7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  Organizer - AW6.1 Environmental Meteorology - Meteorology and Atmospheric Pollution: from the urban to meso/regional scale

Main Scientific Organizer/
Joffre, S.
R&D Div.
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Erik Palmenin Aukkio 1
00560 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 9 1929 2250
Fax: +358 9 1929 4103
E-mail: sylvain.joffre@fmi.fi

Deputy Organizer(s)/
Baklanov, A.
Meteorological Research
Danish Meteorological Institute
Lyngbyvej, 100
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel.: +45 391 57441
Fax: +45 391 57460
E-mail: alb@dmi.dk

Piringer, M.
Environmental Meteorology
Central Institute for Meteorology & Geodynamics
Hohe Warte 38
1190 Vienna
Tel.: 0043-1-360 26 2402
Fax: 0043-1-360 26 74
E-mail: martin.piringer@zamg.ac.at



Organizing Committee

General Statement
The addresses of the Organizers and Editors are uploaded online directly from their personal COSIS Home Sites, which can be accessed and changed at any time by the persons in question by a login into COSIS at www.cosis.net. It is therefore the responsibility of the Organizers and Editors that their personal information, even their temporary one, is updated and correct at any time.

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