EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Poster Programme - ST12 Open session on the ionosphere and thermosphere including connections to regions above and below

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Convener: Zolesi, B.
Co-Convener: Aruliah, A.

Author in Attendance:

Thursday, 19 April 2007 10:30 - 12:00
Display Time: Thursday, 19 April 2007 08:00 -
Thursday, 19 April 2007 19:30
Poster Area: Halls X/Y

Chairperson: ZOLESI,B.

Select complete timeblock
EGU2007-A-00026;  ST12-1TH2P-0800
Klimenko, M.V.; Klimenko, V.V.; Bryukhanov, V.V.
Seasonal Variation of Parameters of F2-layer and Upper Ionosphere in Solar Activity Minimum

EGU2007-A-00027;  ST12-1TH2P-0801
Klimenko, M.V.; Klimenko, V.V.; Bryukhanov, V.V.
Seasonal Variation of Ionospheric Parameters at station Jicamarca in Solar Activity Minimum

EGU2007-A-00175;  ST12-1TH2P-0802
Chargazia, Kh.; Aburjania, G.; Kharshiladze, O.
Mechanism of Amplification and Mutual Transformation of eigen modes in the Ionosphere

EGU2007-A-00182;  ST12-1TH2P-0803
Aburjania, G.
Excitation of New Modes of the Global Weather Forming ULF Electromagnetic Waves and its Role in the Generation of the

EGU2007-A-00231;  ST12-1TH2P-0804
Muella, MTAH; de Paula, E. R.; Cerruti, A. P.; Kintner, P. M.; Kantor, I. J.; Batista, I. S.; Mitchell, C. N.
Storm-time observations of TEC, scintillations, and ionospheric irregularity zonal drifts at equatorial and low-latitude regions

EGU2007-A-01541;  ST12-1TH2P-0805
Vanhamäki, H.; Amm, O.; Viljanen, A.
Role of inductive electric fields and currents in dynamical ionospheric situations

EGU2007-A-01926;  ST12-1TH2P-0806
Kozlovsky, A.
Magnetospheric interchange instability with non-linear ionospheric feedback

EGU2007-A-01932;  ST12-1TH2P-0807
Safargaleev, V.; Kozlovsky, A.; Sergienko, T.; Yeoman, T.; Uspensky, M.; Wright, D.; Nilsson, H.; Turunen, T.; Kotikov, A.
Optical, radar and magnetic observations of the magnetosheath plasma capturing during a positive impulse in the IMF Bz-component

EGU2007-A-01955;  ST12-1TH2P-0808
Amm, O.; Fujii, R.
On the importance of the Cowling channel mechanism in the vicinity of the substorm breakup spiral

EGU2007-A-01978;  ST12-1TH2P-0809
Berthelier, J.-J.; Onishi, T.; Pfaff, R. F.
Simultaneous measurements of electrostatic turbulence and plasma density fluctuations gathered by probes on the DEMETER spacecraft

EGU2007-A-02000;  ST12-1TH2P-0810
Hargreaves, J.K.; Birch, M.J.; Bromage, B.J.I
D- and E-region effects in the auroral zone during a moderately active 24-hour period in July 2005.

EGU2007-A-02186;  ST12-1TH2P-0811
Woodfield, E.E.; Aruliah, A. ; Holme, R.; Millward, G.
Effects of the neutral atmosphere on the Earth’s magnetic field after a storm.

EGU2007-A-02615;  ST12-1TH2P-0812
Zherebtsov, G.A.; Pirog, O.M.; Polekh, N.M.; Romanova, E.B.; Tashchilin, A.V.
On the formation of afternoon troughs of ionization in the F-region in the East sector

EGU2007-A-02635;  ST12-1TH2P-0813
Chung, J.-K.; Lee, W.-K.; Park, J. U.; Cho, J. H.
Comparison of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data with Ionosonde measurements in the mid-latitude

EGU2007-A-04722;  ST12-1TH2P-0814
Codrescu, M. V.; Fuller-Rowell, T. J.; Araujo-Pradere, E. A.; Fedrizzi, M.
Memory efects in the ionosphere storm response (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-05255;  ST12-1TH2P-0815
Semenova, N.V.; Yahnin, A.G.
Observations of the spectral resonance structures in the range of 0.1-5 Hz in Barentsburg on Svalbard

EGU2007-A-05271;  ST12-1TH2P-0816
Zhao, B.; Wan, W.; Liu, L.; Ning, B.
Classification of ionospheric storm at the sub-equatorial ionization anomaly (SEIA) area in the Eastern Asian region

EGU2007-A-06414;  ST12-1TH2P-0817
Bencze, P.
Some remarks concerning long-term changes of the F region

EGU2007-A-06449;  ST12-1TH2P-0818
Bencze, P.
Ionospheric sporadic E and HF radio wave propagation

EGU2007-A-07047;  ST12-1TH2P-0819
Nesse, H. ; Sorbo, M. ; Stadsnes, J.; Mertens, C. J.; Evans, D. S.
Statistical evaluation on upper mesospheric temperature effects caused by energetic particle precipitation using NOAA and TIMED

EGU2007-A-07322;  ST12-1TH2P-0820
Nyland, I.; Stadsnes, J.; Søraas, F.; Sandanger, M. I.; Honary, F. ; Evans, D. S.
Comparison Study between Cosmic Noise Absorption and Flux of Precipitating Energetic Electrons (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-07374;  ST12-1TH2P-0821
Agapitov, O.; Milinevsky, G.; Zanimonsky, Ye.
Magnetized Rossby waves in mid-latitude ionosphere F-layer

EGU2007-A-08972;  ST12-1TH2P-0822
Zapfe, B.D.; Mitchell, C.N.
Ionospheric Scintillation in the Northern Polar Region

EGU2007-A-09258;  ST12-1TH2P-0823
Stauning, P.; Troshichev, O. ; Janzhura, A.
The unified Polar Cap (PC) index. Calculation procedures, quality control and interpretation

EGU2007-A-09866;  ST12-1TH2P-0824
Truhlik, V.; Bilitza, D.; Zhang, S.R.; Triskova, L.
Comparison of Topside Satellite Electron Temperatures with Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements

EGU2007-A-10191;  ST12-1TH2P-0825
Hamar, D.; Lichtenberger, J.; Steinbach, P.; Ferencz, Cs.; Berthelier, J.J.; Lefeuvre, F.; Parrot, M.
Recent results on fine structure analysis of whistlers recorded onboard of LEO satellites

EGU2007-A-11057;  ST12-1TH2P-0826
Silbergleit, V.M.; Larocca, P.A.
Geomagnetic effects on the Center-West Argentina gas pipeline (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-11068;  ST12-1TH2P-0827
Silbergleit, V. M.; Elias, A. G.
Long-term variation of strong geomagnetic storms and its effect on ionospheric and telluric currents (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-11690;  ST12-1TH2P-0828
Choi, B.K.; Park, J.U.; Jo, J.H.
Real-Time Ionospheric Monitoring over South Korea using KASI GPS Network

EGU2007-A-08005;  ST12-1TH2P-0829
Boska, J.; Kouba , D.; Šauli, P.
Effects of geomagnetic activity on the E and F region ionospheric drifts.

EGU2007-A-09107;  ST12-1TH2P-0830
Marghitu, O.; Karlsson, T.; Klecker, B.
Auroral electrodynamics on arc and oval scales: Insights from a new technique

EGU2007-A-09347;  ST12-1TH2P-0831
Vanina-Dart, L.B.; Sharkov, E.A.
The solar-ionosphere-troposphere coupling in the equatorial region

EGU2007-A-10036;  ST12-1TH2P-0832
Steinbach, P.; Lichtenberger, J.; Ferencz, Cs.; Hamar, D.; Ferencz, O.E.; Berthelier, J.J.; Lefeuvre, F.; Parrot, M.
Parallel evaluation of spaceborne and ground-based VLF recordings: Comparative study of lightnings, spherics and whistlers in DEMETER data

EGU2007-A-05637;  ST12-1TH2P-0833
MacDougall, J; Jayachandran, P.
Polar patches

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