EGU General Assembly 2007
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Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences
Nonlinear Processes:in Geosciences
NP2 Empirical Modeling
NP3 Scale, Scaling and Nonlinear Variability
NP4 Nonlineaar time-series analysis
NP5 Predictability
NP6 Turbulence and Nonlinear Waves
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  Poster Programme - NP4.02 Statistical analysis of paleoclimate time series (co-listed in CL)

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Convener: Mudelsee, M.
Co-Convener: Witt, A.
Co-Sponsorship: AGU Nonlinear Focus Group

Author in Attendance:

Tuesday, 17 April 2007 13:30 - 15:00
Display Time: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 08:00 -
Tuesday, 17 April 2007 19:30
Poster Area: Halls X/Y

Chairperson: N.N.

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EGU2007-A-06026;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0649
Koutsoyiannis, D.; Efstratiadis, A. ; Georgakakos , K. P.
A stochastic methodological framework for uncertainty assessment of hydroclimatic predictions

EGU2007-A-01659;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0650
Divine, D.; Polzehl, J.; Godtliebsen, F.
A propagation-separation approach to estimating the autocorrelation in a time-series

EGU2007-A-01600;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0651
Divine, D.; Godtliebsen, F.
Bayesian modeling and significant features exploration in wavelet power spectra

EGU2007-A-05872;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0652
Van De Wiel, M.J.
Quantitative comparison of trends in palaeo-environmental time series

EGU2007-A-05463;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0653
Batista, D.; Naveau, P.; Ammann, C.
An Automatic and Multivariate Statistical Algorithm to Extract Common Pulse-Like Forcing Factors in Climatic Multivariate Time Series

EGU2007-A-08461;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0654
Maraun, D.; Kurths, J.; Holschneider, M.
An areawise significance test for wavelet spectral analysis - including a software package of the test, applications to climatological time series are shown.

EGU2007-A-11459;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0655
Marwan, N.; Breitenbach, S.
Can nonlinear data analysis help to understand climate changes in Asia during the Holocene?

EGU2007-A-11458;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0656
Prasad, S.; Brauer, A.; Witt, A.; Yancheva, G.
Microfacies analyses of lake sediments provides information on changing seasonal precipitation patterns during the 8.2 ka event

EGU2007-A-06608;  NP4.02-1TU3P-0657
Donner, R.
Testing the Consistency of a 1470-years Periodic Component in Polar Ice Cores by Means of Phase Coherence Analysis

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