EGU General Assembly 2008
Session Programme Meeting Programme Personal Programme Search
  List of Accepted Contributions - GI2 Atmoshere, Ocean, Meteorological Instruments and ocean observatory instrumentation (co-listed in AS, CL, OS, PS & ST)

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Jonassen, M.; Reuder, J.
Determination of temperature and humidity profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer by fast ascending UAVs

Roy, E; Wells, M; Tripp, C
Development of a biosensor for measuring dissolved iron in seawater

Buettgenbach, T.; Han, S.; Munder, J.; Schleisiek, K.
Concept and instrumentation of a cable based tsunami early warning system for South Korea

Person, R.; ESONET Team
The European deep sea observatories network of excellence ESONET after one year activity

Reverdy, M.; Van Baelen, J.; Walpersdorf, A.; Boudevillain, B.
GPS tomography and radar data reflectivity reconstruction fast algorithm

Ajtai, T; Filep, A; Motika, G; Bozóki, Z; Szabó, G
Novel Multi-Purpose Sensor for Atmospheric Monitoring Using Nd:YAG Laser Based Multi-Wavelength PhotoAcoustic System (MuWaPAS):laboratory and field test.

Lauritsen, K. B.; Gorbunov, M. E.
Error Estimates of Bending Angles obtained from Radio Occultation Data in the Presense of Strong Horizontal Gradients

Jacobs, CAJ
Observing the Earth: A Catalog of Capabilities

Devasthale, A.; Grassl, H.
The stability assessment of the AVHRR thermal channels using in-situ temperature measurements at five stations in Antarctica for 25-year period

Smit, H.; Volz-Thomas, A.; Hoff, A.; Mead, I.
Which hygrometer for automatic and real time measurements from board in-service aircraft?

Jock, J.; Molinié, J.; Bade, F.; Petit, R.-H.
Nocturnal pollution in a caribbean island: a new approach of the ftir spectroscopy in tropical strong humidity environment

Ross, A.; Pejcic, B.; Eadington, P.; Crooke, E.; Barton, C.S. ; Wieczorek, L. ; Raguse, B.; Ogden, M.; Pettersen, J.; Mocerino, M.
The use of chemical sensing technologies for the detection of dissolved hydrocarbons within water

Puillat-Felix, I.; Person, R.; ESONET partners
Demonstration missions in ESONET NoE

BALIN, I.; Picoulet, G.; Balanici, A.; Ristori, P.; Caian, M.; Ristici, V.; Nicolae, D.; Balin, D.
A new MicroLidar for 3D aerosols load, clouds and PBL dynamics observations

Chierici, F.; Embriaco, D.; Pignagnoli, L.; Beranzoli, L.; Favali, P.; Marinaro, G.; Monna, S.; Bruni, F.; Furlan, F.; Gasparoni, F.
An innovative tsunami detector operating on a multiparameter seafloor observatory

Chen, H.; Winderlich, J.; Kuebler, K.; Sweeney, C.; Gerbig, C.
Development of a high accuracy continuous CO2 analyzer system for deployment on commercial aircraft

Geibel, M. C.; Feist, D. G.; Heimann, M.
A fully automated ground based FTIR system for high-accuracy measurements of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 columns in the tropic

Steinbach, J.; Kübler, K. ; Leppert, R.; Voigt, F.; Schlöffel, B. ; Gerbig, C.
ICON – a new In-situ Capability for O2/N2 Measurements from airborne Platforms

Fiekas, V.; Prandke, H.
Towed Instrument for Microstructure Ocean Soundings (TIMOS)

Bender, M.; Dick, G.; Stosius, R.; Wickert, J.; Rothacher, M.; Raabe, A.
GPS tomography utilising the German GPS network

Thompson, R.L.; Heimann, M.; Seifert, T.; Hänsel, F.; Schultz, U.
A new observational system for remote in-situ measurements of atmospheric trace gases in Namibia

Feist, D. G.; Popa, E.; Gerbig, C.; Heimann, M.
Determination of mixing layer height with a ceilometer at a tall-tower site near Bialystok, Poland

Pardé, M.; Zribi, M.; Leroy, P.; Fanise, P.; Zine, S.; Reul, N.; Boutin, J.
Carols campaing: scientific data analysis results

Anagnostou, M .N.; Nystuen, J.; Anagnostou, E. N.; Nikolopoulos, E.; Amitai, E.; Papadopoulos, A.
Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Estimates of Raindrop Size Distribution through Comparison with Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements

Sarda-Estève, R.; Gros, V.; Bonsang, B.
Real-time measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) in seawater: Refinement of a continuous extractor system and application in the Southern Atlantic Ocean

Geissler, W.H.
Seismological studies within the frame of the EU project NEAREST

Kirchengast, G.; Binder, S.; Kabas, T.; Leuprecht, A.; Bichler, C.
WegenerNet: A new climate station network in Eastern Styria/Austria for monitoring weather and climate at 1 km-scale resolution

Schween, J.; Kneifel, S.; Crewell, S.; Löhnert, U.
Inhomogeneity of water vapour in the boundary layer from ground based microwave measurements

Drüe, C; Hoff, A; Hauf, T
Profiling the planetary boundary layer at an airport: Comparison of AMDAR aircraft data to a wind profiler

Lintern, G.; Hill, P.; Conway, K.
Connecting with the Strait of Georgia – an overview of activities supported by NRCan using the VENUS project

Wyche, K. P.; Ellis, A. M.; Monks, P. S.; Whyte, C.
Development of a Chemical Ionisation Reaction Hadamard Transform Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer

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