EGU General Assembly 2007
Session Programme Meeting Programme Personal Programme Search
  The GEM-AQ Arctic Chemistry Science Team


K. Toyota (1), J. C. McConnell (1), A. Lupu (1), L. Neary (1), A. Richter (2), C. A. McLinden (3), J. W. Kaminski (1), L. Lobocki (4), K. Semeniuk (1), J. Jarosz (1), M. Neish (1), and S.-L. Gong (3)
(1) Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (email: +1-416-736-5817), (2) Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany, (3) Environment Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, (4) Warsaw University of Technology, Poland


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