EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Report - NH9.06 Natural Hazards’ Impact on Urban Areas and Infrastructure (co-listed in SM)

This year, the session "Natural Hazards' Impact on Urban Areas and Infrastructure" took place again.

The session aimed to address persons/organisations active in research which have contacts in the whole national territory with the organisations in charge of risk reduction, and not only with international partners and academia. An emphasis will lay on testing models on real cases, to discuss with local authorities about including the results achieved in an emergency plan or in a urban plan, to look at the predictions of models from a practical point of view, to discuss with and get suggestion from local civil protections, urban planners, etc.
Aspects to be covered by the session included but were not limited to:
1. the significance of the urban setting for the post-disaster damage assessment;
2. developments and implementation of urban ranking models for risk based comparisons of urban morphology, urban settings, etc.
3. the urban system modelling, including sub-system interactions;
4. multi-hazard and multi-criteria urban planning;
5. the investigation of the urban morphology in order to:
a) get better estimates of building vulnerability accounting for building interaction, influence of the urban tissue and texture, etc.;
b) evaluate the post-disaster accessibility of relevant buildings from outside or from strategic locations;
c) evaluate the number and location of Search-And-Rescue teams;
6. the evaluation of the urban system impact, recovery and resiliency;
7. the evaluation of social, economic and cultural consequences on urban systems;
8. the investigation of the traffic demand due to emergency vehicles (SAR, injured, food assistance) and the residual road capacity;

There were three oral sessions and one poster session. The poster session was on Wednesday morning while the oral sessions occupied the whole Wednesday afternoon.

The poster session was well attended and there were posters from a variety of urban risk fields.

The first oral session was chaired by the convener of the session, Maria Bostenaru Dan. Unfortunately the solicited speaker could not attend the session. The first talk was given by Nieves Lantada on a paper co-authored with Pujades and Alex Barbat and entitled "Advanced methods for the construction of seismic risk scenarios. Application to Barcelona city, Spain". The next talk was given by co-convener Agostino Goretti on a paper common with some researchers from the municipality of Crotone on "The urban system of Crotone, Italy, facing the earthquake impact". After this we had the pleasure to assist at the multimedia presentation of Iuliana Armas, in a co-authored paper on "Seismic risk assessment: the historical center of Bucharest, Romania". Two poster presentations were transformed into oral presentation to fill in gaps of speakers who could not attend. One of them was in this session. It was given by David N. Petley and entitled "On the impact of urban landslides". Lively discussions accompanied the presentations.

The second oral session was chaired by Heidi Kreibich, co-convener of the session. The first talk was given by Cesar Carmona-Moreno, on a paper of D'Odorico, Carmona-Moreno and Simonetti entitled "Improved medium resolution urban mapping for natural catastrophe studies at regional level". Unfortunately the following paper by Galderisi and Ceudech, on "A conceptual model for analysing the 'behaviour' of urban systems coping with natural hazard was cancelled, and replaced with the one by Michael Bacher, co-authored with Rachoy, on "Risk analysis for a railway station in the Gastein valley, Austria". The next paper was by Laghi et al, on "GIS applications for evaluation and management of evacuation plans in Tsunami risk areas". It was followed by a presentation given by Baharak Motamedvaziri, co-authored with Aghaii, on "Investigating empirical equations of determining concentration time of floor in Karaj river basin. The following presentation was given by Yuri Egorov on "Natural hazards and urban infrastructure in coastal cities: Conceptual model". The last paper in this session was cancelled as well.

The third and last oral session was chaired by Agostino Goretti, co-convener of the session. It started with a presentation of Elise Beck, on a paper co-authored with Granet and Weber on "Multi-risks study in the urban area of Mulhouse (East of France). The following talk by Cosmo Mercuri was cancelled. Instead, it was continued with a paper by Russo and Vitetta, presentation given by Antonino Vitetta on "Risk assessment and management in transporation systems: a methodology for evacuation design". The following talk was a single authored paper by Toshitaka Kamai on "Earthquake risk assessment of artificial fill slope in urban residential region". A final paper was presented by the convener of the session, Maria Bostenaru Dan, co-authored with Rui Pinho on "Impact of seismic retrofit on interwar reinforced concrete housing". The session was closed with a discussion, including the publication to be made after the session.

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