IS51 - PS2.2/BG7.4:
Astrobiology, Mars and robotic exploration (co-organized by BG & PS) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-04364 |
oral (15 min) |
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Thomas-Keprta, K. L.; Clemett, S. J.; McKay, D. S.; Gibson, E. K.; Wentworth, S. J.; FEI Corporation, FEI
Reevaluation of the "Life-on-Mars" Hypothesis: Origin of ALH84001 Carbonate-Magnetite Assemblages |
Kathie Thomas-Keprta, kthomas@ems.jsc.nasa.gov |
Exploring the Solar System - Missions and Techniques |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-05213 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Chassefiere, E.; THE EVE TEAM
European Venus Explorer : an in-situ mission to Venus using a balloon platform |
Eric Chassefiere, eric.chassefiere@aero.jussieu.fr |
EGU2008-A-08944 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Lebreton, J.-P.
In Situ Exploration of Titan: Lessons Learned From Huygens |
Jean-Pierre Lebreton, jean-pierre.lebreton@esa.int |
Mercury |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07745 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Sprague, A.L.
Mercury: A Review of Observed Characteristics and Formation Possibilities |
EGU2008-A-09183 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Solomon, S. C.; McNutt Jr., R. L.; Bedini, P. D.; Finnegan, E. J.; the MESSENGER Team
MESSENGER’s First Mercury Flyby: An Overview of Observations |
Sean C. Solomon, scs@dtm.ciw.edu |
EGU2008-A-12196 |
oral (15 min) |
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Benkhoff, J
BepiColombo- A mission to explore Mercury |
Johannes Benkhoff, Johannes.Benkhoff@esa.int |
Mars Science & Exploration |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-04516 |
oral (15 min) |
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Safaeinili, A; Plaut, J; Holt, J; Phillips, R; Gim, Y; Orosei, R; Biccari, D; Seu, R; Picardi, G
Recent results from MARSIS and SHARAD radar sounders |
ALI SAFAEINILI, ali.safaeinili@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-04863 |
oral (15 min) |
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Atreya, S.; Delory, G.; Encrenaz, T.; Formisano, V.; Farrell, W.; Mahaffy, P.; Mumma, M.; Renno, N.
Martian methane: faster destruction, bigger source |
Sushil K. Atreya, atreya@umich.edu |
EGU2008-A-06378 |
oral (15 min) |
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Chicarro, A. F.
Mars-NEXT Ð A future step in the European exploration of Mars |
Agustin Chicarro, agustin.chicarro@esa.int |
Venus Express: two years in orbit |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-05343 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Taylor, FW
The Climate on Venus: Insights from Venus Express |
Fred W. Taylor, f.taylor@physics.ox.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-08349 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Piccioni, G. ; Drossart, P.; the VIRTIS-Venus Express team
Observations by VIRTIS on Venus Express |
giuseppe piccioni, giuseppe.piccioni@iasf-roma.inaf.it |
EGU2008-A-11014 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Barabash, S.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Fedorov, A. ; ASPERA-4
Review of the results from Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms ASPERA-4 onboard Venus Express |
Stas Barabash, stas@irf.se |
EGU2008-A-12301 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Bertaux, J.-L.
Overview of the SPICAV/SOIR results in the context of dynamics and chemistry of the Venus atmosphere |
Jean-Loup Bertaux, bertaux@aerov.jussieu.fr |
EGU2008-A-12303 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Svedhem, H.; Titov, D. ; Witasse, O.
Status and scientific highlights of the Venus Express mission |
Håkan Svedhem, hsvedhem@rssd.esa.int |
Lunar science and exploration |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01969 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Kato, M.; Takizawa, Y. ; Sasaki, S.
Present status of Kaguya( SELENE) mission and science goals |
Manabu Kato, kato@planeta.sci.isas.jaxa.jp |
EGU2008-A-03423 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Koschny, D.; Crawford, I.; Houdou, B.; Kempf, S.; Lognonne, P.; Pradier, A.; Ricci, C.; Vaujour, P.-D.
Science goals of MoonNEXT, an ESA study to put a lander on the Moon |
Detlef Koschny, detlef.koschny@esa.int |
EGU2008-A-03809 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Jaumann, R.; LEO Team
Lunar Exploration Orbiter LEO |
Ralf Jaumann, ralf.jaumann@dlr.de |
EGU2008-A-05562 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Zuber, M.; Smith, D.; Alkalai, L.; Lehman, D.
The GRAIL gravity mission to the Moon |
Maria Zuber, zuber@mit.edu |
EGU2008-A-09766 |
oral (15 min) |
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Houdou, B.; Pradier, A.; Koschny, D.; Vaujour, P.-D.
MoonNEXT: ESA Phase A Mission Study of a Lunar Lander with In-Situ Science and Mobility |
Berengere HOUDOU, Berengere.Houdou@esa.int |
EGU2008-A-11165 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Vondrak, R; The LRO Project Science Working Group
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Mission Overview |
John Keller, john.keller@nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-11819 |
oral (15 min) |
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Foing, B.H.; Grieger, B.; Koschny, D.; Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; Ellouzi, M.; Peters, S.; Almeida, M.; Frew, D.; The SMART-1 STWT Team, N.; The SMART-1 STWT Team
Synthesis of SMART-1 lunar results: Science and Exploration |
Bernard Foing, Bernard.Foing@esa.int |
EGU2008-A-12202 |
oral (15 min) |
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Haruyama, J.; Ohtake, M.; Matunaga, T.; Morota, T.; Honda, C.; Torii, M.; Yokota, Y.; Ogawa, Y.; Abe, M.; LISM working group
First Results from LISM on Kaguya |
Haruyama Junichi, haruyama.junichi@jaxa.jp |
EGU2008-A-12206 |
oral (15 min) |
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Foing, B.H.; ILEWG pannel
Perspectives for international lunar exploration |
Bernard Foing, Bernard.Foing@esa.int |
Outer planets and satellites |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01826 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Coustenis, A.; CIRS Investigation Team, The; TandEM Consortium, The
Titan’s chemical composition from current and future exploration |
Athena Coustenis, Athena.Coustenis@obspm.fr |
EGU2008-A-02312 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Encrenaz, Th.; Owen, T.
Jupiter and the Giant Planets |
Tobias Owen, tokumura@ifa.hawaii.edu |
EGU2008-A-02883 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Lopes, R.M.; Stofan, E.R.; Wood, C.; Radebaugh, J.; Kirk, R.; Lorenz, R.; Lunine, J.; Wall, S.D.; Mitchell, K.L.; Mitri, G.
New views of Titan’s surface geology from the Cassini RADAR |
Rosaly Lopes, Rosaly.M.Lopes@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-02912 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Flasar, F. M.; Schinder, P. J.; Marouf, E. A.; Achterberg, R. K.; French, R. G.; McGhee, C. A.; Kliore, A. J.; Rappaport, N. J.
The thermal structure of Titan’s atmosphere |
F. Michael Flasar, f.m.flasar@nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-02920 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Waite, J.H.
Titan and Enceladus: Through the Eyes of the Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer |
J. Hunter Waite, hunter.waite@swri.org |
EGU2008-A-03759 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Jaumann, R.; VIMS Titan Team
Erosion on Titan |
Ralf Jaumann, ralf.jaumann@dlr.de |
EGU2008-A-04430 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Davies, A. G.; Matson, D. L.; Castillo, J. C.; Johnson, T. V.; Sotin, C.
Cryolava Emplacement on Titan and Resulting Morphology: Modelling Strategy |
Ashley Davies, Ashley.Davies@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-04876 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Atreya, S.K.; Lunine, J.I.; Niemann, H.B.; Wilson, E.H.
Where have Titan’s ethane oceans gone? |
Sushil K. Atreya, atreya@umich.edu |
EGU2008-A-05664 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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West, R
Clouds and Haze on Saturn |
Robert West, robert.a.west@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-05919 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Baines, K.; Momary, T.; Roos-Serote, M.; Showman, A.; Atreya, S.; Brown, R.; Buratti, B.; Clark, R.; Nicholson, P.
Saturn’s zonal structure at depth: Dimensional characteristics and constraints on temporal variability over 3 years of Cassini/VIMS mapping |
Kevin Baines, kbaines@aloha.jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-05967 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Khurana, K. K.; Mitchell, D. G.; Arridge, C.S.; Dougherty, M. K.; Russell, C. T.; Paranicas, C.; Krupp, N.
The mystery of rotational signals from Saturn’s magnetosphere revealed |
Krishan Khurana, kkhurana@igpp.ucla.edu |
EGU2008-A-08705 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Lebreton, J.-P.
Recent Results On Titan From Huygens |
Jean-Pierre Lebreton, jean-pierre.lebreton@esa.int |
EGU2008-A-08780 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Sotin, C.; Le Corre, L.; LeMouelic, S.; Barnes, J.W.; Brown, R.H.; Jaumann, R.; Soderblom, J.; Baines, K.; Buratti, B.; Clark, R.
CASSINI/VIMS observations of cryo-volcanic features on Titan: implications for the methane cycle |
Christophe Sotin, Christophe.Sotin@univ-nantes.fr |
EGU2008-A-10189 |
poster solicited |
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Lorenz, R.; Stiles, B.; Kirk, R.; Zebker, H.; Callahan, P.; Radarteam, T.C.
Geophysical Results at Titan from Cassini RADAR : Topography and Spin State Overview |
Ralph D. Lorenz, ralph.lorenz@jhuapl.edu |
EGU2008-A-10467 |
poster solicited |
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Soderblom, J. M.; Barnes, J. W.; Brown , R. H.; Jaumann, R.; Le Mouélic, S.; Soderblom, L. A.; Sotin, C.; Stephan, K.; The VIMS Team
Investigation into the Origin of a Crater Complex on Titan Observed by Cassini VIMS |
Jason Soderblom, jasons@lpl.arizona.edu |
EGU2008-A-11071 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Johnson, T.
Geophysics of icy Saturnian satellites |
Torrence Johnson, Torrence.V.Johnson@jpl.nasa.gov |
Satellites and rings |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-04882 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Hansen, C.; Esposito, L.; Colwell, J.; Hendrix, A.; Meinke, B.; Stewart, I.
Observations of Enceladus' Plume from Cassini's Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph |
Candice Hansen, candice.j.hansen@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-05224 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Charnoz, S.; The Cassini Imaging Team, C.
The complex life of Saturn's small satellites at the ring's outer edge |
Sebastien Charnoz, charnoz@cea.fr |
EGU2008-A-05702 |
poster solicited |
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Showalter, M.; Lissauer, J.; French, R.; Hamilton, D.; Nicholson, P.; de Pater, I.
Hubble Observations of the Uranian Ring Plane Crossing |
Mark Showalter, mshowalter@seti.org |
EGU2008-A-08696 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Evans, M.W.
Saturn's F ring, building a theory of it's structure |
Michael Evans, M.W.Evans@qmul.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-11036 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Denk, T.; Cassini Imaging Team
Iapetus: Results from the Cassini Imaging Experiment and Notes on the Brightness Dichotomy Enigma |
Tilmann Denk, Tilmann.Denk@gmx.de |
Planetary Plasma Physics |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-05581 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Krimigis, S; Acuna, M; Andrews, G; Anderson, B; Baker, D; Gloeckler, G; Gold, R; Ho, G; Korth, H; Livi, S; The MESSENGER Team
Overview of plasma, energetic particles, and magnetic fields in Mercury¢s magnetosphere: First results from MESSENGER |
Stamatios Krimigis, tom.krimigis@jhuapl.edu |
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer in Planetary Atmospheres |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06103 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Crisp, D.
Frontiers in radiative transfer for remote sensing and climate modeling of Venus and Mars |
David Crisp, David.Crisp@jpl.nasa.gov |