EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - CL27 Regional Climate Modeling and impacts

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Gao, X.J.; Shi, Y.; Song, R.Y.; Giorgi, F.
Reduction of Future Monsoon Precipitation over China: Comparison between a High Resolution RCM Simulation and the Driving GCM

Xu, Y.; Gao, X.J.; Giorgi, F.
Regional variability of climate change hot-spots in East Asia

Ferrone, A.; Matthews, B.; van Ypersele, J.P.
Investigating the impact of aviation on climate change in Europe with a regional climate model

Saeed, S.; LIU, Y.; Rasul, G
Multiyears Hindcast Experiments of Summer Monsoon over Pakistan by Using a Nested Regional Climate Model (BCC_RegCM1.0)

Diaconescu, E. P.; Laprise, R.; Zadra, A.
The analyse of Internal Variability of a Regional Climate Model using the Singular Vectors

Evans, J.P.
Global warming caused changes in precipitation in the Fertile Crescent and its association with the Zagros Mountain barrier jet.

Boberg, F; Berg, P; Thejll, P; Gutowski, W; Christensen, J
Late 21st century changes in European precipitation intensities

Kjellström, E.
Evaluating regional climate model simulations of daily maximum and minimum temperatures in the ENSEMBLES project

Rauscher, S. A.; Giorgi, F.; Diffenbaugh, N. S.
Regional-scale processes associated with future summer drying over Central America

Zakey, A.S.; Giorgi, F.; BI, X.
Study of DMS Cycle in Regional Climate Model: Emission Fluxes and Oxidations

Zhang, D. F.; Zakey, A.S.; Gao, X. J.; Giorgi, F.
Simulation of dust aerosol and its regional feedbacks over East Asia using a regional climate model

Inter-model variability of precipitation in results from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)

Holtanova, E.; Kalvova, J.
Analysis of uncertainties in PRUDENCE regional climate models outputs over the Czech Republic

Kalvova, J.; Farda, A.; Miksovsky, J.; Pisoft, P.; Raidl, A.
Temperature and precipitation characteristics of ALADIN model versus climate conditions of the Czech Republic

Cavazos-Guerra, C.; Todd, M.C.
Regional model simulation of dust emission/transport during a selection of severe dust events in the Sahara Desert

Im, E.-S.; Giorgi, F.; Kwon, W.-T.
Sensitivity of recent and future regional climate simulations to two convection schemes in the RegCM3 nesting system

Im, E.-S.; Giorgi, F.; Coppola, E.; Bi, X.
Characteristics of precipitation climatology over the Alps region

Bozkurt, D.; Sen, O.L.; Turuncoglu, U.U.; Karaca, M.; Dalfes, H.N.
Regional climate change projections for Eastern Mediterranean: Preliminary results

Thrasher, B; Sloan, L
Carbon dioxide and the early Eocene climate of western North America

Music, B.; Caya, D.
Water cycle components in the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM): a sensitivity study

The PROTHEUS Team, .; Calmanti, S.; The PROTHEUS Team
Sensitivity of a regional Climate model for the mediterranean area to ocean-atmosphere coupling.

Modirian, Rahel; karimian, Marya; babaeian, Iman; team of Climate Change Lab
Numerical Simulation of precipitation and temperature over southeast of Iran using RegCM3 Climate Model

karimian, marya; babaeian, iman; modirian, rahel; team of Climate Change Lab
Simulation of 1376 and 1379 winter precipitations using RegCM3 Regional Climate Model

babaeian, iman; Modirian , Rahel; karimian, Marya; team of Climate Change Lab
Sensitivity Analysis of Different Convection Schemes and Domain Center for Numerical Simulation of Winter Precipitation Over Iran

Szépszó, G.
Dynamical downscaling of ERA-40 data for the estimation of high-resolution wind climatology over Hungary

Szepszo, G.
Validation of the REMO regional climate model for the past climate over the Carpathian Basin

Szepszo, G.
Regional change of extreme characteristics over the Carpathian Basin based on different regional climate models

Li, L.
Climate of Eastern China simulated in a regionally-oriented atmospheric general circulation model

Faggian et al., F.; The ARTALE TEAM
Climate change on Mediterranean Region

Sen, O.L.; Vogler, J.; Fox, J.
Role of land cover / land use change in montane mainland Southeast Asia in altering regional climate

Williams, C.; Kniveton, D.; Layberry, R.
Trends and variability of the start of the wet season over Africa

Berg, P.; Boberg, F.; Christensen, J.H.; Thejll, P.
The performance of the PRUDENCE RCMs in simulating regional droughts

Mic, R.; Corbus, C.; Chirila, G.
The assessment of the surface water resources for the Buzau and Ialomita river basins from Romania under the climate change impact by statistical analysis.

g. Csima, g.Cs.
Validation of the ALADIN-CLIMATE regional climate model at the HMS

Mariotti, L.; Coppola, E.; Zakey, A.S.; Giorgi, F.; Tomassetti, B.; Verdecchia, M.
Effects of Saharan Dust on the West African Monsoon and the Niger River Basin.

Farda, A.; Skalak, P.; Stepanek, P.
High resolution experiments with the regional climate model ALADIN-Climate/CZ

Solmon, F.; Konaré, A.; Zakey, A.; Giorgi, F.
A regional climate modeling study of the effect of desert dust on the West African monsoon

Krüger, B.C.; Katragkou, E.; Tegoulias, I.; Zanis, P.; Melas, D.; Rauscher, S.
Regional air quality modelling for Europe in a changing climate

Nikulin, G.; Kjellström, E.; Bärring, L.
Intraseasonal temperature variability over Europe in a future climate scenario

Bartholy, J.; Pongracz, R.; Torma, CS.; Pieczka, I.; Kardos, P.; Hunyady, A.
Comparison of regional climate models in the Carpathian basin using control run experiments

Jimenez-Guerrero, P.; Jorba, O.; Baldasano, J.M.
Impacts of climate on summertime air quality in the Mediterranean: past assessment and future scenarios

Gobiet, A.; Suklitsch, M.; Truhetz, H.
Quantification of high-resolution dynamical downscaling error components in the Alpine region

Dirksen, V.; Dirksen, O.
Late Pleistocene to Holocene climate changes on Kamchatka, Russian Far East, inferred from pollen records

Nadeem, I.; Formayer, H.
Influence of Sub-scale Land Surface Processes on the Simulation of RCM-modeled Surface Climate over the region of Complex Topography.

Gómez-Navarro, J.J.; Montávez, J.P.; Jerez, S.; García Valero, J.A.; Navarro, S.B.; González-Rouco, J.F.
Regional climate change over the Iberian Peninsula: warming patterns and spatial and seasonal asymmetries.

Lorenz, P.; Jacob, D.
Can two-way nesting improve a regional climate model simulation?

Caian, M. ; Boroneant, C. ; Bojariu, R.
High resolution regional climate simulations over Romania

bessagnet, B; menut, L; meleux, F; Giorgi, F
Climate changes impact on air quality

Belda, M.; Halenka, T.; Miksovsky, J.; Skalak, P.
Sensitivity of domain selection and parameterization in high resolution regional climate model: Preliminary results of simulations in EC FP6 project CECILIA

Pfeiffer, A.; Zängl, G.
Regional climate simulations using MM5 in the European Alpine region.

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