EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - AS3.13 Polar Ozone

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Milinevsky, G.; Evtushevsky, O.; Grytsai, A.; Klekociuk, A.
Antarctic spring total ozone and tropopause zonal asymmetry

Krizan, P.
Statistical features of ozone laminae in the central Europe from the ozonosonde measurements

Hofmann, DJ; Johnson, BJ; Oltmans, SJ
The 2007 ozone hole as measured at South Pole Station: any sign of the beginning of recovery?

Dyominov, I. G.; Zadorozhny, A. M.
Impact of greenhouse gases on the ozone layer in the Polar Regions

Kiesewetter, G.; Sinnhuber, B.-M.; Burrows, J.P.
What controls the inter-annual variability of Arctic ozone?

Müller, R; Grooß, J.-U.; Kemmen, C.; Heinze, D.; Dameris, M.; Bodeker, G.
Simple measures of ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere

Orsolini, Y.; Jackson, D.
An estimation of Arctic ozone loss in recent winters based on assimilation of EOS/MLS and SBUV observations

Braathen, G.; 2007 Ozone hole team
The 2007 Antarctic Ozone Hole

Meyer-Arnek, J.; Baier, F.; Schwinger, J.; Erbertseder, T.; Backman, L.; Loyola, D.
The 2007 Antarctic ozone hole analysed by assimilated MetOp/GOME-2 data: Influence of PSC parameterisation on reactive trace gases

Loyola, D.; Valks, P.; Erbertseder, T.; Kiemle, S.; Balis, D.; Zimmer, W.; Meyer-Arnek, J.; Ruppert, T.; Craubner, A.; Seitz, K.-H.
Polar ozone monitoring with GOME-2/MetOp

Fraser, A.; Goutail, F. ; Strong, K.; Walker, K.A.; Canadian Arctic ACE Validation Team
Intercomparison of UV-visible measurements of ozone and NO2 during the Canadian Arctic ACE Validation campaigns: 2004-2006

Goutail, F.; The ozone loss team
Total ozone loss during the 2007/08 Arctic winter and comparison to previous years

Evtushevsky, O.; Grytsai, A.; Lozitsky, V.; Milinevsky, G.
Quasi-stationary planetary waves in ozone distribution in Arctic and Antarctic regions

Walker, K.A.; Strong, K.; Batchelor, R.L.; Lindenmaier, R.; Kolonjari, F.; Mittermeier, R.L.; Fast, H.
Using Fourier transform spectrometry to study ozone during polar sunrise in the Canadian Arctic

Kivi, R.; Kyrö, E.
Ozone, polar stratospheric cloud and stratospheric water vapor observations in northern Finland

Mercer, J.L.; Deshler, T.; Kroger, C.; Nardi, B.; Johnson, B.J. ; Oolman, L.D.
Ozonesonde measurements above McMurdo Station, Antarctica (78 °S) during Austral spring 1986-2007

Todorovich, N.; Vujovic, D.
Solar activity, cyclone circulation and negative anomalies of total ozone content

Hansen, G.
PSC and stratospheric temperature observations at ALOMAR: Implications for water vapour concentration in the mid stratosphere

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