EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Poster Programme - ST3 Open session on the Sun and heliosphere

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Convener: Forsyth, R.
Co-Convener: Bothmer, V.

Author in Attendance:

Wednesday, 18 April 2007 13:30 - 15:00
Display Time: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 08:00 -
Wednesday, 18 April 2007 19:30
Poster Area: Halls X/Y

Chairperson: FORSYTH, R.

Select complete timeblock
EGU2007-A-00797;  ST3-1WE3P-0790
Rabiu, A. B.; Amory-Mazaudier, C.; IRGGEA, the
Signatures and Potentials of International Heliophysical Year IHY in Africa

EGU2007-A-07727;  ST3-1WE3P-0791
Wintoft, P.; Lundstedt, H.; Wik, M.
Analysis of the dynamic memory of the sunspot number time series.

EGU2007-A-06911;  ST3-1WE3P-0792
Lepreti, F.; Vecchio, A.; Reardon, K.; Carbone, V.; Capparelli, V.
Analysis of velocity fluctuations in the solar atmosphere: relation between intermittency and chromospheric magnetic topology

EGU2007-A-02907;  ST3-1WE3P-0793
Tumalski, T.
The coronal Heating process

EGU2007-A-05737;  ST3-1WE3P-0794
Minkova, N.R.
Statistical modelling of solar plasma flow by considereing finite instrumental resolution scale

EGU2007-A-03001;  ST3-1WE3P-0795
Podgorny, I. M.; Podgorny, A. I.
Solar Flare Model – 3D MHD Simulation and Comparison with Observation

EGU2007-A-00720;  ST3-1WE3P-0796
Bilenko, I. A.
Variations of magnetic field structure and solar eruptive events occurrence

EGU2007-A-02772;  ST3-1WE3P-0797
Prokudina, V.; Kuril'chik, V.
The observation of the hectometer radio bursts from the solar flares with Gamma-ray

EGU2007-A-10227;  ST3-1WE3P-0798
LI, X; Lu, Q.; Li, B.
Ion pick-up by finite amplitute Alfven waves

EGU2007-A-11069;  ST3-1WE3P-0799
LI, B.; LI, X.
Propagation of non-WKB Alfv\'en waves in a multicomponent solar wind with differential ion flow

EGU2007-A-06029;  ST3-1WE3P-0800
Stverak, S.; Maksimovic, M.; Travnicek, P.; Fazakerley, A.; Marsch, E.; Scime, E.
Electron Strahl properties in the solar wind: Helios, Cluster and Ulysses Observations

EGU2007-A-04552;  ST3-1WE3P-0801
Viñas, A. F.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Goldstein, M. L.
Electron Anisotropy Constraints in the Solar Wind (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-01986;  ST3-1WE3P-0802
Vaivads, A.; Bale, S. D.; Maksimovic, M.; Eriksson, A. I.; André, M. ; Blomberg, L. G.; Åhlén, L.; Chust, T.; Wahlund, J.-E.
Low frequency electric field and density fluctutation measurements on Solar Orbiter

EGU2007-A-05727;  ST3-1WE3P-0803
Hilchenbach, M.; Czechowski, A.; Kallenbach, R.
Energetic neutral atoms in the heliosphere

EGU2007-A-04706;  ST3-1WE3P-0804
Jian, L.; Russell, C.; Luhmann, J.; Skoug, R.; Steinberg, J.
The radial evolution of solar wind structure: Ulysses observations near 5 AU

EGU2007-A-05370;  ST3-1WE3P-0805
Vernova, E.S.; Tyasto, M.I.; Baranov, D.G.
Active longitudes and the magnetic field of the Sun

EGU2007-A-02237;  ST3-1WE3P-0806
Blanco, J.J; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Hidalgo, M.A.
The heliospheric current sheet local structure along the solar cycle 23

EGU2007-A-06678;  ST3-1WE3P-0807
Alanko-Huotari, K.; Usoskin, I.G.; Kovaltsov, G.A.; Mursula, K.
Cyclic variations of the heliospheric tilt angle and cosmic ray modulation

EGU2007-A-04449;  ST3-1WE3P-0808
Yermolaev, Yu.I.; Yermolaev, M.Yu.; Lodkina, I.G.; Nikolaeva, N.S.
Heliospheric Conditions Resulting in Magnetic Storms: Statistic Study

EGU2007-A-05655;  ST3-1WE3P-0809
Barkhatov, N.A.; Smirnova , A.S.; Snegirev , S.D.; Revunov , S.E.
Establishment of Perturbing Solar Streams Types by Neural Network Classification Method

EGU2007-A-10521;  ST3-1WE3P-0810
Heilig, B.
The behaviour of Pc3 pulsations during low-density solar wind events. Revisiting the problem: how the Pc3 pulsation activity relates to solar wind conditions?

EGU2007-A-00063;  ST3-1WE3P-0811
Hady, A. A.
Giant geomagnetic storms during the last three cycles and earth’s climatic changes

EGU2007-A-04451;  ST3-1WE3P-0812
Dal Lago, A.; Schwenn, R.; Gonzalez, W. D.
Limb CME geometry using LASCO observations

EGU2007-A-04147;  ST3-1WE3P-0813
Lynnyk, A.; Vandas, M.
Magnetic clouds and their expansion

EGU2007-A-04548;  ST3-1WE3P-0814
Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Viñas , A. F.; Ogilvie, K. W.; Bale, S. D.
Electron Velocity Distribution Function in Magnetic Clouds in the Solar Wind

EGU2007-A-04537;  ST3-1WE3P-0815
Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Viñas, A. F.; Hidalgo, M. A.
Systematic Analysis of Magnetic Clouds

EGU2007-A-09735;  ST3-1WE3P-0816
Rees, A; Balogh, A; Forsyth, R
Solar cycle and hemispheric trends in the structure of magnetic clouds observed by Ulysses.

EGU2007-A-02086;  ST3-1WE3P-0817
Gloeckler, G. ; Fisk, L. A.
Ions Accelerated in the Turbulence of Shocks

EGU2007-A-05311;  ST3-1WE3P-0818
Bamert, K.; Kallenbach, R.; Hilchenbach, M.; Smith, C.W.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F.
Ion acceleration and wave-particle interaction at the interplanetary shocks associated with the 20-21 January 2005 and the 2-6 November 2003 CME events: SOHO/HSTOF and ACE/MAG observations

EGU2007-A-06862;  ST3-1WE3P-0819
Klecker, B.; Möbius, E.; Popecki, M. A.; Kistler, L. M.
Ionic charge states of solar energetic particles: a survey of interplanetary shock related events

EGU2007-A-10357;  ST3-1WE3P-0820
Anagnostopoulos, G.; Louri, I.; Marhavilas, P.; Fronis, G.; Sarris, E.
Low energy (>~40 keV) ions and electrons of possible Jovian origin in the outer Heliosphere (Ulysses) and near Earth (ACE) between days 290/2003 - 090/2004

EGU2007-A-02198;  ST3-1WE3P-0821
Firoz, K.A.
Diurnal Variation of Cosmic Ray Particles: Solar Modulation

EGU2007-A-07981;  ST3-1WE3P-0822
Gil, A.
The peculiarities of the quasi-periodic variation of the galactic cosmic rays intensity

EGU2007-A-08026;  ST3-1WE3P-0823
Modzelewska, R.
Features of the 27-day variation of galactic cosmic rays anisotropy

EGU2007-A-02431;  ST3-1WE3P-0824
Grimani, C.
Modelization of solar modulation and charge drift effect on galactic cosmic rays for future space missions

EGU2007-A-05540;  ST3-1WE3P-0825
Wawrzynczak, A.
Three dimensional model of the sporadic Forbush effect of galactic cosmic rays

EGU2007-A-10496;  ST3-1WE3P-0826
Flueckiger, E.O.; Buetikofer, R.; Moser, M.R.; Desorgher, L.
The cosmic ray ground level enhancements on January 20, 2005, and December 13, 2006

EGU2007-A-10591;  ST3-1WE3P-0827
Siluszyk, M.
Correlation between the galactic cosmic ray intensity variations and rigidity spectrum

EGU2007-A-05602;  ST3-1WE3P-0828
Tyasto, M. I.; Danilova, O. A; Dvornikov, V. M.; Sdjbnov, V. E.
Changing of cosmic ray cutoff rigidities at disturbed period in November 2004 (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-10607;  ST3-1WE3P-0829
Alania, M.V.
Rigidity spectrum of the galactic cosmic ray intensity variations during Sun’ rotation period

EGU2007-A-01998;  ST3-1WE3P-0830
Fahr, H.J.; Siewert , M.
Local spacetime dynamics and the PIONEER anomaly

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