IS29 - NH1.1/AS4.08:
Precipitation Science (co-organized by NH & AS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06564 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Koistinen, J.; Kuitunen, T.; Kotro, J.; Hohti, H.; Pulkkinen, S.
Derivation of extreme event mesoscale area-intensity return periods of rainfall based on a large sample of radar data |
EGU2008-A-12139 |
poster solicited |
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Fitzpatrick, P.; Hill, C.; Lau, Y.; Stettner, D.
An examination of the Saharan Air Layer on the tropical cyclone environment using COSMIC, CALIPSO, and geostationary satellites |
Patrick Fitzpatrick, fitz@HPC.MsState.Edu |
EGU2008-A-12142 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Lionello, P.
Analysing the links between the present trends of precipitation and cyclone activity |
Piero Lionello, piero.lionello@unile.it |
EGU2008-A-12147 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Christian, H.
Lightning-based Estimates of Ice-phase Precipitation Rates |
Hugh Christian, hugh.christian@nasa.gov |
EGU2008-A-12149 |
poster solicited |
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Stephens, G.
What controls changes in global precipitation? |
Graeme Stephens, stephens@atmos.colostate.edu |
IS31 - NH2.5/AS4.02/HS3.5:
Flash floods: observations and analysis of atmospheric and hydrological controls (co-organized by NH, AS & HS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07780 |
oral (15 min) |
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European flash flood data |
Valerie Bain, bainv@cereve.enpc.fr |
EGU2008-A-08073 |
oral (15 min) |
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Marchi, L.; Gaume, E.; Bain, V.; THE HYDRATE TEAM
Methods of Post Flood Field Investigation: Lessons learned from trial on Selščica Sora River, Slovenia |
Valerie Bain, bainv@cereve.enpc.fr |
IS35 - NH8.5/AS4.03/CL48:
Wildfires, Weather and Climate (co-organized by NH, AS & CL; co-listed in GM & SSS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01671 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Amiro, B.
Boreal forest fire and climate change: do we know the net impacts? |
Brian Amiro, brian_amiro@umanitoba.ca |
EGU2008-A-11511 |
oral (15 min) |
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Moritz, M; Krawchuk, M
Global pyrogeography: Macro-scaled models of fire-climate relationships for understanding current and future conditions |
Max Moritz, mmoritz@nature.berkeley.edu |
Extreme Events Induced by Weather and Climate Change: Evaluation, Forecasting and Proactive Planning (co-listed in AS, CL & GM) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-03456 |
poster |
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Donat, M.; Leckebusch, G.C.; Pinto, J.; Ulbrich, U.
Analysis of the atmospheric circulation and cyclone tracks concerning the occurrence of wind storm events in Central Europe |
Markus Donat, markus.donat@met.fu-berlin.de |
EGU2008-A-08041 |
oral (15 min) |
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Beaulant, A. L.; Nuissier, O.; Joly, B. ; Ducrocq, V. ; Joly, A.; Somot, S.; Sevault, F.
High precipitating events in Mediterranean regions : a climate downscaling approach |
Anne-Lise Beaulant, anne-lise.beaulant@cnrm.meteo.fr |
EGU2008-A-08871 |
oral (15 min) |
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Loukas, A.; Vasiliades, L.; Patsonas, G.
Evaluation of statistical downscaling procedures for the estimation of climate change impacts on droughts |
Athanasios Loukas, aloukas@uth.gr |
Tree-ring reconstructions in natural hazards research |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07309 |
oral (15 min) |
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Schneuwly, D. M.; Stoffel, M.
Spatial analysis of rockfall activity, bounce heights and geomorphic changes over the last 50 years |
Dominique Schneuwly, dominique.schneuwly@unifr.ch |
EGU2008-A-11104 |
oral (15 min) |
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Pavlova, I.; Solomina, O.; Curtis, A.; Jacoby, G. ; Ponomareva, V.; Pevzner, M.
Constraining recent Shiveluch volcano eruptions (Kamchatka, Russia) by means of dendrochronology |
Irina Pavlova, socloseandsofar@yahoo.com |
Volcanic Hazard Assessment and Risk Quantification (co-listed in GMPV) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-05279 |
oral solicited (30 min) + poster |
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Martí, J.; Ortiz, R.; Gottsmann, J.; García, A.; De La Cruz-Reina, S.
Defining unrest, assessing hazards and mitigating risks during the reawakening of the central volcanic complex on Tenerife, Canary Islands (2004-2007) |
Joan Marti, joan.marti@ija.csic.es |
EGU2008-A-05639 |
oral solicited (30 min) + poster |
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Kilburn, C; Woo, J; De Natale, G; Troise, C; McGuire, W
The potential for forecasting eruptions at Campi Flegrei, southern Italy. |
Christopher Kilburn, c.kilburn@ucl.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-05681 |
poster |
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Kilburn, C; Bell, A; Robertson, R
Deformation and seismic precursors to eruptions after long repose. |
Christopher Kilburn, c.kilburn@ucl.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-09454 |
oral solicited (30 min) + poster |
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Neri, A.; The EXPLORIS Vesuvius Team
Developing an Event Tree for probabilistic hazard and risk assessment at Vesuvius |
Augusto Neri, neri@pi.ingv.it |
Investigation of historic and prehistoric mass movements (co-listed in GM) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01007 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Thuro, K.; Berner, Ch.; Eberhardt, E.
The 1806 landslide of Goldau – 200 years after the event |
Kurosch Thuro, thuro@tum.de |
EGU2008-A-10487 |
oral (15 min) |
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Petley, D.N.
The global occurrence of fatal landslides in 2007 |
David Petley, d.n.petley@durham.ac.uk |
Landslide risk assessment methods and strategies (including Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-04659 |
Medal Lecture (45 min) |
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Van Asch, Th.W.
Some issues and challenges in landslide hazard modeling (Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture) |
Theo van Asch, t.vanasch@geo.uu.nl |
The role of plants on slope stability and the impacts of climate change and land-use change on landslides (co-listed in BG, CL & SSS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-05448 |
oral (15 min) |
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Guthrie, R.H.; Brown, K.J.
10,000 years of landslides and climate change in coastal western Canada |
Richard Guthrie, richard.guthrie@gov.bc.ca |
Remote sensing and geophysical techniques for investigating unstable slopes (co-listed in GI) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-03978 |
oral (15 min) |
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Casagli, N.; Pancioli, V.; Campolmi, T.; Raetzo, H.
InSAR techniques for supporting landslide investigations: a regional and a local case studies from ESA-Terrafirma project |
Campolmi Teresa, teresa.campolmi@gmail.com |
EGU2008-A-10662 |
oral (15 min) |
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Crosta, G.B.; Allievi, J.; Frattini, P.; Giannico, C.; Lari, S.
Monitoring Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations in the Alps by PSInSAR™ techniques |
Giovanni Crosta, giovannibattista.crosta@unimib.it |
Seismic hazard evaluation, precursory phenomena and reliability of prediction (co-listed in SM & TS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00113 |
oral (15 min) |
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Korepanov, V.; Lizunov, G.
Seismoionospheric coupling and earthquakes forecast probability |
Valery Korepanov, vakor@isr.lviv.ua |
EGU2008-A-00579 |
poster |
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Moldovan, I.A.; Placinta, A.O.; Popescu, E.; Moldoveanu, T.
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment in Romania used for dam’s rating in seismic risk classes |
EGU2008-A-00585 |
poster |
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Popescu, E.; Placinta, A.O.; Moldovan, I.A.; Cioflan, C.O.; Radulian, M.
Attenuation model for the seismic ground motion induced by Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes |
EGU2008-A-00736 |
oral (15 min) |
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Dumitrascu, S.; Armas, I.
The historical center of the Bucharest Municipality – spatial modeling in urban disasters |
Silvia Dumitrascu, dumitrascu.silvia@gmail.com |
EGU2008-A-00847 |
oral (15 min) |
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Sengor, T.
The electromagnetic device optimization modeling of seismo-electromagnetic processes for Marmara Sea earthquakes |
Taner Sengor, sengor@yildiz.edu.tr |
EGU2008-A-00971 |
poster |
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Mavrodiev, S.Cht; Pekevski, L.; Melikadze, G.; Rusov, V.D.; Pavlovich, V.N.; Vachtenko, V.N.
On the complex researching the possibility for when, where and how earthquake prediction as well as for reliable estimation of some natural risks |
Strachimir MAVRODIEV, mavrodi@inrne.bas.bg |
EGU2008-A-00987 |
poster |
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Purghel, L.; Georgescu, M.; Gheorghiu, D.; Diaconescu, M.; Moldovan, I.A. ; Placinta, A.O.; Popescu, E.
Measurement of radon emanation along three surface faults from Dobrogea (Eastern Romania) |
Moldovan Iren-Adelina, iren@infp.ro |
EGU2008-A-01786 |
poster |
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Contadakis, M.E. ; Arabelos, D.N. ; Asteriadis, G. ; Spatalas, S.D. ; Pikridas , Ch.
TEC variations over the Mediterranean during the seismic activity period of the last quarter of 2005 in the area of Greece. |
Michael Contadakis, kodadaki@vergina.eng.auth.gr |
EGU2008-A-01912 |
poster |
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Bala, A.; Balan, St. ; Ritter, J.R.R; Hannich, D.; Rohn, J.
Linear modelling of seismic site effects in Bucharest City, Romania |
ANDREI BALA, andbala@yahoo.com |
EGU2008-A-01954 |
oral (15 min) |
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Rundle, J; Turcotte, D; Holliday, J; Van Aalsburg, J
A Stress Dependent BASS Model for Earthquakes, Damage and Fracture |
John Rundle, jbrundle@ucdavis.edu |
EGU2008-A-01955 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Van Aalsburg, J; Rundle, J; Rundle, P; Turcotte, D; Morein, G; Donnellan, A
Computing Earthquake Forecast Probabilities Using Numerical Simulations of the Physics of Realistic Fault Systems (Virtual California) |
John Rundle, jbrundle@ucdavis.edu |
EGU2008-A-01974 |
poster |
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Imoto, M.
Seismicity models for moderate earthquakes in Kanto, central Japan, based on three parameters |
Masajiro Imoto, imoto@bosai.go.jp |
EGU2008-A-02005 |
poster |
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Apostol, B. F.; Balan, S. F.; Cioflan, C. O.
Short-term seismic activity. Next earthquake time-magnitude distributions. Application to Vrancea, Romania |
Bogdan Apostol, apostol@infp.ro |
EGU2008-A-02292 |
poster |
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Liperovskaya, E.V.; Bogdanov, V.V.; Biagi, P.-F.; Meister, C.-V.; Liperovsky, V.A.; Rodkin, M.V.
Day-time variations of foF2 connected to strong earthquakes |
Claudia-Veronika Meister, cvmeister@aip.de |
EGU2008-A-02296 |
poster |
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Liperovskaya, E.V.; Biagi, P.-F.; Meister, C.-V.; Rodkin, M.V.
foF2 seismo-ionospheric effect analysis: actual data and
numerical simulation |
Claudia-Veronika Meister, cvmeister@aip.de |
EGU2008-A-02388 |
poster |
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Constantin, A.; Pantea, A.; Stoica, R.
New data about historical earthquakes occurred on the romanian territory |
Angela Constantin, angela@infp.ro |
EGU2008-A-02412 |
poster |
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Fujimaki, H.; Ohtsuki, K.; Matsu-ura, K.; Kashima, K.
Temporal changes of radon concentrations in waters from deep boreholes and their possible relation to seismic activities, northeast Japan |
fujimaki hirokazu, h-fujimaki@mail.tains.tohoku.ac.jp |
EGU2008-A-02509 |
poster |
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Chan, C.; Grünthal, G.
Hybrid zoneless probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: Test and first application to SW Germany |
Chung-Han Chan, han@gfz-potsdam.de |
EGU2008-A-02698 |
poster |
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Ardeleanu, L.; Leydecker, G.; Schmitt, T.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Busche, H.; Kaiser, D.; Simeonova, S.D.; Solakov, D.E.
Probabilistic seismic hazard maps in terms of intensities for Bulgaria and Romania |
Günter Leydecker, guenter.leydecker@web.de |
EGU2008-A-03236 |
poster |
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Wave Forces Prediction on Vertical Walls by Hurricane |
LEVENT YILMAZ, lyilmaz@itu.edu.tr |
EGU2008-A-03436 |
poster |
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Pantea, A; Constantin, A
The new seismic macrozoning of the territory of Romania, based on revalued of the isoseismal maps, corroborated to complex geological and geophysical data. |
Aurelian Pantea, pantea@infp.ro |
EGU2008-A-04548 |
oral (15 min) |
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Kovalevsky, V.; Tatkov, G.; Tubanov, S.; Bazarov, A.
Vibroseismic monitoring of the seismic active central part of Baikal rift zone |
Valery Kovalevsky, kovalevsky@sscc.ru |
EGU2008-A-04619 |
oral (15 min) |
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Wiemer, S.; Schorlemmer, D.; Marzocchi, W.; Woessner, J.
Prospective Testing of Earthquake Forecast Models in Europe: The CSEP Euro-Med Testing Center |
Jochen Woessner, j.woessner@sed.ethz.ch |
EGU2008-A-04624 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Telesca, L.; Lovallo, M.
Non-uniform scaling behaviour in seismic temporal fluctuations of central Italy and signatures of possible precursory patterns |
Luciano Telesca, luciano.telesca@imaa.cnr.it |
EGU2008-A-04747 |
poster |
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Mohamed, A.S.
Using GPS and seismic data for hazard estimation of Egypt |
Abdel-Monem Sayed Mohamed, abdel_monem@yahoo.com |
EGU2008-A-04755 |
poster |
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Poscolieri, M.; Gregori, G.P.; Lagios, E.; Marson, I.; Lupieri, M.; Paparo, G.; Parcharidis, I.; Sakkas, V.; Ventrice, G.
Crustal stress monitoring in the Cephallonia Island (Western Greece) on the basis of a multi-parametric approach |
Maurizio Poscolieri, maurizio.poscolieri@idac.rm.cnr.it |
EGU2008-A-05086 |
poster |
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Bayda, S.
Time-and-frequency and spatial laws of increase of seismic activity after the nuclear weapon tests |
Bayda Svetlana Evgen'evna, oktaedr@yandex.ru |
EGU2008-A-05166 |
poster |
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Im, C.B.; Noh, M.; Shim, T.M.; Lee, H.; Choi, H.S.; Hyun, S.G.; Park, K.S.
Review on the evaluating methods of paleo-earthquake magnitudes from fault parameters in Korea |
Im Chang-Bock, k136icb@kins.re.kr |
EGU2008-A-05412 |
oral (15 min) |
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Cagatay, N.; Belucci, L.; Polonia, A.; Sancar, Ü.; Dikce, D.; Eris, K.; Damci, E.; Gasperini, L.; Görür, N.; Henry, P.; Marnaut Scientific Team
Sedimentary earthquake records in the Sea of Marmara |
Namik Cagatay, akcer@itu.edu.tr |
EGU2008-A-05792 |
oral (15 min) |
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Wu, Z. L.; Jiang, C. S.
Retrospective forecasting test of a statistical physics model for earthquakes in Sichuan-Yunnan region of Southwest China |
Zhongliang Wu, wuzhl@gucas.ac.cn |
EGU2008-A-06086 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Minadakis, G.; Daskalaki, E.; Orfanogiannaki, K.; Papadopoulos, G.A.
An algorithm for the short-term prediction of the mainshock from foreshocks |
Anna Fokaefs, anna_fokaefs@hotmail.com |
EGU2008-A-06304 |
poster |
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Stejskal, V.; Skalsky, L.; Broz, M.; Strunc, J.
Analysis of seismic induced changes of groundwater level and carbon dioxide in the region of weak intraplate seismic activity, Bohemian Massif (Central Europe) |
Vladimir Stejskal, stejskal@irsm.cas.cz |
EGU2008-A-07078 |
oral (15 min) |
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Vallianatos, F.
Seismic Hazard estimation and non extensive thermodynamics |
Filippos Vallianatos, fvallian@chania.teicrete.gr |
EGU2008-A-07303 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Kossobokov, V.; Romashkova, L.; Nekrasova, A.
Targeting the next mega-earthquake |
Vladimir Kossobokov, volodya@ipgp.jussieu.fr |
EGU2008-A-08284 |
oral (15 min) |
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Slunga, R.
Earthquake Forecasts (Warnings, Predictions) based on Rock Mechanics (Stresses). |
Ragnar Slunga, slunga@foi.se |
EGU2008-A-09346 |
oral (15 min) |
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Benito, B; Gaspar-Escribano, J. M.; García Rodríguez, M. J.; Rivas Medina, A.; Pérez Escalante, M.; Murphy, P.; Tsige, M.
Seismic hazard assessment of Navarre (Northern Spain) |
Jorge Miguel Gaspar-Escribano, jgaspar@euitto.upm.es |
EGU2008-A-09495 |
poster |
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Bulatova, N.
Some regularities of the migration of seismoactive zones |
Natalja Bulatova, 2102.g23@g23.relcom.ru |
EGU2008-A-09961 |
poster |
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Bonfanti, P.; Ditta, M.; Italiano, F.; Maugeri, R.
Circulating fluids and tectonics: new data along the Southern Apennine chain |
Francesco Italiano, f.italiano@pa.ingv.it |
EGU2008-A-10038 |
oral (15 min) |
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Bonfanti, P.; Bovini, S.; Italiano, F.; Lemmi, M.; Martinelli, G.
1997-2007: the first example of a long-term geochemical monitoring. results and perspectives from the Umbria region seismic area |
Francesco Italiano, f.italiano@pa.ingv.it |
EGU2008-A-10523 |
poster |
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Zoran, M.; Mateciuc, D.N.
Geospatial integrated system for seismic hazard assessment in Vrancea area, Romania |
Maria Zoran, maria@dnt.ro |
EGU2008-A-10634 |
oral (15 min) |
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Flores-Marquez, E. L.; Marquez-Cruz, J.; Valdes, C.; Jimenez, C.; Angulo-Brown, F.
Statistical distribution of seismic event occurrences along five years at the Guerrero Pacific coast, Mexico. |
Leticia Flores-Marquez, leticia@geofisica.unam.mx |
EGU2008-A-11194 |
oral (15 min) |
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Battiston, R.; Fidani, C.
Searching for correlation between NOAA particle data and seismic activity |
Cristiano Fidani, c.fidani@virgilio.it |
EGU2008-A-11299 |
poster |
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Battiston, R.; Fidani, C.
Searching for correlation between NOAA particle data and seismic activity |
Roberto Battiston, c.fidani@virgilio.it |
EGU2008-A-11710 |
poster |
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Vallianatos, F.; Hloupis, G.
Rapid Earthquake Magnitude Estimation using Wavelets: Application for an Early Warning |
George Hloupis, hloupis@ee.teiath.gr |
Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena related to earthquakes (co-listed in SM & TS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01457 |
oral (15 min) |
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Hayakawa, M. ; Horie, T. ; Molchanov, O. A.; Parrot, M.
The presence and structures of ionospheric perturbations associated with the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, as seen from ground- and satellite-based VLF transmitter signals. |
Masashi Hayakawa, hayakawa@whistler.ee.uec.ac.jp |
EGU2008-A-08377 |
oral (15 min) |
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Ouzounov, D; Pulinets, S; Parrot, M; Cervone, G; Habib, S; Policelli , F; Taylor, P
Surveying the Natural Hazards from Space and the Earth's Electromagnetic Environment |
Dimitar Ouzounov, ouzounov@core2.gsfc.nasa.gov |
Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warnings (co-listed in SM, TS & OS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-02711 |
poster |
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Luckett, R; Ottemoller, L; Baptie, B; Whitmore, P
A Tsunami Warning System for the Northeast Atlantic |
Richard Luckett, rrl@bgs.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-05033 |
poster |
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Ionescu, C.; Marmureanu, A.; Marmureanu, G.
The first European early warning system (EWS) for deep strong Vrancea earthquakes is working |
Kevin Fleming, kevin@gfz-potsdam.de |
EGU2008-A-06321 |
poster |
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Papadopoulos, G.A.
NATNEG: the national tsunami network of Greece |
Anna Fokaefs, anna_fokaefs@hotmail.com |
EGU2008-A-07081 |
oral (15 min) |
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Milkereit, C.; The SAFER and EDIM work groups
The Self-Organising Seismic Early Warning Information Network, a new concept |
Kevin Fleming, kevin@gfz-potsdam.de |
EGU2008-A-09780 |
oral (15 min) |
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Rudloff, A.; Lauterjung, J.; Muench, U.; Acksel, D.J.; & GITEWS Project Team, .
The german contribution to the Indian Ocean tsunami early warning system GITEWS – Status quo |
Alexander Rudloff, rudloff@gfz-potsdam.de |
EGU2008-A-10878 |
oral (15 min) |
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Zollo, A.; Iannaccone, G.; Convertito, V.; Elia, L.; Festa, G.; Lancieri, M.; Martino, C.; Satriano, C.; Gasparini, P.
Development and testing of an earthquake early warning system in southern Italy |
Zollo Aldo, aldo.zollo@na.infn.it |
Tsunamis (co-listed in OS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00072 |
oral (15 min) |
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Yolsal, S.; Taymaz, T.; Yalciner, A.C.
Source Mechanisms of the Recent Rhodes-Dodecanese Islands Earthquakes and Historical Tsunami Simulations in the eastern Mediterranean |
Seda Yolsal, yolsalse@itu.edu.tr |
EGU2008-A-00822 |
oral (15 min) |
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Lima, V.; Miranda, J. ; Baptista, M.; CatalĂŁo, J.; Gonzalez, M.; Soares, P.
Spatial distribution of tsunami height and the extent inundation along the southeastern Iberian coast for the 1755 event |
Vania Lima, vcvalima@gmail.com |
EGU2008-A-07954 |
oral (15 min) |
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Papadopoulos, G.A.; Novikova, T.; McKoy, F.; Fokaefs, A.
Sources of Sumatra-type tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea |
Anna Fokaefs, anna_fokaefs@hotmail.com |
EGU2008-A-08045 |
poster |
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Tinti, S.; Tonini, R.; Pontrelli, P.; Pagnoni, G.; Santoro, L.
Tsunami risk assessment in the Messina Straits, Italy, with application to the urban area of Messina |
Roberto Tonini, roberto.tonini2@unibo.it |
Extreme Sea Waves (co-listed in OS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01109 |
oral (15 min) |
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Zahibo, N.; Nikolkina, I.; Didenkulova, I.
Storm surges induced by hurricane Dean in Guadeloupe: 16-17 August, 2007 |
Narcisse Zahibo, narcisse.zahibo@univ-ag.fr |
EGU2008-A-01936 |
oral (15 min) |
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Gramstad, O.; Cavaleri, L.; Janssen, P.; Monbaliu, J.; Onorato, M.; Osborne, A.R.; Serio, M.; Stansberg, C.T.; Toffoli, A.; Trulsen, K.
Statistical properties of directional surface gravity waves: A laboratory experiment with mechanically generated waves |
Odin Gramstad, oding@math.uio.no |
EGU2008-A-04253 |
oral (15 min) |
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Morozov, E.
Extreme internal tides in the Strait of Gibraltar |
Eugene Morozov, egmorozov@mail.ru |
Mountain Risks: integration of predictions, management and governance |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07045 |
oral (15 min) |
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Malet, J.-P.; Maquaire, O.; van Asch, Th.; Giacomelli, P.; Sterlacchini, S.; Corominas, J.; Glade, T; Greiving, S.; Remaître, A.
The ‘Mountain Risks’ research project: challenges in risk prediction, management and governance. |
Jean-Philippe MALET, jeanphilippe.malet@eost.u-strasbg.fr |
EGU2008-A-12198 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Fuchs, S.
Mountain risks – assessment and management, myth and reality |
Sven Fuchs, sven.fuchs@boku.ac.at |
The Management of Combined Extreme Events (Floods and Landslides) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-03163 |
poster solicited |
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Giosa, L.; Manfreda, S.; Pascale, S.; Sdao, F.; Sole, A.; Albano, R.
Assessment of systemic vulnerability in landslide and flood prone areas |
Stefania Pascale, pascale@unibas.it |
EGU2008-A-11753 |
poster solicited |
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Casagli, N.; Falorni, G.; Ermini, L.
Tools for monitoring and assessing the stability of landslide dams |
Giacomo Falorni, gfalorni@gmail.com |
EGU2008-A-11785 |
poster |
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Canora, F. ; Spilotro, G.
The hydrological hazard and flooding damages due to anthropogenic activities in the Murgian karstic environment (Southern Italy). |
Giuseppe Spilotro, giuseppe.spilotro@unibas.it |