Structure and dynamics of orogenic wedges |
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Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07115 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Brun , JP; Faccenna, C
Exhumation of high-pressure rocks driven by slab rollback in the Aegean |
Jean-Pierre Brun, Jean-Pierre.Brun@univ-rennes1.fr |
Fluid flux, mass transfer and energy release in subduction zones |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-02802 |
oral (15 min) |
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Tilmann, FJ; Grevemeyer, I; Suwargadi, B; Kopp, H; Flueh, E
The seismic/aseismic transition as seen in aftershocks of the 28 Mar 2005 Nias and 26 December 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes |
Frederik Tilmann, tilmann@esc.cam.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-02984 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Kodaira, S.; Takahashi, N.; Sato, T.; Obana, K.; Takahashi, T.; Kaneda, Y.
Crustal formation process and mass transfer in the Izu-Bonin subduction factory revealed by active - passive seismic studies |
Shuichi Kodaira, kodaira@jamstec.go.jp |
EGU2008-A-05863 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Saffer, D; Skarbek, R; Tobin, H; McKiernan, A
From the trench to the seismogenic zone: Establishing links between, fluid pressure, low-T metamorphism, and fault stability |
Demian Saffer, dsaffer@geosc.psu.edu |
EGU2008-A-05938 |
oral (15 min) |
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Tobin, H; Kinoshita, M; IODP Exp. 314 Scientific Party
State of Stress in the Nankai Trough Accretionary Complex and Implications for the Seismogenic Cycle: Results from 3D Seismic Data and IODP Expedition 314 |
Harold Tobin, htobin@wisc.edu |
EGU2008-A-06865 |
poster |
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Kinoshita, M.; Kasaya, T.; Davis, E.; Meldrum, B.; Becker, K.
6 years of borehole pore-pressure monitoring at the toe of Nankai accretionary prism using two ACORK observatories |
Masataka Kinoshita, masa@jamstec.go.jp |
EGU2008-A-12182 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Henry, P.; Lallemant, S.J.; Ashi, J.; Byrne, T.; Tobin, H.J.; Kinoshita, M.; McNeill, L.; Moore, J.C.; Bourlange, S.; Conin, M.; Nantroseize Shipboard Sci. Party (Exp. 314 & 315)
Accretionary wedge growth, seismogenic zone updip limit and stress variations in Nankai subduction |
Pierre Henry, henry@cdf.u-3mrs.fr |
Are faults weak or strong? Theoretical, experimental and geological approaches (including Outstanding Young Scientist Award Lecture) |
Abstract |
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Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01703 |
oral (15 min) |
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Carena, S.; Moder, C.
Fault strength in California and western Nevada |
Sara Carena, scarena@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de |
EGU2008-A-01970 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Suppe, J.; Yue, L. F.
Pore-fluid pressures and crustal strength |
John Suppe, suppe@princeton.edu |
EGU2008-A-04233 |
oral solicited (30 min) |
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Di Toro, G.; Pennacchioni, G.
Strong faults in a strong crust (Outstanding Young Scientist Lecture) |
Giulio Di Toro, giulio.ditoro@unipd.it |
EGU2008-A-05049 |
oral (15 min) |
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Tembe, S; Lockner, D; Wong, T.-f.
Constraints on frictional strength and pore pressure excess for a weak San Andreas: The Rice-style model revisited |
Sheryl Tembe, stembe@ic.sunysb.edu |
EGU2008-A-08351 |
oral (15 min) |
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Keulen, N.; Stunitz, H.; Heilbronner, R.
Why is the oceanic crust weak? New results from medium temperature experiments on basalt rocks. |
Nynke Keulen, nynke.keulen@gmail.com |
EGU2008-A-09609 |
oral (15 min) |
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Sone, H.; Shimamoto, T.
High velocity friction experiments suggesting dynamically weak, but statically strong faults |
Toshihiko Shimamoto, shima007@hiroshima-u.ac.jp |
Continental Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Developmental Processes, Geometrical Complexities and Associated Economic Resources |
Abstract |
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Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00715 |
poster |
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Kanjanapayont, P.; Edwards, M.A.; Grasemann, B.
Lineament interpretation and deformation styles within the Klong Marui continental wrench fault, southern Thailand |
Pitsanupong Kanjanapayont, a0648134@unet.univie.ac.at |