Report - AS3.04 Tropospheric Composition: Variability and Trends
Totally there were 63 abstracts submitted to the session of which 49 were accepted and the others were shifted to appropriate sessions. Oral program consisted of 3 oral blocks. Oral session was well attended with very often at least 80 people in the audience. Poster session was less attended as far as several presenters had oral presentations at the other sessions the same time or has already departed.
This year in spite of our request to avoid temporal overlap with AS3.05 “Long-Range Transport” session, the LRT poster session was coinciding with one oral block in AS3.04 and this caused a severe drop in attendance numbers. The session conveners of AS3.04 and AS3.05 must establish a better collaboration for organizing these two sessions and the programme board should support this (for example by making abstracts visible to conveners of both sessions). Specifically, a request for next years programme shall be to schedule a joint poster session for AS3.04 and AS3.05, probably best after one oral programme is finished and before the other one starts.
3 oral blocks appears upper limit of session size, in particular because there is still a lot of thematic overlap with the long-range transport session. Probably a limit of 5 blocks for both sessions together (the split to be worked out among the conveners) may be a good solution. In general, there were some overlapping topics with the other AS3 sessions.
AS3.04 featured 18 oral presentations of which 7 were held by female speakers (almost 40%). One out of three chairs was a female.
The session had a reasonable balance between student presentations and presentations of senior scientists. One of the posters at the session participated YSOPP competition.
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