EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - NH6.1 Tsunamis (co-listed in OS)

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Taymaz, T.; Yolsal, S.; Yalciner, A.C.
Source Rupture Characteristics of the Sumatra-Andaman, Nias-Simeulue and Southern Sumatra Megathrust Earthquakes of 2004-2007 and Their Tsunamis

Yolsal, S.; Taymaz, T.; Yalciner, A.C.
Source Mechanisms of the Recent Rhodes-Dodecanese Islands Earthquakes and Historical Tsunami Simulations in the eastern Mediterranean

Didenkulova, Ira; Nikolkina, Irina
Tsunami in Russian inland waters

Choi, B.H.; Pelinovsky, E.; Kim, D.C.; Lee, H.J.; Min, B.I.; Kim, K.H.
Three-dimensional simulation of 1983 central East (Japan) Sea earthquake tsunami at the Imwon Port (Korea)

Lavrentiev Jr., M.M.; Cherny , S.G.; Bannikov , D.V.; Astrakova , A.S.
Optimal location of deep-sea detectors providing minimal registration time of tsunami wave

Cecioni, C; Bellotti, G; De Girolamo, P; Franco, L
Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling of tsunamis. Large scale application to the South Tyrrhenian sea

Lima, V.; Miranda, J. ; Baptista, M.; Catalão, J.; Gonzalez, M.; Soares, P.
Spatial distribution of tsunami height and the extent inundation along the southeastern Iberian coast for the 1755 event

Zahibo, N.; Zaitsev, A.; Talipova, T.; Pelinovsky, E.; Yalciner, A.; Ozer, C.; Insell, I.
The modeling of the 1755 tsunami propagation in the Atlantics and its effect on the French West Indies

Zahibo, N.; Pelinovsky, E.; Talipova, T.; Nikolkina, I.; Zaitsev, A.
Earthquake on 29 November, 2007 in Martinique: impact on Guadeloupe

Roger, R; Hébert, H
Results of the modelling of the El Asnam (Algeria) earthquake of 1980

Roger, R; Hébert, H
Systematic approach of tsunami modelling in Western Mediterranean

Zaitsev, A.I.; Kovalev, D.P.; Kurkin, A.A.; Levin, B.V.; Pelinovsky, E.; Chernov, A.G.; Yalciner, A.C.
The 2007 Sakhalin Island tsunami: observations and modeling

Kovalev, P.; Shevchenko, G.; Kovalev, D.
Experimental study of tsunamis in the Kolmsk Harbor, southwestern Sakhalin

van Veen, B.; Vatvani, D.; Alamsyah Kurniawan, A.; van der Plas, T.
A tsunami early warning system based on database of flood model results for Aceh and Nias

Vela, J.; Perez, B.; Wijeratne, E.; Alvarez Fanjul, E.; Woodworth, P.
Tools for real time automatic detection of sudden oscillations of sea level

Altinok, Y.; Cagatay, N.M.; Alpar, B.; Akcer, S.; Ozer, N.; Sancar, U.; Damci, E. ; Acar, D.; Ceylan, S.; Agor, H.; Istanbul University Team
Investigation of paleotsunami deposits in the cores of Kucukcekmece Lagoon, Sea of Marmara, Turkey

Nosov, M.A.; Kolesov, S.V.
A fully analytical approach to the problem of tsunami generation by nonlinear acoustic mechanism

Korolev, Yu.
The real-time method of the tsunami early warning.

Manoilin, S.; Maximov, V.; Nudner, I.
An experimental research of the solitary wave interaction with the composite obstacles

Tinti, S.; Armigliato, A.; Tonini, R.; Maramai, A.; Graziani, L.
An hybrid statistical-deterministic approach to tsunami hazard estimation along the coasts of the Adriatic Sea

Pavlis, E. C.; Mertikas, S. P.
GAVDOS Project contributions to the Mediterranean Tsunami Warning System

Burbidge, D.; Thomas, C.; Thio, H. K.; Mleczko, R.
A probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for Australia, the Indian Ocean and Southwest Pacific

Simanjuntak, M.A.; Greenslade, D.J.M
A New Scaling Method for a Tsunami Scenario Database: the Effect of Dispersion

Borges, P.; Andrade, C.; Forjaz, V.H.; Freitas, M.C.; Fontiela, J.
Updating the post 15th century record of tsunami in the Azores archipelago (Portugal)

Horsburgh, K. J.; Wilson, C.; Baptie, B. J.; Cooper, A.; Cresswell, D.; Musson, R. M.; Ottemoller, L.; Richardson, S.; Sargeant, S. L.
Impact of a Lisbon-type tsunami on the UK coastline, and the implications for tsunami propagation over broad continental shelves

Kaystrenko, V.; Lomtev, V.; Urban, N.; Ivelskaya, T.; Fokina, T.; Andreeva, M.; Semenova, E.; Kartashova, O.; Korolev, Yu.; Korolev, P.
Manifestation of the August 2, 2007 Nevelsk tsunami

Kaystrenko, V.
A method for tsunami wave form re-calculation trough the shelf

Kaystrenko, V.
Structure of the recurrence function for tsunami heights

Pagnoni, G.; Tinti, S.; Armigliato, A.; Tonini, R.; Zaniboni, F.; Argnani, A.; Bonazzi, C.; Rovere, M.
A new contribution for the identification of the source that generated the 1693 tsunami in Sicily (earthquake, submarine landslide or both?) and associated tsunami scenarios for the town of Catania, Italy

Nosov, M.A.; Kolesov, S.V.
2D and 3D numerical modeling of Central Kuril Islands tsunamis

Franchello, GF
HyFlux2: a numerical model for tsunami run-up problems

Tinti, S.; Gallazzi, S.; Armigliato, A.; Elashvili, M.; Pantosti, D.; Patera, A.; Wyss, M.
Building a unified GIS database for integrating and disseminating tsunami-related data in Europe: a TRANSFER project experience

Tinti, S.; Tonini, R.; Pontrelli, P.; Pagnoni, G.; Santoro, L.
Tsunami risk assessment in the Messina Straits, Italy, with application to the urban area of Messina

Papadopoulos, G.A.; Novikova, T.; McKoy, F.; Fokaefs, A.
Sources of Sumatra-type tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea

Hancilar, U; Zulfikar, C; Durukal, E; Erdik, M
Tsunami impact and risk assessment for Istanbul

Glimsdal, S.; Harbitz, C. B.; Vanneste, M. ; De Blasio, F. V.; Mienert, J.; Elverhøi, A.
Numerical simulations of the Hinlopen-Yermak landslide and possible tsunami, Arctic Ocean

Romano, F.; Lorito, S.; Piatanesi, A.; Antonioli, A.; George, D.L.; Hirata, K.
Rupture process of the September 25, 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Hokkaido, Japan) Mw 8.3 earthquake from joint inversion of tsunami waveform and GPS data

Yalciner, A; Zaytsev, A; Chernov, A; Ozer, C; Dilmen, D; Insel, I; Pelinovsky, E; Kurkin, A; Karakus, H; Kanoglu, U
Database Development by Modeling for Tsunami Mitigation Strategies for Fethiye Town

Graziani, L.; Maramai, A.; Tinti, S.; Brizuela, B.
Tsunamis in the Euro-Mediterranean region: analysis of five events as possible benchmarks

Fernandes, RMS; Kamath, MH; Geirsson , H; Miranda, JM
Using GNSS solutions in Tsunami Early Warning Systems

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