EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Oral Programme - NH1.01 Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrometeorology, Water Cycle, and Flood Forecasting (co-listed in AS)

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Convener: Anagnostou, E.
Co-Convener: Oki, T., Levizzani, V., Houser, P.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 27

Chairperson: ANAGNOSTOU, E.N.

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13:30 - 13:45
EGU2007-A-10790;  NH1.01-1MO3O-001
Lawford, R. G.
Remote Sensing and the Detection of Change in the Global Water Cycle

13:45 - 14:00
EGU2007-A-01073;  NH1.01-1MO3O-002
Roads, J.
GEWEX Water and Energy Budget Studies

14:00 - 14:15
EGU2007-A-04984;  NH1.01-1MO3O-003
Seto, S.; Kim, H.; Yoshimura, K.; Oki, T.
A global flood monitoring system with high-resolution precipitation maps by satellite

14:15 - 14:30
EGU2007-A-04795;  NH1.01-1MO3O-004
Matthews, D.; Brilly, M. ; Houser, P.
WaterNet: The NASA water cycle solutions network

14:30 - 14:45
EGU2007-A-05846;  NH1.01-1MO3O-005
Peters-Lidard, C.; Tian, Y.; Garcia, M.; Choudhury, B.
Multitemporal analysis and downscaling of TRMM-based satellite rainfall products for land data assimilation applications

14:45 - 15:00
EGU2007-A-00639;  NH1.01-1MO3O-006
Voisin, N.; Wood, A.W.; Lettenmaier, D.P.; Wood, E.F.
Use of satellite remote sensing in a medium range global flood prediction system


Chairperson: LEVIZZANI, V.

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15:30 - 15:45
EGU2007-A-11300;  NH1.01-1MO4O-001
Gebremichael, M.; Anagnostou, E.N.; Dinku, T.
A Blueprint for Advancing Hydrologic Predictability in the Nile Basin

15:45 - 16:00
EGU2007-A-02413;  NH1.01-1MO4O-002
Villarini, G; Krajewski, W.F.
Detailed evaluation of the research-version of TMPA three-hourly 0.25°×0.25° rainfall estimates over Oklahoma

16:00 - 16:15
EGU2007-A-01261;  NH1.01-1MO4O-003
Vischel, T.; Pegram, GGS.; Sinclair, S.
Comparison of soil moisture fields estimated by catchment modelling and remote sensing: a case study in South Africa.

16:15 - 16:30
EGU2007-A-05004;  NH1.01-1MO4O-004
Zipser, E.
Weather regimes with greatest errors in rainfall estimation from TRMM

16:30 - 16:45
EGU2007-A-11506;  NH1.01-1MO4O-005
Smith, E.A.; Mehta, A. ; Mugnai , A.; Tripoli, G.J.
Interactions Between Vestige Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Mid-latitude Cyclonic Storms Over Mediterranean Basin

16:45 - 17:00
EGU2007-A-05606;  NH1.01-1MO4O-006
Sohn, B.J.; Chung, E.S.; Schmetz, J.; Koening, M.
Diurnal variation of convective activities over tropical Africa and its associated upper tropospheric humidity variation


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