EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - GMPV01 Chemistry of Earths Mantle and Core: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches (incluing Outstading Young Scientist Award Lecture)

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Oganov, A.R.
Discovering new minerals in the deep Earth (EMU Research Excellence Medal Lecture)

Xirouchakis, D.
Immiscibility and critical points in titanite solid solutions: The binaries CaTiOSiO4-CaSnOSiO4 and CaTiOSiO4–CaSiOSiO4.

Orescanin, V; Mikelic, L; Roje, V; Lulic, S
Comparison of two microwave assisted decomposition procedures and two separation procedures for determination of lanthanides in sediments by EDXRF method

Rankenburg, K
EuroMinScI - A European Collaborative Research Programme (Overview)

Kerr, AC; Perason, DG; Nowell, GM
Magma source evolution beneath the Caribbean oceanic plateau: New insights from elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic studies of ODP Leg 165 Site 1001 basalts

Mikhaylushkin, A. S.; Simak, S. I.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Johansson, B.; Abrikosov, I. A.
Pure Iron Compressed and Heated to Extreme Conditions

Xu, W.M. ; Grinberg, E.; Rozenberg, G. Kh; Pasternak, M .P.; Kurnosov, A. ; Dubrovinsky, L. ; Taylor, R.D. ; Jeanloz, R.
Unraveling the dilemma of the post-spinel structure of magnetite; Mössbauer and XRD studies of MFe2O4 (M = Mg2+, Fe2+, Zn2+)

Sinmyo, R; Hirose, K; Hamane, D; Seto, Y; Fujino, K
Partitioning of iron between lower mantle minerals

Kavner, A; Armentrout, M
Behavior of Fe2SiO4 at Deep Mantle Conditions

Dubrovinsky, L.; Narygina, O.; Kantor, I.; Pascarelli, S.; Aquilanti, G.; Munoz, M.
Iron partitioning between ferropericlase and silicate perovskite: 2D micro-XAS mapping in diamond anvil cell

Vinograd, V.
Monte Carlo simulation of solid solutions in phases of petrological importance

Hanrahan, M; Brey, G; Woodland, A
Li as a Barometer for Bimineralic Kimberlitic Eclogites

Brodholt, J; Alfe, D; Dobson, D
The melting curve of MgSiO3 perovskite from ab initio molecular dynamics

Ullrich, A.; Miletich, R.
Elastic properties of clinopyroxenes: Nonlinear lattice elasticity at high-pressure transformations

Prakapenka, V; Rivers, M; Sutton, S
Structure and properties of iron carbide at the Earth’s mantle and core conditions

Ohta, K O; Onoda, S O; Hirose, K H; Sinmyo, R S; Shimizu, K S; Sata, N S; Ohishi, Y O; Yasuhara, A Y
The electrical condcutivity of post-perovskite in Earth's D" layer

Narygina, O; Dubrovinsky, L; Kantor, I; McCammon, C; Pascarelli, S; Mezouar, M; Sergueev, I; Ponkratz, U; Prakapenka, V
Iron spin state in perovskite structure: Moessbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and XANES

Dubrovinskaia, N.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Abrikosov, I.; Vitos, L.
Beating the miscibility barrier between magnesium and iron group metals (Fe, Ni, Co) by high-pressure alloying

Boyet, M.
The Early History of the Silicate Earth (Outstading Young Scientist Award Lecture)

Vinograd, V.L.; Safonov, O.G.; Wilson, D.J.; Gale, J.D.; Perchuk, L.L.; Bindi, L.; Winkler, B.
Thermodynamic model of the CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6 pyroxene solid solution.

Pushkarev, Yu.
D" layer and primordial noble gases in the lower mantle derivatives as evidence of the Earth solid protocore?

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