Report - CL0 Open Session on Climatology and Palaeoclimatology (including Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture)
CL0 session attracted 17 oral presentations among them the Milankovic medal lecture by Pingxiang Wang in room 13 (F1). One oral presentation was cancelled due to last illness, preventing any way to fill the gap. The attendance varied all day long between 4/5 to 1/5 of the total capacity. 12 minutes sharp were allocated to oral participants. Poster session was showing some missing posters while others warned the conveners prior the congress. Three applications for YSOPP were posted and evaluated by the two conveners: MA Sicre and DD Rousseau. No proposal was provided for the award, one proposal even missing at the time of the poster session at 5/30 pm.
One problem to be mentioned was the presentation by a PhD student, which happened to have occurred twice. The problems came from a misallocation of the abstract by the author, which was claimed late as being misallocated while the program of CL0 was done. Email exchanges were done between the author and the convener but apparently faced some server problems. However, the convener has been pointed as responsible while other abstracts were simply withdrawn from CL0 session during the preparation of the meeting by other session's conveners like the presentation by J. Haigh, which appeared in the solar session. This double presentation, which was a minor problem, rose during the business meeting as a serious concern while just a mistake. Invitations to submitting papers to Climate of the Past were emailed to CL0 participants as normal submissions and not within a special issue.
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