSPAR2006-A-01368;  D3.1-0010-06
Tatrallyay, M.; Erdos, G. ; Balogh, A.; Dandouras, I.
The evolution of mirror type magnetic fluctuations in the magnetosheath based on multipoint observations


Chairperson: ESCOUBET, P.

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Substorms and related processes

14:00 - 14:30
COSPAR2006-A-00817;  D3.1-0011-06
Lui, A.T.Y; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Livi, S.; Reme, H.; Dunlop, M.W.; Gustafsson, G.; Mende, S.B.; Mouikis, C.; Kistler, L.M.
Cluster observation of plasma flow reversal in the magnetotail during a substorm (solicited)

14:30 - 15:00
COSPAR2006-A-02284;  D3.1-0012-06
Bosqued, J. M.; Ashour-Abdalla, M.; El Alaoui, M.; Louarn, P.; Cluster/TC1 HIA-FGM team
Cluster/Double Star observations of ion beams in the magnetotail (solicited)

15:00 - 15:15
COSPAR2006-A-01098;  D3.1-0013-06
Baker, D.N.; Farr, N. ; Pulkkinen, T.I.; Wiltberger, M.
Multi-spacecraft measurements of magnetospheric substorms and their implications for the near-Earth neutral line model

15:15 - 15:30
COSPAR2006-A-01083;  D3.1-0014-06
Takada, T.; Nakamura, R.; Zhang, T. L.; Asano, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Klecker, B.; Reme, H.; Balogh, A.; Carr, C. M.; Frey, H. U.
The relationship between fluctuating plasma sheet and substorm development: Cluster and Double Star TC1 case study

15:30 - 16:00
COSPAR2006-A-01019;  D3.1-0015-06
Zhang, T. L.; Volwerk, M.
Study of waves in the magnetotail region with Cluster and DSP (solicited)

16:00 - 16:15
COSPAR2006-A-02347;  D3.1-0016-06
Zelenyi, L.M.; Dolgonosov, M.S.; Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Peroomian, V.
Fine structure of PSBL ion beams. Effects of nonlinearity and magnetic field topology.

16:15 - 16:30
COSPAR2006-A-02116;  D3.1-0017-06
Shi, J.K; Guo, J.G.; Zhang, T.L.; Liu, Z.X.; Fazakerley, A.; Reme, H.; Dandouras, I.; Lucek, E.
The Correlations of Particles Density with Geomagnetic Activity and Solar Dynamic Pressure in Cusp Region

16:30 - 16:45
COSPAR2006-A-02521;  D3.1-0018-06
Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Bosqued, J.-M.; El-Alaoui, M.; Umeda, T.; Peroomian, V.; Louarn, P.
Modeling of high speed ion beams observed by Cluster and Double Star

16:45 - 17:00
COSPAR2006-A-02745;  D3.1-0019-06
Fujimoto, M.; Schwartz, S.; Horbury, T.; Louarn, P.; baumjohann, W.
Cross-Scale: a multi-spacecraft mission to study cross-scale coupling in space plasmas


Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Lecture Room: Room 1007-1008

Chairperson: LIU, Z.-X.

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Waves, Solitary structures and Turbulence and in the magnetosphere

9:30 - 10:00
COSPAR2006-A-02435;  D3.1-0020-06
Furthering our understanding of Electrostatic Solitary Waves through Cluster multi-spacecraft observations and theory (solicited)

10:00 - 10:30
COSPAR2006-A-01094;  D3.1-0021-06
Stepanova, M.; Paredes-Davis, D.; Antonova, E.E.; Yermolaev, Y.I.
Study of the turbulence in the central plasma sheet using the Interball-Tail satellite data. (solicited)

10:30 - 10:45
COSPAR2006-A-00424;  D3.1-0022-06
Lakhina, G. S.
Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by velocity shear instability on auroral field lines

10:45 - 11:00
COSPAR2006-A-01860;  D3.1-0023-06
Yang, Y.; Wu, W.
Solitary kinetic Alfv\'en waves in bi-ion plasmas


Chairperson: LIU, Z.-X.

Select complete timeblock
11:30 - 11:45
COSPAR2006-A-02471;  D3.1-0024-06
Décréau, P.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Rochel, A.; Suraud, X. ; Trotignon, J.-G.; Canu, P.; Mazelle, C.; Fazakerley, A.; Lefebvre, B.; Eastwood, J.
Morphology of HF electrostatic turbulence sites in the Earth's foreshock: case events observations from the four points CLUSTER constellation

11:45 - 12:00
COSPAR2006-A-00534;  D3.1-0025-06
Antonova, E.E.
Magnetospheic turbulence and properties of magnetospheric dynamics

12:00 - 12:15
COSPAR2006-A-00194;  D3.1-0026-06
Cheremnykh, O.K.; Parnowski, A.S.
Ballooning perturbations in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth: spectrum, stability and eigenfunction analysis

12:15 - 12:30
COSPAR2006-A-00519;  D3.1-0027-06
Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.
Broadband electrostatic noise and low-frequency waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere

12:30 - 12:45
COSPAR2006-A-00463;  D3.1-0028-06
Kakad, A. P.; Singh, S. V.; Reddy, R. V.; Tagare, S. G.; Lakhina, G. S.
Generation mechanism of electron acoustic solitary structures in the Earth's magnetotail region

12:45 - 13:00
COSPAR2006-A-02717;  D3.1-0029-06
Katoh, Y; Omura, Y
A self-consistent particle simulation of VLF triggered emissions


Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Lecture Room: Room 1007-1008

Chairperson: ANTONOVA, E.

Select complete timeblock
Current Sheets and Magnetic Reconnection: Observations, Theory and Simulations

9:30 - 10:00
COSPAR2006-A-00464;  D3.1-0030-06
Pu, Z.Y.; Zhang, X.G.; Wang, J.; Dunlop, M.W.; Xiao, C.J.; Fu, S.Y.; Zhou, X.Z.; Zong, Q.G.; Liu, Z.X.; Wang, X.G.
Component reconnection at the magentopause with Cluster and DSP (solicited)

10:00 - 10:30
COSPAR2006-A-00567;  D3.1-0031-06
Singh, N.; Deverapllai, C.
Kinetic Simulations of Thinnest Current Sheets as detected by Cluster. (solicited)

10:30 - 10:45
COSPAR2006-A-02120;  D3.1-0032-06
Goldman, M. V.; Newman, D. L.; Main, D.
Electrostatic turbulence driven by current sheets: relation to magnetic reconnection

10:45 - 11:00
COSPAR2006-A-03319;  D3.1-0033-06
Chaston, C.; Phan, T.; Mozer, F.; Acuna, M.; Reme, H.; Goldstein, M.
The importance of Alfvenic turbulence in reconnection: Cluster observations (cancelled)


Chairperson: ANTONOVA, E.

Select complete timeblock
11:30 - 11:45
COSPAR2006-A-03551;  D3.1-0034-06
Yang, H.A.; Jin, S.P.; Li, Y.
Hall MHD reconnection with an initial guide field By0

11:45 - 12:00
COSPAR2006-A-01364;  D3.1-0035-06
Omidi, N.; Blanco-Cano, X.; Russell, C.T.
Scaling Properties of Magnetic Reconnection

12:00 - 12:15
COSPAR2006-A-00659;  D3.1-0036-06
Taylor, M; ISSI Cluster and Double Star team
A Multi-satellite/-instrument case study of the source of the cold dense plasma sheet

12:15 - 12:30
COSPAR2006-A-03474;  D3.1-0037-06
Zong, Q.; Cluster team
Earthward and Tailward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Ionospheric Signature

12:30 - 12:45
COSPAR2006-A-03250;  D3.1-0038-06
Deng, X.H.; Tang, R.X.; Yuan, Z.G.; Zhou, M.; Li, S.Y.; Pang, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Zhang, T.L.; Reme, H.; Carr, C.M.
Joint observations of reconnection at dayside magnetopause by TC1 and Cluster and compared with computer Simulations

12:45 - 13:00
COSPAR2006-A-01995;  D3.1-0039-06
Shi, Q. Q.; Shen, C.; Dunlop, M. W.; Pu, Z.Y.; Zong, Q-G.; Liu, Z. X.; Lucek, E.
Studying the property of the magnetotail current sheet by new multipoint techniques


Chairperson: WILTBERGER, M.

Select complete timeblock
Multi-scale process revealed through particle distributions and Wave properties

15:30 - 15:45
COSPAR2006-A-03331;  D3.1-0040-06
Mazelle, C.; Meziane, K.; Wilber, M. ; Attié, R. ; Hamza, A.; Parks, G.K.; Eastwood, J.P.; Lucek, E.
Gyrating ion distributions produced by wave-particle interaction in the Earth's foreshock: detailed properties

15:45 - 16:00
COSPAR2006-A-03379;  D3.1-0041-06
Meziane, K.; Wilber, M.; Hamza, A.M.; Mazelle, C.; Parks, G.K.; Rème, H.; Lucek, E.A.
Foreshock field-aligned beams: new results from Cluster

16:00 - 16:15
COSPAR2006-A-01004;  D3.1-0042-06
Savin, S.; Amata , E. ; T. Passot, T. ; Sulem, P.L. ; Lucek, E. ; Zelenyi, L. ; Skalsky, A. ; Shevyrev, N. ; Blecki, J. ; Buechner, J.
On the origin and role of plasma jets with anomalous dynamic pressure in interaction of plasma flow with magnetosphere.

16:15 - 16:30
COSPAR2006-A-01635;  D3.1-0043-06
Alleyne, H.; Walker, S.; Balikhin, M.; Andre, M.; Dunlop, M.
Observations of Spatial Scales of the Terrestrial Bow Shock

16:30 - 16:45
COSPAR2006-A-01302;  D3.1-0044-06
DUDOK DE WIT, T.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Bale, S.
Polarisation properties of intense Langmuir wave packets near the electron foreshock: WIND observations and interpretation

16:45 - 17:00
COSPAR2006-A-02695;  D3.1-0045-06
Fu, S.Y.; Zong, Q._G.; Korth, A.; Pu, Z.Y.; Daly, P.
Preliminary study of energetic particles embedded in magnetic structures observed in the near Earth plasmasheet

17:00 - 17:15
COSPAR2006-A-02603;  D3.1-0046-06
Roeder, J; Fennell, J; Friedel, R; Grande, M; Daly, P
Energetic electron distributions at the dusk and dawn magnetotail flanks: Cluster RAPID observations

17:15 - 17:30
COSPAR2006-A-03443;  D3.1-0047-06
Masson, A; Laakso, H; Escoubet, P; Taylor, M; Vallat, C; Opgenoorth, H
Simultaneous remote sensing and in-situ observations by IMAGE and Cluster in the vicinity of plasmaspheric plumes

17:30 - 17:45
COSPAR2006-A-02132;  D3.1-0048-06
Shen, C; Li, X; Dunlop, M; Shi, Q; Liu, Z; Lucek, E
Magnetic field rotation analysis and the applications

17:45 - 18:00
COSPAR2006-A-02984;  D3.1-0049-06
Torkar, K.; Lindqvist, P.-A.; Décréau, PME.; Dandouras, I.; Fazakerley, A.N.; Kahn, H.; Laakso, H.; Jeszenszky, H.
Estimation of plasma density from the actively controlled Cluster spacecraft potential

18:00 - 18:15
COSPAR2006-A-03089;  D3.1-0050-06
Lund, E. J.; Farrugia, C. J.; Sandholt, P. E.
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling initiated by dynamo action downstream of the cusp: An ACE-Wind-Cluster-FAST coordinated study

18:15 - 18:30
COSPAR2006-A-02452;  D3.1-0051-06
Keiling, A.; Coworkers
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with magnetospheric ion beams


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