EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - ESSI5 Earth System Modelling: Strategies and Software (co-listed in CL)

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Jolibois, T; Camel, C; Farenc, JM; Sicard, P; Blanc, F
The ATOLL information system: functional breadown, standards used and sofwtare solutions

Wutzler, T.; Sarjoughian, H.
Towards Modular Modelling – A Case Study of Utilizing Discrete Event Specified Systems (DEVS)

Chappatte, D.; Verrecchia, E.P.
Simulation of stromatolite growth using diffusion limited aggregation: model and software

Legutke, S.
Harvesting metadata in the IMDI Earth System modelling environment

Ulbrich, U.; Kirchner, I.; Kupfer, H.; Papaspyrou, A.; Grimme, C.; C3Grid-Team
Flexible Climate Data Analysis with C3Grid

Toussaint, F.; Lautenschlager, M.
New Concepts for Data and Metadata at the World Data Center for Climate

Turunçoğlu, U. U.; Dalfes, H. N.
Building a workflow management environment for earth system sciences: preliminary results

Denvil, SD; Brockmann, PB; Mancip, MM
libIGCM, operational running environment for ESM and its components

Rutt, I.C.; Lunt, D.J.; Hargreaves, J.C.; Annan, J.D.; Sander, R.
Geoscientific Model Development: A new EGU Journal for descriptions of numerical models of the Earth System and its components

Brücher, T.; Achter, V.; Fink, A.H.; Ulbrich, U.; Winkelmann, V.
How to customize the GRID for a broad usage in Earth-System-Sciences?

Lemmen, C.; Haberkorn, K.
Gradient adaptive dynamics: Aggregate modeling of Daisyworld and an ESM anthroposphere

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