EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Oral Programme - SM12 Earthquake ruptures, paleoseismology and seismic hazard models

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Convener: Atakan, K.
Co-Convener: Ferry, M.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 26

Chairperson: ATAKAN, K. /FERRY, M.

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15:30 - 15:45
EGU2007-A-11485;  SM12-1FR4O-001
Meghraoui, M.
Earthquake clustering along major continental faults: the influence of strain pattern and geometrical complexities on rupture propagation (solicited)

15:45 - 16:00
EGU2007-A-11352;  SM12-1FR4O-002
Sřrensen, M.B.; Atakan, K.; Pulido, N.
Implications of fault behaviour and rupture complexity for seismic hazard models

16:00 - 16:15
EGU2007-A-08837;  SM12-1FR4O-003
Macheyeki, A.S.; Delvaux, D.; Kervyn, F.; Petermans, T.; Verbeeck, K.; Temu, E.B.
Occurrence of large paleo-earthquakes along the major Kanda fault system (Tanganyika-Rukwa rift, SW highlands of Tanzania)

16:15 - 16:30
EGU2007-A-07836;  SM12-1FR4O-004
Ferry, M.; Meghraoui, M.; Abou Karaki, N.; Al-Taj, M.
A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault

16:30 - 16:45
EGU2007-A-02284;  SM12-1FR4O-005
González, Á.; Gómez, J.B.; Pacheco, A.F.
Earthquake recurrence intervals of Quaternary faults in the USA: relationships with other fault parameters

16:45 - 17:00
EGU2007-A-10788;  SM12-1FR4O-006
Nyst, M; Williams, C; Onur, T; Seneviratna, P; Baca, A
A Seismic Risk Model for Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Belgium


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