OSI Noble Gas Collaboration
(1) G. O. Adams, (2) A. Donets, (3) K. Elmgren, (4) J. Feichtinger, (2) N. Kazarinov, (4) K. Khrustalev, (2) V. Kolomeytsev, (3) K. Lindh, (2) V. Mishurinsky, (3) A. Pettersson, (1) V. D. Patel, (2) I. Popov, (2) V. Popov, (2) Y. Popov, (2) V. Prelovsky, (3) A. Ringbom, (4) T. Schroettner, (4) M. Schwaiger, (1) J. Tanaka, (1) S. Widodo
(1) Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna, Austria, (2) V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, (3) Swedish Defence Research Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, (4) Radiation Safety and Applications Seibersdorf, Austrian Research Centers, Seibersdorf, Austria