Mantle Plumes, intraplate magmatism, and hotspot-ridge interaction: Geodynamical, Geophysical and Geochemical Aspects |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU06-A-05459 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Korenaga, J.
Thermal and chemical budgets of Earth and their implications for plume dynamics |
Jun Korenaga, jun.korenaga@yale.edu |
EGU06-A-06245 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Ribe, N.
The Hawaiian plume: what do geophysical observables tell us? |
Neil Ribe, ribe@ipgp.jussieu.fr |
EGU06-A-07858 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Chenet, A.L.; Courtillot, V.; Fluteau, F.; Gérard, M.; Subbarao, K.V.; Khadri, S.F.R
Paleomagnetic constraints on duration of Deccan trap emplacement in an attempt to estimate their environmental impact. |
Anne-Lise CHENET, alchenet@ipgp.jussieu.fr |
EGU06-A-07942 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Coltice, N.; Bertrand, H. ; Ricard, Y.; Rey, P.
Global warming of the mantle at the origin of flood basalts over supercontinents |
Nicolas Coltice, coltice@univ-lyon1.fr |
The link of deep and shallow lithospheric processes in sedimentary basins - New perspectives in the International Lithosphere Programme |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU06-A-01471 |
Poster |
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Lenci, F.; Doglioni, C.
Thrust belts asymmetries and parameters |
Carlo Doglioni, carlo.doglioni@uniroma1.it |
EGU06-A-05286 |
Oral solicited (30 minutes) |
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Watts, A. B.
Lithospheric flexure and the evolution of sedimentary basins |
Anthony Watts, Tony.Watts@earth.ox.ac.uk |
EGU06-A-09475 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Adam, J.; Krezsek, C.; King, S.; Grujic, D.
nterplay of Tectonics and Sedimentation: Evolution of Passive Margin Basins decoupled on Salt Sediments |
Juergen Adam, j.adam@dal.ca |
EGU06-A-10716 |
Oral solicited (15 minutes) |
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Huismans , R. S.; Beaumont , C.
Lithospheric rheological stratification, strain weakening, and the geometry of rifts and continental margins |
Ritske S. Huismans, Ritske.Huismans@geo.uib.no |
Kinematics and Geodynamics of the Mediterranean (co-organized by G) (co-listed in NH & TS) |
Abstract |
Status |
Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU06-A-02860 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Argnani, A.; Serpelloni, E.; Bonazzi, C.; Anzidei, M.; Baldi, P.; Casula, G.
Pattern of deformation around the central Aeolian Islands: evidence from GPS data and multichannel seismics |
Andrea Argnani, andrea.argnani@ismar.cnr.it |
EGU06-A-03732 |
Poster |
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van Hinsbergen, D.J.J
Quantitative analysis of the influence of subduction roll-back and Anatolian extrusion on Neogene west-Aegean rotations |
Douwe van Hinsbergen, dvh1@le.ac.uk |
EGU06-A-04277 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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ArRajehi, A.; Mahmoud, S.; Reilinger, R.; McClusky, S.; Vernant, P.
Present-day Arabian plate motion and implications for Arabia-Eurasia continental collision |
Robert Reilinger, reilinge@erl.mit.edu |
EGU06-A-04544 |
Oral (15 minutes) |
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Gutscher, M.-A.; Roger, J.
A locked subduction fault plane beneath Calabria (Southern Italy)?: historical seismicity, high resolution seismics and tsunami modeling |
Marc-Andre Gutscher, gutscher@univ-brest.fr |