EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Oral Programme - HS28 Catchment structure and connectivity (co-listed in GM, BG & SSS)

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Convener: Bogaart, P.
Co-Convener: Kirkby, M., Esteves, M., Michaelides, K., Tetzlaff, D., Zehe, E.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 31

Chairperson: BOGAART, P.W., TETZLAFF, D.

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13:30 - 13:45
EGU2007-A-02807;  HS28-1TH3O-001
Kirkby, M.J.; Bracken, L.J.
Saturated contributing areas and connectivity in semi-arid and humid environments

13:45 - 14:00
EGU2007-A-02655;  HS28-1TH3O-002
Chifflard, P.; Zepp, H.
Identification of hillslope hydrological process units - Experimental studies on hillslope runoff generation in a small catchment in Germany

14:00 - 14:15
EGU2007-A-09552;  HS28-1TH3O-003
Lin, H.; Zhou, X.
Subsurface Network Structure and Soil Hydrologic Response Groups at the Shale Hills Catchment, USA

14:15 - 14:30
EGU2007-A-08067;  HS28-1TH3O-004
Moussa, R.; Chahinian, N.
Modelling of the GIUH hydrologic response function using morphometric properties of channel network

14:30 - 14:45
EGU2007-A-00819;  HS28-1TH3O-005
Ghesquiere, J; Moussa, R
Identification of dynamic overbank flow-paths in farmed catchments and effect on surface transfer function

14:45 - 15:00
EGU2007-A-01831;  HS28-1TH3O-006
Croke, J; Purvis-Smith, D; Thompson, C; Amos, K
Connectivity and the affect of valley constrictions on sediment delivery in the Fitzroy River Basin, Australia.


Chairperson: ZEHE, E., KIRKBY, M., BOGAART, P.W.

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15:30 - 15:45
EGU2007-A-07391;  HS28-1TH4O-001
Lane, S.N.; Reaney, S.; Heathwaite, A.L.
Does topography control the spatial organization of landscape hydrological connectivity

15:45 - 16:00
EGU2007-A-07434;  HS28-1TH4O-002
Lane, S.N.; Burt, T.P.; Dixon, J.; Dugdale, L.J.; Heathwaite, A.L.; Maltby, A.; Reaney, S.
Demonstration of the mediation by surface hydrological connectivity of the influence of landscape factors on instream ecology

16:00 - 16:15
EGU2007-A-04906;  HS28-1TH4O-003
Tetzlaff, D.; Soulsby, C.; Bacon, P.J.; Youngson, A.F.; Gibbins, C.; Malcolm, I.A.
Hydrological connectivity between landscapes and riverscapes: influences on fish migration between different habitats

16:15 - 16:30
EGU2007-A-11413;  HS28-1TH4O-004
Bogaart, P. W.; Troch, P. A.
Catchment Architecture -- An Overview

16:30 - 16:45
EGU2007-A-10424;  HS28-1TH4O-005
Zehe, E. ; Bloeschl, G.
Preferential flow, connectivity and Fermats principle: a new perspective on environmental flow

16:45 - 17:00
EGU2007-A-08971;  HS28-1TH4O-006
Sivapalan, M; Schaefli, B; Harman, C
Behavioural modelling: a new theoretical framework for hydrological prediction


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