Report - NP6.05 Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (co-listed in AS & OS)
Report |
The papers presented at the session combined equally laboratory and field experiments, including some numerical simulations with relevant comparisons between the observations and the models. New advances in turbulent parametrizations and observational techniques now allow o extract much more
relevant information using PIV, Particle tracking, point and multipoint
velocimetry or other multiscale higher order techniques.
The presentations were:
Kartashova, E.
Coherent structures in wave turbulent transport - graph-theoretical approach
Zurita-Gotor, P
Evaluation of quasi-geostrophic turbulent closures in a two-layer model with barotropic structure
Lopez, P.; Cano, J.L.; Redondo, J.M.
Buoyant mixing modifications by plume arrays
Tijera, M.; Cano, J. L.
Analytical proposed of deterministic perturbations of the wind. Fractal dimension.
Yagüe, C.; Viana, S.; Maqueda, G.; Lazcano, M.F.; Morales, G.; Sánchez, M.L.; Serrano, E.; Cámara, A.; García, J.; Sánchez, E.
The Nocturnal Atmospheric Boundary Layer during the field campaign SABLES2006
Martínez, D.; Cuxart, J.; Jiménez, M. A.; Cunillera, J.
Study of a conditioned climatology for stable nights
Cuxart, J.
Stable Boundary Layer Low-Level Jets: A comparative study
Jiménez, M.A. ; Mira, A.; Cuxart, J.
PDF methods to study the nocturnal boundary layer: application to a mesoscale simulation
Viana, S.; Yagüe, C.; Maqueda, G.; Morales, G.
Study of pressure perturbations in the Nocturnal Atmospheric Boundary Layer during the field campaign SABLES2006
Lee, Y.H.
Heat and momentum transfer within open canopies
Chemel, C.; Staquet, C.
Efficiency of mixing across the entrainment zone capping the convective atmospheric boundary layer
Fiori, E.; Molini, L.; Parodi, A.; Siccardi, F.
Turbulent parameterization influence on high resolution numerical modelling of deep moist convective processes
Vindel, J.M.; Yagüe, C.; Redondo, J.M.
Structure function analysis and intermittency of the atmospheric boundary layer
Lovejoy, S.; Tuck, A.; Hovde, S. ; Schertzer, D.
Isotropic turbulence, stable layers: fact or fiction?
Diez, M.; Bezerra, M.O.; Redondo, J.M.
Turbulent Diffusion in the Coastal Regions
Cantalapiedra, I.R.; Yague, C.; Mahjoub, O.B.; Redondo, J.M.
Intermittency of ABL turbulence
A special issue of NPG will be edited with selected papers of Laboratory and field experiments related to Turbulence and Mixing.
Interested authors of NP6 and other related sessions are advised to contact to the editors Jose M. Redondo and Stuart Dalziel [UPC, Barcelona and DAMTP, Cambridge]
for more information, redondo@fa.upc.edu, jmr10@damtp.cam.uk or sd103@damtp.cam.uk
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