Precipitation and Dissolution of Carbonates |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-05643 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Fernández-Díaz, L.; Pérez-Garrido, C.; Pina, C.M.; Prieto, M.
Interaction between calcite {10 -14} surface and Cd-bearing aqueous solutions: An AFM study |
Lurdes Fernández-Díaz, lfdiaz@geo.ucm.es |
EGU2007-A-08169 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Tang, J.; Köhler, S. J.; Dietzel, M.; Eisenhauer, A.; Böhm, F.; Leis, A.
Sr2+/Ca2+ and 44Ca/40Ca Fractionation During Crystallization of CaCO3 Polymorphs – Experimental study at Low Temperature |
Jianwu Tang, tang@tugraz.at |
The mantle perspective: compositional and rheological constraints on litosphere evolution |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-01344 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Kogarko, L.N.; Ntaflos, T.
Geochemical evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath East Antarctic (oasis Jetty) |
Lia Kogarko, kogarko@geokhi.ru |
EGU2007-A-02765 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Gasperini, D.; Bosch, D.; Braga, R.; Bondi, M.; Macera, P.; Morten, L.
Metasomatism of the SE Alps mantle lithosphere: evidence from ultramafic xenoliths of the Veneto Volcanic Province |
Daniela Gasperini, d.gasperini@dst.unipi.it |
EGU2007-A-04966 |
Poster |
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Piccardo, G.B.
Palaeogeographic setting versus petrological features of mantle peridotites from the Ligurian Tethys, a Jurassic ultra-slow spreading ocean. |
Giovanni Battista Piccardo, piccardo@dipteris.unige.it |
EGU2007-A-04972 |
Poster |
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Marasco, M.; Piccardo, G.B.
Ultramafic pseudo-tachylites in the Moncuni peridotite (Lanzo Massif, Western Alps): records of Jurassic earthquakes in the lithosphere of the Ligurian Tethys. |
Giovanni Battista Piccardo, piccardo@dipteris.unige.it |
EGU2007-A-05603 |
Poster |
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Segata, M.; Fumagalli, P.
Textural evolution in peridotite systems: a time-resolved experimental study on grain growth |
Monica Segata, monica.segata@unimi.it |
EGU2007-A-07073 |
Poster |
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Nédli, Zs.; Princivalle, F.; Dobosi, G.; Embey-Isztin, A.
Clinopyroxene crystal chemistry of texturally heterogeneous upper mantle xenolith series from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (Hungary): what does crystal structure message about xenolith petrogenesis and mantle pressure conditions? |
Zsuzsanna Nedli, nedlizs@yahoo.com |
EGU2007-A-07687 |
Poster |
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Borghini, G.; Fumagalli, P.; Rampone, E.
Experimental and natural constraints on the spinel-plagioclase subsolidus transition in mantle peridotites. |
Giulio Borghini, giulio.borghini@unige.it |
EGU2007-A-08474 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Afonso, J. C.; Fern\`{a}ndez, M.; Ranalli, G.
An integrated modelling approach to understanding combined geophysical-petrological processes in the lithospheric-sublithospheric mantle |
Juan Carlos Afonso, jafonso@ija.csic.es |
EGU2007-A-08579 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Corti, G.; Ranalli, G.; Piccardo, G.B.; Manetti, P.
Percolation of lithospheric mantle by asthenospheric melt and its influence on continental breakup |
Giovanni Battista Piccardo, piccardo@dipteris.unige.it |
EGU2007-A-09350 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Pruzzo, A.; Piccardo, G.B.; Zanetti, A.
The Northern Lanzo peridotite massif (Western Italian Alps): sub-continental lithospheric mantle percolated and impregnated by MORB melts. |
Giovanni Battista Piccardo, piccardo@dipteris.unige.it |
EGU2007-A-10328 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Batanova, V.G.; Bruegmann, G.E.; Belousov, I.A.; Savelieva, G.N.; Sobolev, A.V.
HSE, Os isotopes and LILE as tracers of processes in supra-suduction mantle (Voykar Complex, Polar Ural Ophiolites) |
Valentina Batanova, batanova@mpch-mainz.mpg.de |
EGU2007-A-10783 |
Poster |
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Zanetti, A.; Piccardo, G.B.
The evolution of focalised melt migration through the mantle lithosphere: Geochemical evidence from dunite-hosted clinopyroxenes in Lanzo South and External Ligurides ophiolitic peridotites |
Alberto Zanetti, zanetti@crystal.unipv.it |
Behavior of substance at extreme conditions in nature and laboratory |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-00590 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Bobrov, A.V.; Litvin, Yu.A.; Kojitani, H.; Akaogi, M.
Formation of Na-bearing majoritic garnets in the Na2O-MgO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system under extreme conditions of 7—24 GPa and 1500—2000°C |
Andrey Bobrov, archi3@yandex.ru |
EGU2007-A-02044 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Fortov, V.
Intense shock waves for extreme states of matter generation |
Vladimir E. Fortov, fortov@ficp.ac.ru |
EGU2007-A-02758 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Ono, S.
Phase transition of CaCO3 up to 200 GPa and 2600 K |
Shigeaki Ono, sono@jamstec.go.jp |
Metamorphic and magmatic consequences of ultra-deep subduction |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-04382 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Tackley, P.; Nakagawa, T.; Connolly, J.; Deschamps, F.
Subduction of crust to the CMB and its role in explaining mantle heterogeneity |
Paul Tackley, ptackley@erdw.ethz.ch |
EGU2007-A-05236 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Gorczyk, W.; Gerya, T. V.; Connolly, J. A.; Yuen, D. A.
Growth and mixing dynamics of mantle wedge plumes |
Weronika Gorczyk, weronika.gorczyk@erdw.ethz.ch |
EGU2007-A-05265 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Castro, A.
The sublithospheric origin of batholiths |
Antonio Castro, dorado@uhu.es |
The Role of Accessory Minerals in Metamorphic and Igneous Processes |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-01748 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Hovis, G.; Harlov, D.; Hahn, A.; Steigert, H.
Enthalpies and volumes of F-Cl mixing in fluorapatite - chlorapatite crystalline solutions |
Guy Hovis, hovisguy@lafayette.edu |
EGU2007-A-03272 |
Poster |
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Nijland, T.G.; Harlov, D.E.
Selective joint-controlled oxide leaching in greenschist facies phyllites, Ottré, Ardennes, Belgium |
T.G. Nijland, timo.nijland@tno.nl |
EGU2007-A-04387 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Tropper, P.
Titanite thermobarometery in metamorphic rocks: the influence of titanite activity models in the system CaTiSiO4O - CaAlSiO4F on phase equilibrium calculations in high-P rocks |
Peter Tropper, peter.tropper@uibk.ac.at |
EGU2007-A-06889 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Putnis, A.; Janssen, A.; Geisler, T.; Putnis, C.V.
The mechanism of hydrothermal alteration of ilmenite. |
Andrew Putnis, putnis@nwz.uni-muenster.de |
EGU2007-A-08100 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Greenwood, J. P.; Itoh, S.; Sakamoto, N.; Vicenzi, E. P.; Yurimoto, H.
Isotopography of hydrogen in apatite of Martian meteorites: Constraints on their petrogenesis and the history of water on Mars |
James Greenwood, jgreenwood@wesleyan.edu |
EGU2007-A-10624 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Williams, M.; Jercinovic, M.; Dumond, G.; Hetherington, C.
Monazite petrogenesis and geochronology by electron microprobe: analytical challenges and applications for dating tectonic processes |
Michael Williams, mlw@geo.umass.edu |
Subduction vs intraplate lithospheric mantle: agents and processes |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-00383 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Malaspina, N.; Hermann, J.; Scambelluri, M.
The “W-type” LILE signature of deep subduction zone fluids |
Nadia Malaspina, Nadia.Malaspina@unimi.it |
EGU2007-A-01243 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Klein-BenDavid, O.; Logvinova, A.; Sobolev, N.V.; Schrauder, M.; Spetius, Z.; Navon, O.
Yakutian Diamond-forming fluids - the evolution of carbonatitic high density fluids |
Ofra Klein BenDavid, o.k.bendavid@durham.ac.uk |
EGU2007-A-01837 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Arai, S.; Tamura, A.; Ishimaru, S.; Ninomiya, C.; Abe, N.
Interaction between mantle-wedge lithosphere and plume-derived melt beneath the Japan arcs on the Japan-Sea opening |
Shoji Arai, ultrasa@kenroku.kanazawa-u.ac.jp |
EGU2007-A-02588 |
Poster |
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Grégoire, M.; Teitchou, M.I.; Dantas, C.; Tchoua, F.M.
The upper mantle beneath the Kumba plain (Cameroon Line), documented by spinel peridotites from basaltic lavas. |
Michel Gregoire, Michel.Gregoire@dtp.obs-mip.fr |
EGU2007-A-02773 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Neumann, E.-R.; Simon, N.S.C; Bonadiman, C.; Coltorti, M.; Delpech, G.; Grégoire, M.
Oceanic lithosphere composition revisited: constraints from major element and modal relationships in mantle xenoliths from ocean islands |
Else-Ragnhild Neumann, e.r.neumann@geo.uio.no |
EGU2007-A-02993 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Bonadiman, C.; Coltorti, M.; Duggen, S.; Paludetti, L.; Siena, F.; Thirlwall, M.; Upton, B.G.J
Pre-Mesozoic intraplate and subduction-related metasomatism in the Scottish lithospheric mantle |
Costanza Bonadiman, bdc@unife.it |
EGU2007-A-06100 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Ulmer, P.; Kessel, R.; Melekhova, E.; Schmidt, M.W.
Compositions and Nature of Melts, supercritical Fluids and Liquids liberated by Dehydration of subducted oceanic Lithosphere: Experimental Constraints and Consequences for Subduction Zone Metasomatism |
Peter Ulmer, peter.ulmer@erdw.ethz.ch |
EGU2007-A-06342 |
Poster |
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Scambelluri, M; Hermann, J; Morten, L; Rampone, E
Melt- versus fluid-induced metasomatism in mantle wedge alpine peridotites (Ulten Zone, Eastern Italian Alps) |
Marco Scambelluri, marco.scambelluri@dipteris.unige.it |
EGU2007-A-07952 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Ntaflos, Th.; Seghedi, I.
The geochemical behavior of Phosphorus and Zirconium in lamproitic magmas: case study the Gataia lamproite, SW Romania |
Theodor Ntaflos, theodoros.ntaflos@univie.ac.at |
EGU2007-A-08975 |
Poster |
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Coltorti, M.; Bonadiman, C.; Faccini, B.
Geochemical features of minerals and glasses in intraplate and suprasubduction lithospheric mantle |
Massimo Coltorti, clt@unife.it |
EGU2007-A-09513 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Marschall, H. R.; Schumacher, J. C.; King, R. L.
Geochemical implications of melange zones at the slab-mantle interface |
Horst Marschall, Horst.Marschall@bristol.ac.uk |
New monitoring techniques applied to active volcanoes |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-01423 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Galle, B.; The NOVAC team
NOVAC – Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change |
Bo Galle, bo.galle@rss.chalmers.se |
EGU2007-A-05099 |
Poster (solicited) |
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Dangerfield, A.; Radebaugh, J.; Carling, G.; Tingey, D.; Keith, J.; South, J.
Accuracy of MODIS on Kilauea eruption temperatures |
Anne Dangerfield, anne.dangerfield@gmail.com |
EGU2007-A-06583 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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D'Anna, G.; Mangano, G.; D'Alessandro, A.; Amato, A.
The new INGV broadband OBS/H: test results on submarine volcano Marsili and future developments. |
Giorgio Mangano, mangano@ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-11387 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Romeo, G.; Urbini, G.; Benedetti, P.; Mari, M.
Modular thermal gradiometer |
Giovanni Romeo, romeo@ingv.it |
Mineral properties and behaviour: the European Mineral Sciences Initiative (EuroMinScI) open session (including the EMU Research Excellence Medal Lecture) (co-organized by BG) (co-listed in CR, NP, SSP) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-02268 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Cuif, J.P.; Dauphin, Y.; Nouet, J.
Nano-crystallization within chemically active glyco-protein hydrogel layers: a possible origin for the long-standing vital effect enigma in the Ca-carbonate skeletons. |
Jean-Pierre Cuif, jean-pierre.cuif@u-psud.fr |
EGU2007-A-09739 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Winkler, B.; Friedrich, A. ; Wilson, D.; Haussühl, E.; Refson, K.; Probert, M.; Gale, J.; Milman, V.
Structure and properties of hydrous minerals from experiment and computation |
Bjoern Winkler, b.winkler@kristall.uni-frankfurt.de |
Phase changes, magma properties, and magmatic and eruptive processes |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-05689 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Giordano, D.; Russell, J.K.; Dingwell, D.B.
Viscosity of Magmatic Liquids: A model for volcanology |
Kelly Russell, krussell@eos.ubc.ca |
EGU2007-A-07122 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Rust, A.C.; Balmforth, N.J.; Jellinek, A.M.
Effects of crystals on the rheology and convection of magma |
Alison Rust, alison.rust@bristol.ac.uk |
EGU2007-A-07542 |
Poster |
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Poussineau, S.; Arbaret, L.; Burgisser, A.
Water content of 1997 vulcanian pumices at Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat) and implications on pre-eruptive conduit conditions |
stephane poussineau, stephane.poussineau@univ-orleans.fr |
Volcano-Tectonics (Co-listed in TS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-01872 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Geshi, N
Development of a collapse caldera during the Miyakejima 2000AD eruption |
Nobuo Geshi, geshi-nob@aist.go.jp |
EGU2007-A-03456 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Bonforte, A.; Gambino, S.; Neri, M.
Shallow and deeper deformation on the eastern flank of Etna from 2001 to 2006 |
MARCO NERI, neri@ct.ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-04479 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Smith, R.; Tuffen, H.; Sammonds, P.R.
The high temperature fracture mechanics of silicic magma: a comparison of crystalline andesite and rhyolitic obsidian |
Rosanna Smith, rosanna.smith@ucl.ac.uk |
EGU2007-A-04704 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Aguirre-Diaz, G.J.; Labarthe-Hernandez, G.; Tristan-Gonzalez, M.; Nieto-Obregon, J.; Gutierrez-Palomares, I.
Graben-calderas. Volcano-tectonic explosive collapse structures of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico |
Gerardo Aguirre-Díaz, ger@geociencias.unam.mx |
Explosive activity at basaltic volcanoes |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-02096 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Clague, D.
Simultaneous Effusive and Strombolian Eruptions along Mid-Ocean Ridges |
David Clague, clague@mbari.org |
EGU2007-A-02312 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Polacci, M.
Large vesicles record pathways of degassing at basaltic volcanoes |
Polacci Margherita, polacci@ct.ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-02390 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Barbato, D.; Longo, A.; Saccorotti, G.; Papale, P.; Barsanti, M.
Numerical simulation of conduit dynamics during paroxysms at Stromboli |
Barbato David, barbato@pi.ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-03187 |
Poster |
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Spieler, O.; Downey, W.; Mastin, L.; Dingwell, D.B.; Shaw, C.; Kunzmann, Th.
The Surtseyan experiment – fragmenting basaltic melts. |
Oliver Spieler, spieler@lmu.de |
EGU2007-A-05336 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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James, M R; Lane, S J; Corder, S B
Degassing low-viscosity magma: Quantifying the transition between passive bubble-burst and explosive activity |
Mike James, m.james@lancs.ac.uk |
EGU2007-A-08044 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Allard, P.
A CO2-rich gas trigger of explosive paroxysms at Stromboli volcano (Italy) |
Patrick Allard, patrick.allard@cea.fr |
EGU2007-A-09243 |
Poster (solicited) |
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Andronico, D.; Cristaldi, A.; Di Grazia, G.; Ferrari, F.
The August-December 2006 eruption at Mt. Etna volcano |
Daniele Andronico, andronico@ct.ingv.it |
Volcanic and non-volcanic Earth degassing |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-02140 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Marty, B.
Tracing long-term fluxes of volatile elements between surface and mantle reservoirs |
Bernard Marty, bmarty@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr |
EGU2007-A-02250 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Barsanti, M.; Barbato, D.; Papale, P.; Longo, A.; Moretti, R.
Large carbon dioxide abundance in magma from Kilauea volcano, Hawaii |
Michele Barsanti, m.barsanti@dma.unipi.it |
EGU2007-A-02703 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Witt, M; Aiuppa, A; Bagnato, E; Mather, T; Pyle, D
Volcanic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere |
Melanie Witt, melanie.witt@earth.ox.ac.uk |
EGU2007-A-02971 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Chiodini, G.; Valenza, M.
Earth degassing in Italy: results of the first year of the project “Diffuse Degassing in Italy, INGV-DPC V5 Project" |
Giovanni Chiodini, chiod@ov.ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-07655 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Miller, S.A.
Link between earthquakes, aftershocks and earth degassing |
Stephen Miller, miller@geo.uni-bonn.de |
EGU2007-A-09799 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Allard, P.
Volcanic fluxes of water from Mount Etna and Stromboli (Italy): measurements and implications |
Patrick Allard, patrick.allard@cea.fr |
Magmatic differentiation: current ideas and future developments (including Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2007-A-04135 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Freda, C.; Gaeta, M.; Scarlato, P.
Crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation: the case of ultrapotassic magmas of Alban Hills (Central Italy) |
Carmela Freda, freda@ingv.it |
EGU2007-A-06980 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Gamble, J.; Price, R.; Smith, I.
New Zealand Andesites: Priming the lithosphere for a supervolcano. |
John Gamble, j.gamble@ucc.ie |
EGU2007-A-07497 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Blake, S; Rogers, N; Smith, I; Wilson, C
Rates, mechanisms and environments of fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas |
Stephen Blake, S.BLAKE@OPEN.AC.UK |