Novel applications of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides in Earth surface science (co-sponsored by EAG) |
Abstract |
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Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-03999 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Lilly, K.; Fabel, D.; Fink, D.; Lambeck, K.
Three million years of ice sheet history from interior East Antarctica. |
Derek Fabel, Derek.Fabel@ges.gla.ac.uk |
Geomorphic response to Holocene environmental change: Simplicity or complexity? |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-00507 |
poster |
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Trimble, S.
Urbanization, channel modification and channel instability in Borrego Canyon Wash, Orange County, CA. |
Stanley Trimble, trimble@geog.ucla.edu |
EGU2008-A-01505 |
oral (15 min) |
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Thorndycraft, V
The geomorphic response of fluvial systems to Holocene climatic variability and human impact |
Varyl Thorndycraft, Varyl.Thorndycraft@rhul.ac.uk |
EGU2008-A-03034 |
oral (15 min) |
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Ward, P.J.; van Balen, R.T.; Verstraeten, G.; Renssen, H.; Vandenberghe, J.
Holocene and future response of suspended sediment yield to land use and climate change: a case study for the Meuse basin |
Philip Ward, philip.ward@falw.vu.nl |
The relevance of Quaternary landscape formation for modern geosystems |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-02167 |
poster |
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Köttritsch, E.; Terhorst, B.; Mayrhofer, M.; Ottner, F.; Damm, B.
Parameters of slope stability in Quaternary sediments in landslide areas of the Wienerwald Flysch Zone (Vienna forest/Lower Austria) |
Eva Köttritsch, a9847674@unet.univie.ac.at |
EGU2008-A-04805 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Bork, H.-R.; Beyer, A.; Damm, B.; Dreibrodt, S.; Lubos, C.; Terhorst, B.
The relevance of landscape formation during Holocene for modern geosystems |
Hans-Rudolf Bork, mail@hans-rudolf-bork.de |
EGU2008-A-05383 |
poster |
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Varga, K.; Becht, M.; Heckmann, T.; Damm, B.
The impact of tectonic and structural parameters in Triassic bedrocks on the landslide susceptibility in Quaternary surface formations |
Bodo Damm, bodo.damm@ku-eichstaett.de |
EGU2008-A-11012 |
poster |
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Jaburová, I.; Hofer, I.; Terhorst, B.; Roetzel, R.; Einwögerer, T.; Simon, U.; Fladerer, F.
Quaternary landscape formation in the loess plate of the Kremsfeld in the Danube region (Lower Austria) |
Birgit Terhorst, birgit.terhorst@univie.ac.at |
Weathering - short-term processes and long-term rates (co-sponsored by EAG) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01156 |
oral (15 min) |
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Sugden, D.E; Jamieson, SSRJ
Landscape evolution of Antarctica |
David sugden, David.Sugden@ed.ac.uk |
Surface and Subsurface Karst Geomorphology |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-01157 |
oral (15 min) |
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Forti, P.
Genesis and evolution of the caves in the Naica Mine (Chihuahua, Mexico) |
Paolo Forti, paolo.forti@unibo.it |
EGU2008-A-01451 |
oral (15 min) |
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Ford, D.C.
From the Plains of Abraham to Dodo Canyon: Remarkable dolomite karst in permafrost in the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Derek Ford, dford@mcmaster.ca |
River meander dynamics (co-listed in HS) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-04840 |
oral (15 min) |
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Parker, G.; Shimizu, Y.
Framework for a new model of the migration of meandering rivers |
Gary Parker, parkerg@uiuc.edu |
Linking geomorphological and hydrological processes at reach and catchment scales (co-listed in HS) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-11360 |
poster |
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Lawler, D.M.; Best, A.; Bridgeman, J.; Foster, I.; Harper, S.
Anticlockwise hysteresis behaviour in urban river fine sediment transport dynamics: a challenge for the first-flush model |
Damian Lawler, d.m.lawler@bham.ac.uk |
Source to sink records of large rivers: the terrestrial mass conveyor (co-listed in SSP) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-10722 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Milliman, J.D.
Fluvial Discharge to the Global Ocean: The Importance of Large and Small Rivers |
Ruth Robinson, rajr@st-andrews.ac.uk |
Past environmental systems and human occupation: links between geoarcheology and geomorphology |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-07197 |
poster |
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Siart, C.; Eitel, B.; Hecht, S.; Schukraft, G.; Bubenzer, O.
Reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes and their impact on Bronze-Age cultures: results from a geoarchaeological research project in the Ida-Mountains, Central Crete |
Christoph Siart, christoph.siart@geog.uni-heidelberg.de |
IS15 - GM2.3/GD28/SSP30/TS14:
Bridging timescales of landscape evolution in active orogens (co-organized by GM, GD, SSP & TS, co-sponsored by EAG) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-08795 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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von Blankenburg, F; Norton, K.N.; Willenbring, J.K.; Wittmann, H.
Denudation rate meters in mountain belts: is the future big brush or fine tip? |
Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, fvb@mineralogie.uni-hannover.de |
IS18 - GM7.2/AS4.07/CL34:
Aeolian Dust: initiator, player, and recorder of environmental change (co-organised by GM, AS & CL) |
Abstract |
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Scheduled |
Contributions (Author(s), Title) |
Name and Email of Contact |
EGU2008-A-06165 |
oral (15 min) |
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Wiacek, A; Peter, Th
Mineral dust and cirrus cloud formation: an integrated perspective using satellite observations and trajectory modeling |
Aldona Wiacek, aldona.wiacek@env.ethz.ch |
EGU2008-A-08166 |
oral solicited (15 min) |
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Zender, C.; Flanner, M.; Randerson, J.; Mahowald, N.; Rasch, P.
Dust-Snow/Ice Interactions: A Glacial Cycle Modulator and Trigger? |
Charles Zender, zender@uci.edu |
EGU2008-A-09528 |
oral (15 min) |
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Evan, A; Heidinger, A
On the relationship between West African dust outbreaks and Atlantic hurricane activity |
Amato Evan, amatoe@ssec.wisc.edu |
EGU2008-A-11763 |
oral (15 min) |
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Ramos, A. G; Cuevas, E.; Perez, C.; Baldasano, J.M.; Coca, J.; Redondo, A.; Alonso-Perez, S.; Bustos, J.J.; Nickovic, S.
Saharan Dust and Bloom of Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria in the NW African Upwelling |
Carlos Perez, carlos.perez@bsc.es |