EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Oral Programme - AS1.02 Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation (General Session)

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Convener: Järvinen, H.
Co-Convener: Garcia-Moya, J.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 12 (E2)

Chairperson: JÄRVINEN, H.

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8:30 - 8:45
EGU2007-A-02193;  AS1.02-1MO1O-001
Körnich, H; Källén, E
Equatorial mass/wind balance relationship in global data assimilation

8:45 - 9:00
EGU2007-A-05058;  AS1.02-1MO1O-002
Frehlich, R.
Next generation ensemble data assimilation to include state dependent observation error

9:00 - 9:15
EGU2007-A-05825;  AS1.02-1MO1O-003
Warner, T; Swerdlin, S; Liu, Y; Sun, J; Sheu, R; Copeland, J
Multi-scale, model-based urban analyses, forecasts and climatologies

9:15 - 9:30
EGU2007-A-08849;  AS1.02-1MO1O-004
Gelaro, R.; Zhu, Y.
Assessing observation impact using the adjoint of the GEOS-5 data assimilation system

9:30 - 9:45
EGU2007-A-08392;  AS1.02-1MO1O-005
Riishojgaard, L. P.; Brin, G.; Liu, H.-C.
Assimilation of radiances and geophysical retrievals from NASA’s AIRS sensor

9:45 - 10:00
EGU2007-A-09591;  AS1.02-1MO1O-006
Weissmann, M.; Cardinali, C.; Dörnbrack, A.; Ehret, G.; Holm, E.; Kiemle, C.
The impact of airborne wind and water vapour lidar measurements on ECMWF analyses and forecasts


Chairperson: GARCIA-MOYA, J.

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10:30 - 10:45
EGU2007-A-05276;  AS1.02-1MO2O-001
Stoffelen, A; Portabella, M; Vogelzang, J; Verhoef, A; Verspeek, J; Burgers, G
The first ASCAT scatterometer winds

10:45 - 11:00
EGU2007-A-05949;  AS1.02-1MO2O-002
Eresmaa , R.; Järvinen, H.; Healy, S.; Salonen, K.; Niemelä, S.
Local asymmetry in ground-based GPS slant delay data

11:00 - 11:15
EGU2007-A-09141;  AS1.02-1MO2O-003
Baldauf, M. ; Helmert, K.; Hassler, B.; Stephan, K.; Klink, S.; Schraff, C.; Seifert, A.; Foerstner, J.; Reinhardt, T.; Lenz, C.-J.
The new very short range forecast model LMK for the convection-resolving scale

11:15 - 11:30
EGU2007-A-01303;  AS1.02-1MO2O-004
Williams, K. D.; Brooks, M. E.
Initial tendencies of cloud regimes in the Met Office Unified Model

11:30 - 11:45
EGU2007-A-05025;  AS1.02-1MO2O-005
Janjic, Z.; Black, T. L.
An ESMF unified model for a broad range of spatial and temporal scales

11:45 - 12:00
EGU2007-A-10170;  AS1.02-1MO2O-006
Ólafsson, H.; Ágústsson, H.; Rögnvaldsson, Ó.
Forecasting benefits of increased horizontal resolution in complex terrain


Chairperson: ÓLAFSSON, H.

Select complete timeblock
13:30 - 13:45
EGU2007-A-01849;  AS1.02-1MO3O-001
Masbou, M.; Bott, A.; Müller, M.D.; Cermak, J.
LM-PAFOG: Three-dimensional fog forecast model with parameterized microphysics

13:45 - 14:00
EGU2007-A-07205;  AS1.02-1MO3O-002
Bousquet, O.; Tabary, P.; Parent du Chatelet, J.
On the use of operationally synthesized multiple-Doppler wind fields for model verification

14:00 - 14:15
EGU2007-A-02031;  AS1.02-1MO3O-003
Palamarchuk, J.; Ivanov, S.
Diagnosis of parameterization schemes in the MM5 model

14:15 - 14:30
EGU2007-A-06338;  AS1.02-1MO3O-004
Kornblueh, L; Keller, J; Rhodin, R; Hense, A; Wergen, W
A combined ETKF/breeding assimilation system

14:30 - 14:45
EGU2007-A-11510;  AS1.02-1MO3O-005
Garcia-Moya, J. A.; Callado, A.; Santos, C.; Santos-Munoz, D.; Simarro, J.
Multimodel Ensemble for Short-Range Forecast

14:45 - 15:00
EGU2007-A-03150;  AS1.02-1MO3O-006
Liu, Y.; hacker, J.; xu, M.; warner, T. ; swerdlin, S.
An analysis of multiple approaches for mesoscale ensemble forecasting


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