IS65 - ST11/PS6.3/AS4.05:
First science results from the International Heliophysical Year (co-organized by ST, PS & AS) (including Hannes Alfvén Medal Lecture) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06290 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Harrison, R
Coordinated Investigation Programme 1: What is IHY doing for us? |
Richard Harrison, r.a.harrison@rl.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-12261 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Landini, F.; Poletto, G.; Suess, S.T.
Soho-Sun-Ulysses quadrature studies |
First results from STEREO |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06278 |
oral (15 min) |
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Harrison, R
A year of observations with the STEREO/HI instruments |
Richard Harrison, r.a.harrison@rl.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-11723 |
oral (15 min) |
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Vourlidas, A.; Stenborg, G.; Sheeley Jr, N.; Rouillard, A.
Multipoint Imaging of a Corotating Interaction Region Impacting the Earth from STEREO/SECCHI |
Angelos Vourlidas, vourlidas@nrl.navy.mil |
Processes at the magnetopause, cusp and boundary layers: Cluster and DoubleStar together with first results from THEMIS |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01305 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Lui, ATY; Sibeck, DG; Phan, T; Angelopoulos, V; McFadden, J; Carlson, C; Larson, D; Bonnell, J; Glassmeier, KH; Frey, S
Reconstruction of FTE observations from THEMIS |
Anthony Lui, Tony.Lui@jhuapl.edu |
EGU2008-A-01377 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Vaivads, A.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Lindstedt, T.; Retinò, A; Rosenqvist, L.; Hasegawa, H.; André, M.; Fujimoto, M.
Non-MHD scale physics at the magnetopause. Cluster observations. |
Andris Vaivads, andris@irfu.se |
EGU2008-A-08252 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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The magnetopause and boundary layers viewed by THEMIS |
Ferdinand Plaschke, f.plaschke@tu-bs.de |
Open session on the ionosphere and thermosphere including connections to regions above and below |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06464 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Tsagouri, I.; Koutroumbas, K.; Belehaki, A.
Solar wind driven autoregression model for short term ionospheric forecast |
Ioanna Tsagouri, tsagouri@space.noa.gr |
EGU2008-A-06709 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Amm, O.; Aruliah, A.; Buchert, S.C.; Fujii, R.; Gjerloev, J.W.; Ieda, A.; Matsuo, T.; Stolle, C.; Vanhamäki, H.; Yoshikawa, A.
Understanding the electrodynamics of the 3-dimensional high-latitude ionosphere: present and future |
Olaf Amm, olaf.amm@fmi.fi |
Waves, wave-particle and wave-wave interactions |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00101 |
oral (15 min) |
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Nocera, L.
Electron and ion kinetics in electrostatic tripolar regions |
Luigi Nocera, nocera@ipcf.cnr.it |
EGU2008-A-01340 |
oral (15 min) |
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Kellogg, P.J.; Goetz, K.; Monson, S.J.; Bale, S.D.; Maksimovic, M
Density and Electric Field Measurements with STEREO-SWaves. |
Paul J. Kellogg, Kellogg@waves.space.umn.edu |
EGU2008-A-01559 |
oral (15 min) |
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Tsurutani, B.T.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Lakhina, G.S.; Yagitani, S.; Omura, Y.
A loss mechanism for relativistic magnetospheric electrons: dayside outer zone (DOZ) chorus |
Bruce Tsurutani, bruce.tsurutani@jpl.nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-01883 |
oral (15 min) |
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Kallenrode, M.-B.; Lampa, F.; Jahns, K.
Perpendicular transport in the inner heliosphere: A quick and dirty approach |
Florian Lampa, flampa@uni-osnabrueck.de |
EGU2008-A-04936 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Chaston, C C. ; Bonnell, J. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Carlson, C. W.; Le Contel, O. ; Roux, A. ; Ergun, R.; Cully, C.; Glassmeier, K. H.; Angelopoulos, V.
Electromagnetic waves and particle acceleration at the magnetopause from THEMIS |
Christopher Chaston, ccc@ssl.berkeley.edu |
EGU2008-A-05916 |
oral (15 min) |
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Bale, S. D.; Kasper, J. C.
Magnetic fluctuation power and compressibility near proton anisotropy instability thresholds in the solar wind |
Stuart Bale, bale@ssl.berkeley.edu |
EGU2008-A-06737 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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GLASSMEIER, K.-H.; Plaschke, F.
Search for field-line resonances: first THEMIS results |
Ferdinand Plaschke, f.plaschke@tu-bs.de |
EGU2008-A-07352 |
poster |
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Petkaki, P. ; Freeman, M. P.; Walsh, A. P.
Cluster observations of broadband electromagnetic waves in and around a reconnection region in the Earth's magnetotail current sheet |
Panagiota Petkaki, ppe@bas.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-08356 |
poster |
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Krupar, V.; Santolik, O.; Maksimovic, M.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Pickett, J.S.; Gurnett, D.A.
Lion roar emissions observed by Cluster spacecraft |
Vratislav Krupar, vratislav.krupar@mff.cuni.cz |
EGU2008-A-08899 |
poster |
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Alexandrova, O.; Lacombe, C. E.; Mangeney, A.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Lucek, E. A.
Spectral shape and anisotropy of solar wind magnetic fluctuations at electron scales |
Olga Alexandrova, olga.alexandrova@obspm.fr |
EGU2008-A-09881 |
oral (15 min) |
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Soucek, J.; Santolik, O.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Pickett, J.
Multi-spacecraft measurement of spatial scales of foreshock Langmuir waves |
Jan Soucek, soucek@ufa.cas.cz |
EGU2008-A-10278 |
poster |
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Hobara, Y. ; Balikhin, M.; Walker, S.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Hayakawa, M.; Dunlop, M.
Spatial scales in the quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks observed by Cluster |
Yasuhide Hobara, y.hobara@sheffield.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-11589 |
oral (15 min) |
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Ng, C.-S.; Bhattacharjee, A.
BGK Waves: Nonlinear Saturated Waves in Space Plasmas? |
Amitava Bhattacharjee, amitava.bhattacharjee@unh.edu |
Solar, heliospheric and atmospheric coupling with near-Earth space |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00597 |
oral (15 min) |
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Usoskin, I.G.; Braun, I.; Gladysheva, O.; Hoerandel, J.; Jamsen, T.; Kovaltsov, G.A.; Starodubtsev, S.
Forbush decreases of cosmic rays: Does the recovery phase depend on energy? |
Ilya Usoskin, Ilya.Usoskin@oulu.fi |
EGU2008-A-02867 |
oral (15 min) |
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Shumilov, O.I.; Kasatkina, E.A.; Masloboev, V.A.; Chramov, A.V.
Seasonal patterns of suicides, cardiovascular deaths and seismic activity at high latitudes and their coupling with the seasonal variation of the geomagnetic activity |
Oleg Shumilov, oleg@aprec.ru |
EGU2008-A-05288 |
poster |
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Steigies, C.; Klein, K.-L.; The NMDB team
NMDB: real-time database for high resolution neutron monitor measurements |
Karl-Ludwig Klein, ludwig.klein@obspm.fr |